
Happy Unproblematic Weekend Flight Fun For Kids

Over the weekend I similar to simply relax as well as uncovering unproblematic activities to create alongside my solid unit of measurement that assistance us connect as well as convey a proficient fourth dimension together. This calendar week all activities related to flying inwards some way... balls soaring through the sky, airplanes flying over heads, or toys sailing downwards from above.

My electrical flow favorite solid unit of measurement weekend action is Pool Noodle Baseball.

If y'all convey e'er had puddle noodles lying some your solid as well as thus y'all convey belike played puddle noodle baseball. Some people play it alongside balloons. We prefer to play it alongside a inflatable beach volleyball. We play it indoors as well as outdoors as well as I am pretty certain I've joined inwards alongside my missy as well as begged my boy for a plough to hit... it is kinda of addictive.

We convey also enjoyed making newspaper airplanes as well as toy parachutes. 

Our friends at Kiwi Crate generously sent us a costless re-create of the novel Explore Magazine to depository fiscal establishment gibe out. Explore Magazine is a super cool costless periodical for Kiwi Crate subscribers as well as the ane nosotros got was all close flight!

The start affair nosotros did was brand a Plastic Bag Toy Parachute using a leftover grocery bag, a modest toy, as well as some yarn. The directions mentioned using a bandana, but nosotros couldn't uncovering one, thus nosotros idea it'd live perfect to piece of occupation the extra grocery bags nosotros convey lying around... as well as it was! 

Then nosotros made our toy wing from upstairs to downstairs over again as well as over again as well as again...

We also made some cool newspaper airplanes! Explore periodical had especial color-coded plane instructions as well as especial newspaper to rip out as well as use.

We spent one-half the morn relaxing making airplanes, parachutes, as well as playing puddle noodle baseball. 

I loved that the action suggestions inwards the periodical required real footling materials. When my kids are beingness crazy or I am inwards "relax" agency an action has to convey nether 3 materials which are slow to grab... or else it doesn't happen. 

Our copies of Explore Magazine convey establish their agency into my diaper purse as well as nosotros bear them some alongside us as well as honey getting them out at church building or on errands to expire on us occupied. What a smashing costless resources to larn along alongside your kiwi crate!

What other ways create y'all similar to relax alongside your kids on the weekend?

Do y'all convey whatever flying themed activities you've tried that y'all tin portion alongside us?

PS- If y'all desire to meet what other fun stuff we've been upwards to this weekend, follow me on Instagram- KristinaToddlerApproved

Disclosure: Thanks Kiwi Crate for the costless re-create of Explore Magazine that nosotros received every bit a gift. We were non asked to portion the magazine, but had such a proficient fourth dimension alongside it that nosotros wanted other people to know close it thus that they could depository fiscal establishment gibe it out too!

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