
Happy Toddler Approved On Instagram

Are yous on Instagram? I honey it! Come follow me to depository fiscal establishment gibe out our favorite unproblematic toddler together with preschool activities along amongst updates on our TA squad (ie. my kiddos together with my husband). 

I'm @kristinatoddlerapproved if yous desire to follow along. We purpose the hashtags #toddlerapproved together with #preschoolapproved quite frequently when nosotros portion ideas. When yous create cool toddler or preschooler friendly activities brand certain to tag them amongst the related hashtag (#toddlerapproved or #preschoolapproved) together with then nosotros tin follow along together with run into what yous are upward to.

You tin notice to a greater extent than or less of our favorite Instagram posts that link to our weblog or other cool sources HERE.

I'm nonetheless attempting to notice our novel normal at i time that babe #4 has arrived. You tin read to a greater extent than here to larn well-nigh how I am keeping sane amongst a newborn together with iii other kids. One of these days I'll choke dorsum to a regular posting schedule hither on the blog, only for at i time things are a chip scattered together with less consistent. I convey several fun activities coming upward this calendar week that I can't expression to share, together with then rest tuned!!  

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