
Happy Super Elementary Turkey Cookies For Kids

I honey to consume Thanksgiving treats, specially chocolate pie. Each yr nosotros bring a diversity of Thanksgiving traditions that include eating a lot of yummy nutrient too a few favorite treats. 

One action that nosotros drive too mash inwards every Thanksgiving is making turkey cookies. Often nosotros volition brand our unproblematic turkey cookies to lay side past times side to each plate equally a piddling house bill of fare or minor decor item. Turkey cookies are delicious, fun to make, too a unproblematic agency to aid kids create on Thanksgiving.


Here are the materials needed to brand 1 turkey cookie.

  • 1 shortbread or carbohydrate cookie
  • 1 striped cookie
  • plastic knife
  • 1 peanut butter cup
  • 1 marshmallows
  • 2 mini chocolate chips
  • 1 minor slice of clit n cutis twizzlers
  • 5-6 candy corns
  • 1-2 tablespoons of frosting


I bring made these turkeys amongst daughter scouts, preschoolers, middle schoolers, too fifty-fifty a few grown ups. Everyone enjoys them too has fun making them! These turkey cookies are a treat. There is nil salubrious almost them... exactly they certain are yummy!

To larn started, cutting off purpose of the striped cookie to brand 1 side flat. Next, exercise frosting to attach the striped cookie to the dorsum purpose of the shortbread cookie.

After that, add together a piddling chip of frosting to the forepart of the cookie too hence add together one-half of a peanut butter loving cup to create the turkey's body. Next, exercise to a greater extent than or less frosting to stick candy corn onto the striped cookie to create 5-6 feathers. 

After that, add together a marshmallow on overstep of the peanut butter loving cup to live the turkey's head. Lastly, add together on to a greater extent than or less mini chocolate chips equally eyes too a twizzler clit n cutis equally the reddish gobbler.                                                                                                                                                        

These cookies await similar they are develop to live gobbled upward correct away! 

Have you lot always made turkey cookies before? These ones are SO EASY !

Find to a greater extent than of our favorite Thankgiving crafts too activities for piddling ones HERE.

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