
Happy A Summertime Of Innovation, Collaboration, Exploration, As Well As Fun! {Camp Galileo}

This is a review of Galileo Camps.

Last calendar week piece my toddler together with I participated inwards our Virtual Book Club Summer Camp Bug Week, my v twelvemonth onetime boy headed to a local simple schoolhouse each 24-hour interval to attend Space Odyssey Week at Camp Galileo

Camp Galileo is a summertime army camp sense filled amongst art, science, together with outdoor fun for piffling innovators. You tin give notice read to a greater extent than here almost the Galileo Innovation Approach taught together with applied at camp.

As an simple schoolhouse instructor (before I had kids) I shout out back hearing conversations betwixt parents almost camps they were sending their kids to. One that constantly received rave reviews was Camp Galileo.  When nosotros were approached before this twelvemonth amongst an chance for my boy to attend a calendar week of army camp for gratis together with for me to portion our sense amongst you, I straight off said YES! I was excited to consider for myself what I had heard other parents speak about!

Today I desire to portion a few snapshots of our calendar week at Camp Galileo amongst you. I promise that you lot volition live inspired past times some of our experiences to notice a perfect summertime army camp chance for your child.


I acquire form of nervous for my kids when they induce got "firsts." H5N1 nighttime or ii before army camp I started panicking together with worrying that I had forgotten something I was supposed to do. Fortunately, I only opened my electronic mail inbox together with discovered I had an electronic mail or ii amongst reminders almost camp, things to bring, typical schedules, etc. together with anything that wasn't inwards the electronic mail was easily works life on the Camp Galileo website. I fifty-fifty emailed the camp director almost a silly delineate organisation together with heard dorsum from her less than an hr later. Phew! Crisis averted.

With all the stressful ahead of fourth dimension details taken tending of, nosotros eagerly anticipated the get 24-hour interval of camp.

On the morning time of army camp my alert somehow didn't acquire off... together with no ane woke me up... so I woke upwards thirty minutes before army camp started together with I works life myself running around the delineate solid similar a crazy soul trying to acquire all 3 kids dressed together with fed together with out the door inwards 10 minutes.  

I was a fleck on border when nosotros arrived inwards the parking lot to banking concern check in... but when I saw the enthusiasm of the staff together with the organized check-in laid up, I totally chilled out.

Check-in Highlights included...

  • loads of happy & friendly staff members who rapidly checked us inwards (always a plus when I induce got ii additional younger kiddos amongst me)
  • signs everywhere telling us where to go/what to do
  • colorful themed posters together with decorations that totally got my boy excited (he loves space!)
  • the boom off expanse where the staff had the kids plough themselves into rockets together with boom off into the "fun zone" of army camp (through a cool infinite decorated hallway away from their parents)

My v twelvemonth onetime has never been to existent army camp before... together with I was form of worried how the separation would acquire when it was fourth dimension to tell good-bye. There were no concerns in ane lawsuit they told him he got to brand his trunk into a rocket to boom off into camp. I barely got a moving ridge good-bye. Success! :)

Little details

After I got dorsum to the auto after driblet off, I noticed I had ii pieces of newspaper inwards my mitt from banking concern check in. One was a calendar overview that highlighted of import information & of import events of the calendar week (theme days, alternative upwards information for the concluding day, check-in/out details, etc.) together with the other explained what the pre-k together with kindergarten campers would live doing during the week. The organized business office of me did a piffling dizzy dance. I LOVED all of these piffling details!

Camp Galileo has the kids broken downwards into groups past times their ages. Each grouping has a name-  Nebulas (PreK-K), Stars (1-2), Supernovas (3-5)... together with each grouping has specific curriculum designed to evolve equally they grow.

Camp focuses on art, science, together with outdoor experiences... which I love... so you lot tin give notice imagine when I read the listing of activities my boy would live doing during the calendar week I was SO EXCITED for him! I was also form of wishing I could acquire to army camp with him.

Here are only a few adventures that were mentioned for the pre-k together with k campers...
  • use a mix of mediums to create a glow-in-the-dark lunar landscape
  • use newspaper folding techniques to brand extra-terrestrials
  • build space-ready jet packs
  • explore the elements of infinite suits together with brand collision-proof helmets
  • learn almost aerodynamic shapes together with thrust together with create prophylactic band rockets 
  • participate inwards Mission Control, a squad edifice game
  • create a sidewalk chalk galaxy

Don't you lot desire to acquire to this army camp too?

After what felt similar a long 24-hour interval away from my boy (camp went from 9am-3pm), nosotros headed over for alternative up.

Pick Up Highlights included...


  • the path to "Nebbieland" (classroom for the Pre-K/K Nebulas) was clearly marked amongst colorful signs... together with at that spot were also reminder signs all over almost remembering to convey my ID for banking concern check out
  • enthusiastic together with friendly staff members were scattered throughout the schoolhouse helping parents notice the correct classrooms
  • the helpful army camp managing director chatted amongst me together with walked us to my son's classroom inwards Nebbieland
  • my son's squad leader greeted us outside, checked my ID, had me sign out my son... together with and so proceeded to tell me 3 detailed together with awesome things my boy had done during the 24-hour interval that were innovative, collaborative, together with courageous
  • the squad leader also gave us a detailed army camp newsletter amongst announcements together with information almost what the kids did that 24-hour interval along amongst suggested questions nosotros could inquire our campers to assist jog their memories when talking almost the 24-hour interval (instead of only asking, "What did you lot produce today?")
  • my boy came exterior amongst a big smiling on his face!!


Since it is so difficult to narrow downwards what else to portion amongst you, hither are a few pictures from army camp along amongst a listing of some of our favorite things almost Camp Galileo...

  • Staff members were flexible together with creative... which is super of import amongst pre-k together with k kids who are hot, tired, or non used to a long 24-hour interval amongst friends 
  • Themed days were something fun to await forwards to (our favorite was crazy hat/hair day- photographed below) 
  • Daily face/arm icon meant my boy came habitation SO EXCITED amongst a novel infinite themed flick on his arm (Darth Vader, Star Wars, the Death Star, a rocket... you lot could tell the staff members actually got to know him well!)
  • Small grouping sizes meant that kids got lots of attending (approx 1:6 ratio)
  • Hands-on army camp managing director who knew the kid's names, gave extra special attending to the "nebbies" (kinders), together with was passionate almost making the army camp sense incredible for all the kids  
  • Kids that got wound or were deplorable got to hang out amongst Chicken Bob's cousin (rubber chicken that made crazy noises)... which cheered kids upwards immediately!
  • Staff members & kids ended the calendar week at army camp amongst a army camp rally together with a goofy present featuring the mascot Galileo together with a rocket blasting off! (my toddler was thoroughly entertained too!)
  • Campers took parents on a tour of the fine art together with scientific discipline spaces on the concluding 24-hour interval together with showed us what they created piece nosotros talked amongst their squad leaders
  • My boy learned to collaborate amongst his peers together with made some novel friends together with introduced them to me equally nosotros left camp! 

On the concluding 24-hour interval of army camp each kid was sent habitation amongst a certificate, a grouping photo, a Chicken Bob lanyard, together with a banknote from their squad leader. My boy loves showing this certificate off along amongst all of the other things he created at camp- specially his jet pack!

As nosotros ended the calendar week at army camp yesterday, I decided that nosotros volition definitely demand to notice a means to agree Camp Galileo into our schedule side past times side year!

H5N1 few things we'd dearest to consider side past times side twelvemonth at our Camp Galileo...

  • a army camp place amongst to a greater extent than grass together with less blacktop (some locations are really green, ours was non this year)
  • emailed daily army camp newsletters... only inwards illustration papers acquire lost
  • a squad leader run into together with greet or newsletter spotlight so that nosotros tin give notice larn to a greater extent than almost the leaders working amongst our kids all 24-hour interval (they were fabulous!)

As you lot tin give notice belike tell, nosotros loved Camp Galileo together with don't actually induce got anything nosotros didn't bask almost it. This was my son's get sense going to army camp full-day together with if I were to produce it over in ane lawsuit to a greater extent than the alone matter I powerfulness alter would live to induce got him acquire to the part-day Nebula program (9am-1pm) for the get few days to acquire him used to camp.  

My boy is at nowadays thoroughly exhausted from such an amazing calendar week filled amongst innovation, collaboration, exploration together with fun! 

 (Resting... after a fun filled concluding 24-hour interval at camp!)

We are so grateful to the wonderful staff members at our particular Camp Galileo place for making army camp such a neat learning sense piece also beingness so much fun. What a neat means to boot off our summertime together with acquire my boy prepared for kindergarten side past times side year!

Are you lot sending your kid to army camp this year? What are things you lot dearest almost the army camp you lot selected for your child?

If you lot alive inwards the San Francisco Bay area, I highly recommend you lot banking concern check out a Camp Galileo location close you lot together with sign up! There are nonetheless several sessions of army camp left inwards the summertime together with at that spot are several cool novel themes to banking concern check out that your kids volition love!

Disclosure: This is a sponsored review post featuring Galileo CampsGalileo Camps gave me a a gratis calendar week of army camp for my kid inwards telephone substitution for writing this review spider web log post. All posts reflect my personal catch together with endorsement together with are non swayed past times compensation and/or gratis products. Please banknote that this post reflects my opinion and preferences together with you lot powerfulness non portion that same opinion.

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