
Happy Squad Promise Walk - San Francisco

Our solid unit of measurement lives inward the San Francisco Bay Area. We dearest to explore the Bay amongst our kids as well as larn involved inward community events. If you lot alive inward the Bay area, you'll desire to bookmark our Kid Approved Fun- Bay Area page. We'll occasionally portion reviews as well as information nigh particular events on the weblog too.

This autumn I am teaming upwards amongst my sis Jessie to participate inward the San Francisco Team Hope Walk to enhance coin to furnish assistance as well as promise to those affected past times Huntington’s disease. 

Click hither to donate to our SF Team Hope Walk

Huntington's illness (HD) is a illness that is passed downward through families. It is a degenerative encephalon disorder that results inward a loss of cognitive, behavioral as well as physical control. There is currently no cure. hard disk drive slow diminishes the affected individual's mightiness to walk, think, verbalize as well as reason. More than 30,000 people inward the U.S.A. are currently diagnosed amongst HD. If a parent has it as well as then each of their children has a 50 pct lead a opportunity of inheriting the gene.

We are walking inward abide by of our friend Eva who lost her life to Huntington's Disease eleven years ago. Eva was my mom's best friend as well as I experience thus blessed to stimulate got known her!   

If you lot alive inward the Bay surface area as well as desire to move utilization of our team, we'd dearest to stimulate got you lot bring together us! The walk is correct past times Chrissy Field inward San Francisco. Our whole solid unit of measurement volition move participating! Just shoot me an e-mail at toddlerapproved (at) gmail (dot) com to bring together in.

You tin read all of the walk details on the flier below...

To register online every bit an private or squad become to the SF Team Hope First Giving Page

If you lot desire to donate to our team, nosotros would dearest it! Just click on the link below. 

If each Toddler Approved reader donated a few dollars (there are over 17,000 of you), nosotros could produce amazing things to assistance the families affected past times Huntington's Disease. My destination for my squad is to merely enhance $1,000. I am hoping nosotros tin produce to a greater extent than than that. 

Click hither to donate to Kristina as well as Jessie's Team Hope Walk

If you lot don't alive inward the Bay area, you lot tin nonetheless larn involved. There are Team Hope Walks for hard disk drive inward almost every city. Go here to await for a walk nigh you as well as larn involved. 

Have you lot heard of Huntington's Disease? Do you lot know anyone affected past times Huntington's Disease? 

Do you lot stimulate got a campaign that you lot believe in/that you lot are passionate about? Are you lot joining whatsoever walks or races this autumn to back upwards them? I would dearest for you lot to stimulate got a 2nd to portion nigh it inward the comments of this post or on our Toddler Approved FB wall

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