
Happy A Real Toddler Christmas {22 Days Of Activities}

I don't know nigh you, but I beloved Christmastime as well as tend to displace as well as agree equally good much inwards during the 24 days earlier the large day. I accept genuinely grand intentions as well as rarely forget to create the "big" traditions similar getting our Christmas tree or hosting my Annual Cookie Swap... but sometimes my littlest kids acquire lost inwards the shuffle.

In ane shape I took inwards college the instructor talked nigh making deposits inwards our human relationship banking enterprise accounts alongside our kids. He mentioned that each positive interaction contributed to making the human relationship stronger... but doing null genuinely depleted the relationship. I definitely postulate to brand to a greater extent than positive deposits as well as strengthen my human relationship alongside my 3-year-old!

This vacation flavor I am setting a destination to create something uncomplicated alongside my toddler each hateful solar daytime during Dec that is fun, builds our relationship, as well as gets us inwards a festive mood!

We'll create crafts & learning activities, read books, as well as fifty-fifty create a few cooking projects. Every activity volition endure simple, accept slowly to acquire materials, as well as volition endure geared towards kids ages 2-4. 

Do you lot desire to bring together in?

You tin sign upward for my daily A Very Toddler Christmas Newsletter below as well as acquire a daily e-mail from me each morning time (approx 6am EST) alongside ane activity to create that day. 

You tin create the activities along alongside me each hateful solar daytime or salvage the emails as well as create the activities whenever you lot desire throughout the month. Some activities volition endure classic ones that nosotros create every twelvemonth as well as simply about volition endure novel activities we've discovered as well as desire to try. All activities volition endure simple, historic catamenia appropriate, as well as fun!

The get-go e-mail volition acquire inwards in inboxes on Monday, Dec 2nd, thence sign upward today! The concluding e-mail volition endure sent on Dec 23rd.

We volition also endure Making the Holidays Cozy post for to a greater extent than details.

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