
Happy A Rattling Toddler Summer

Summer is 1 of my favorite times to relax in addition to only bring fun amongst my kids when nosotros don't bring crazy schedules in addition to schoolhouse getting inward the way.

This summertime I am excited to move partnering amongst my friend Jenae at I Can Teach My Child to part a 2 calendar week weblog serial called Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Very Toddler Summer!

Our Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Very Toddler Summer serial volition characteristic 10 days of awesome in addition to unproblematic activities for toddlers. Some volition move onetime favorites in addition to about volition move "new to us" activities that nosotros haven't done amongst our toddlers before. All activities volition move fun!

My toddler is 2.5 years onetime in addition to Jenae's toddler is a petty over 1 years old. I volition move posting activities on Mondays in addition to Wednesdays peculiarly for 2-3 yr olds in addition to Jenae volition move posting activities on Tuesdays in addition to Thursdays peculiarly for 1-2 yr olds. Many of them tin function amongst both ages, but we'll part additional modifications equally needed.

We would beloved for yous to bring together inward in addition to create about of the activities along amongst us! You tin allow us know inward the comments if yous conception to participate.

We'll move sharing activities on both of our blogs (Toddler Approved- HERE in addition to I Can Teach My Child) in addition to yous tin too follow along over on Instagram. I'm @kristinatoddlerapproved in addition to Jenae is @jenaeteach

Our "A Very Toddler Summer: serial runs from June 1st-June 12th. Come follow along in addition to bring together inward if yous would like! Just click "subscribe via email" inward the sidebar or only follow along amongst our posts past times pinning this page or following us on Facebook.

You tin discovery all of the posts from our "A Very Toddler Summer" serial below! I volition updated this post each twenty-four hr menses equally nosotros add together to a greater extent than activities, then pivot it or bookmark it in addition to come upwardly back!

{Day 1} Monday: Spray Art for Toddlers

{Day 2} Tuesday: Treasure Chest for Toddlers

{Day 3} Wednesday: Color Hunt in addition to Sort for Toddlers

{Day 4} Thursday: Rolling Pin Art for Toddlers

{Day 5} Friday

20+ Water Activities for Toddlers

15+ Outdoor Art Activities for Toddlers 

{Day 6} Monday: Ice Boat Racing for Toddlers 

{Day 7} Tuesday: Round Up the Balls Game for Toddlers

{Day 8} Wednesday: Indoor Beach Play for Toddlers

{Day 9} Thursday: Toddler Fishing

{Day 10} Friday: 18+ Sensory Tubs for Toddlers

Have yous tried whatever of these activities yet?? Tell me well-nigh them inward the comments! Have whatever other favorite summertime toddler activities? I'd beloved to listen well-nigh them!

PS- If yous similar these ideas, come upwardly banking enterprise represent out my e-books. All of my e-books for toddlers in addition to preschoolers are HALF-OFF this week!! Go HERE for to a greater extent than details.

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