
Happy Practise A Mommy Together With Me Majority Guild {Ikea Soft Toys For Education}

Education transforms lives. Teaching children from a immature historic stream to dear learning together with value teaching tin gear upward them upward for lifelong success.

In our home, learning happens every 24-hour interval equally nosotros practise crafts together with activities, read books together, play games, play amongst toys, together with fifty-fifty when nosotros are on the become running errands or doing chores.

As my kids grow I similar to discovery ways to acquire them interacting socially piece besides engaging amongst books together with using their creativity. One of the best ways we've gotten our kids to dear learning together with value teaching is through reading books together with participating inward a Mommy together with Me Book Club with friends (and their moms).

Today I'm going to portion some tips amongst you lot hence you lot tin gear upward your ain Mommy & Me Book club! I am besides going to say you lot nigh how you lot tin assist back upward teaching for children worldwide inward i unproblematic way.

Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 few years agone nosotros were introduced to the website Mommy together with Me Book Club together with it inspired us to commencement our ain branch of bulk monastic say where nosotros live. We used Mommy together with Me Book Club's suggestions for getting started together with and then adapted the bulk monastic say to jibe our personalities together with needs.

Here are some tips for how nosotros gear upward our mommy & me bulk monastic say to run for us...

1. We run into i time a calendar month together with direct a topic for each month. 

Usually our topic is based on holidays or seasons. Our monastic say is for nigh an hr together with 15 minutes to an hr together with a half. We embed unstructured playtime together with choice fourth dimension into the day.

2. We direct a children's bulk to spotlight based on the topic of the month. 

Often we'll select a bulk from our simple shout out hunt related to a snowman theme)
  • Welcome song
  • Story fourth dimension (sometimes during snack/sometimes not)
  • Snack fourth dimension (we ordinarily brand a snack related to the book, here's a favorite snowman snack)
  • Movement action (this snowman toss together with race game was a blast)
  • Craft action (button snowmen are hence fun to make!)
  • Music time/Goodbye song

  • 7. We direct maintain a designated spot inward our household where nosotros direct maintain our bulk monastic say circle fourth dimension each time. 

    Kids sit down on inexpensive stuff placemats or carpeting squares inward a semi-circle close their moms when nosotros sing together with read books. We besides ever practise snack together with our displace activities inward the same spots. Having consistent locations for activities helps kids experience comfortable together with know what to expect. 

    8. We ever direct maintain playtime at the halt hence that kids tin play amongst toys piece moms acquire to grab upward together with chat.

    We encourage moms to chat together with grab upward during playtime AFTER bulk monastic say hence that they don't interrupt kids when they are listening to stories or trying to follow directions. During bulk monastic say fourth dimension nosotros enquire moms to focus on helping their kids engage inward the activities, direct maintain fun, together with endeavour together with remain amongst the grouping (when possible).

    9. When possible nosotros endeavour together with continue the historic stream attain together with grouping size small.

    With toddlers together with immature preschoolers I similar to direct maintain no to a greater extent than than 5-7 kids together with I prefer to continue it hence that the kids are all inside a twelvemonth or hence of each other historic stream wise. Structuring a shape for a iv twelvemonth one-time together with an eighteen calendar month one-time is harder than creating activities for either a younger grouping or an older group. If the bulk of the grouping is younger together with nosotros direct maintain a preschooler or 2 I endeavour together with acquire them involved amongst beingness instructor helpers.  

    Not all kids direct maintain the chance to participate inward activities similar these or direct maintain access to character teaching equally they grow, which is why I intend it is awesome that the IKEA foundation is funding projects that include helping to improve children's education.

    You tin hand the gift of teaching to kids around the globe yesteryear purchasing a soft toy at IKEA this season. Scroll downwards for to a greater extent than details.

    Because I know that teaching has a straight touching on on children's well-being, from amend wellness to increased opportunities, I dear looking for ways to back upward teaching inward our abode through our bulk monastic say together with and inward our community through awesome companies similar IKEA.

    For every soft toy together with children's bulk sold betwixt Nov 9, 2014 together with Jan 3, 2015, the IKEA Foundation volition donate $1.00 to children's teaching through UNICEF together with Save the Children.

    IKEA believes every kid has the correct to a character education. The IKEA Foundation plant together amongst UNICEF together with Save the Children to hand children a amend commencement inward life. This displace is a keen chance to engage IKEA co-workers together with customers inward supporting children’s teaching inward some of the world’s most marginalized communities.

    The donations volition assist UNICEF together with Save the Children develop teachers inward child-friendly teaching methods, improve kid protection systems, furnish educational materials inward the schools, assist rebuild schools, provide amend H2O together with lavatory facilities, together with increment schoolhouse attendance rates.

    In the yesteryear 12 years, to a greater extent than than xi meg children direct maintain been impacted through 99 projects inward 46 countries together with to a greater extent than than $90.4 meg has been donated! Amazing!

    I am ordinarily quick to discovery fun ways to back upward my ain kids together with their teaching together with oft forget to intend nigh the millions of children around the globe that aren't equally fortunate. 

    I am excited to partner amongst IKEA this vacation season! I invite you lot equally you lot are planning for the novel twelvemonth together with your ain child's activities (whether it live creating your ain bulk monastic say or signing upward for a novel mommy & me trip the calorie-free fantastic class), to accept a 2d to acquire to a greater extent than nigh what the IKEA foundation is doing for teaching together with assist if you lot are able. 

    You tin discovery to a greater extent than ideas equally you lot are planning for your ain bulk monastic say hither on our Children's Book Related Crafts & Activities Pinterest Board. Mommy & Me Book Club besides has an awesome collection of lesson plans already seat together on their website here.

    Have you lot ever participated inward a mommy together with me bulk club?

    How practise you lot instruct your kids to value teaching together with dear learning?

    Have you lot purchased an IKEA soft toy or children's book?

    Feel complimentary to move out whatsoever additional ideas or thoughts inward the comments. I'd dear to hear from you!

    I was selected for this chance equally a fellow member of Clever Girls together with the content together with opinions expressed hither are all my own.

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