
Happy Pasty Wall Matching Game For Preschoolers

Matching games are uncomplicated in addition to fun for preschoolers in addition to toddlers. One of our favorite ways to practise matching is past times using footling items from around the trouble solid to brand matching objects puzzles.

Visual discrimination is an of import science for kids equally they are learning to read. In social club to distinguish betwixt each alphabet letter, kids demand to hold out able to notice modest differences inward the letters. Matching games are dandy to aid kids operate on visual discrimination.

In this gummy wall game nosotros used some of our favorite stickers to aid us operate on matching!

Materials needed: stickers (in pairs), modest pieces of newspaper (I used my circle punch to cutting out most twenty circles out of cardstock), painters tape, contact paper

Prep Ahead

Ahead of fourth dimension my miss in addition to I used my circle punch to cutting out most twenty circles from cardstock. If you lot desire the circles to concluding longer, laminate the newspaper start earlier you lot cutting out the circles.

Then I had her add together stickers to each circle to do 10 sets of matching cards.

Once all of the circles had stickers on them nosotros were laid upward to play!

To Play:

I created a gummy wall past times sticking contact newspaper to the wall (sticky side out) in addition to thence taping it inward house amongst painters tape. 

Then I mixed upward the circles in addition to pose them on the flooring inward front end of the gummy wall.

Next I only encouraged my miss to detect her favorite matches in addition to stick them to the wall!

This activeness prompted a lot of communication equally nosotros talked most each sticker in addition to the dissimilar details nosotros saw. We tried to role a multifariousness of pictures amongst dissimilar colors in addition to shapes thence that at that topographic point was a proficient make of things to chat about!

The overnice affair most this activeness is that it tin hold out left out in addition to added to in ane lawsuit to a greater extent than in addition to again... you lot don't bring to do all of the matching at ane time.

You tin likewise easily push clit all of the circles off in addition to start again. They are real tardily to movement around unless you lot move out them stuck on the contact newspaper for a long time... in addition to thence pieces of the newspaper start to cutis off in addition to stick to the contact paper.

My miss was super proud of herself when she was done matching all of the pictures.

For Younger Kids:

For littler kids don't worry most matching the pictures, only bring fun sticking the circles on the gummy wall in addition to moving them around in addition to talking most the pictures.

My xviii calendar month former boy loved moving the circles around in addition to talking most each one. As nosotros moved the circles on in addition to off the gummy wall I would say him the advert of a someone or object in addition to he would endeavor in addition to repeat me. He added several novel vocabulary words to his repertoire equally tore downwards in addition to re-stuck the pictures. His favorite was BOAT in addition to ABBY (of Abby Cadabby from Sesame Street). 

Love gummy walls? Here are a few of our other favorite gummy wall activities...

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