
Happy My Perfect Summertime Schedule

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Obviously no schedule is ever actually perfect alongside kids... because that would live boring... but I am pretty much IN HEAVEN that it is summertime opor-garai in addition to I am truly really excited close how nosotros conception to pass our summertime days over the adjacent calendar month or two. When I utter close "perfect" inwards this postal service I simply hateful it using this definition, "having all the required or desirable elements, qualities, or characteristics; equally practiced equally it is possible to be." I don't hateful picturesque or complimentary from mistake or defects.

Today I'm sharing what I intend makes for a perfect summertime schedule for me. I'd dear to listen your perfect summertime schedule too... since I'm certain it volition live unlike than mine! 

We kicked off summertime final Th alongside a household unit of measurement pizza in addition to popsicle party, bouncing on our bouncy house, in addition to some uncomplicated H2O play.

My destination for this summertime is to "connect in addition to create"! We similar to connect through household unit of measurement excursions in addition to active adventures along alongside creating together!

We are keeping our summertime truly depression cardinal in addition to uncomplicated this year. During previous years I direct hold overscheduled us alongside camps in addition to swimming lessons in addition to gymnastics thus much that I didn't experience similar summertime was a interruption for anyone in addition to nosotros didn't become dorsum to schoolhouse recharged! This twelvemonth I am changing that a bit.

Here's our basic daily schedule that I am trying to stick to...

Wake Up


Play/watch a demo on Netflix

All 3 of my kiddos ages 7,4,2 are IN LOVE alongside My Little Ponies correct now... thus it is adorable watching them lookout adult man it together in addition to sing along... I pick out grip of upwards on operate a lilliputian flake spell they lookout adult man a quick show.

Workout & Park Trip

We similar to leave of absence in addition to acquire active before inwards the morning time before it gets hot! If I don't run before the kids wake upwards in addition to thus nosotros all become on a wheel ride/jog together or a hike. My oldest (7) rides his wheel along inwards front end of me spell I force my younger kiddos (ages 4 & 2) inwards the jogging stroller. It is tough workout for me pushing them! We jog/ride close 2 miles to a park, play for 20 minutes, in addition to thus jog home. I experience amazing because I got a workout inwards in addition to the kids acquire some loose energy out in addition to direct hold fun seeing friends (or making novel friends) at the park.

Water Time

We either striking upwards our neighborhood puddle later our workout or do uncomplicated H2O play inwards the backyard. My kids peculiarly dear to simply spray each other in addition to all of our plants alongside spray bottles. They also dear doing some fishing for balls inwards our H2O tub. My kids are peculiarly excited when my hubby tin bring together us at the puddle on the weekends since he likes to play a flake to a greater extent than crazy than I do (see photograph above)!

Lunch & Naptime

Around i or i 30 nosotros come upwards habitation in addition to all the kids direct hold some downtime. My older ii kids become to quiet time inwards their rooms spell my ii twelvemonth one-time naps. Somedays the ii twelvemonth one-time simply plays in addition to reads books inwards his crib instead of sleeping, but most days he naps since he is thus exhausted later all of our morning time activity!

Create & Connect time

In the tardily afternoons nosotros do i or ii uncomplicated Virtual Book Club Summer Camp activities depending on the subject of the calendar week in addition to nosotros also play a lot of games. Sometimes nosotros volition wander the neighborhood in addition to become on a spider hunt or we'll simply become on some form of jeopardy or to a novel park.

Lately all 3 of my kids having truly been loving playing games. Even my ii twelvemonth one-time volition bring together inwards in addition to either live on someone's squad or effort playing all past times himself.

Favorite games correct straight off are...

  • UNO (my ii twelvemonth one-time is on my squad in addition to finds the correct colors in addition to and thus puts them on the deck for our turn)
  • Princess Candyland (my ii twelvemonth one-time volition motion his princess alongside a lilliputian help, he unremarkably lasts one-half a game)
  • Doc McStuffins Memory Game (my older ii play this in addition to the 2 twelvemonth one-time helps... in addition to sometimes simply messes things up! :))
  • Backgammon (my older ii kids dear this, the 2 twelvemonth one-time likes to direct hold turns moving pieces, the big kids don't dear that he gets involved though!)

During our creative fourth dimension nosotros also do uncomplicated things similar making cardboard box houses. The kids direct hold been decorating these alongside stickers in addition to other things for almost a calendar week now!

Since this calendar week our Virtual Book Club for Kids Summer Camp has a Construction Zone subject nosotros direct hold also been doing some uncomplicated structure themed activities alongside our CAT trucks nosotros bought a few weeks agone in addition to reading some uncomplicated structure books. Goodnight Goodnight Construction Site past times Sherry Duskey Rinker is our favorite thus far.

While I brand dinner our kids volition play inwards our backyard on our bounce delineate solid or play soccer or lookout adult man some other few minutes of a demo on Netflix. We direct hold to a greater extent than lax rules close shows during the summer!


Since dinner fourth dimension doesn't appear equally rushed equally it does inwards the schoolhouse twelvemonth nosotros direct hold been working on our manners in addition to conversational skills in addition to having it final longer. We play a query game in addition to nosotros also do putting napkins on our laps in addition to learning where the silverware goes. My ii twelvemonth one-time has been loving helping me laid the tabular array for dinner lately also in addition to and thus all kids acquire to clear their plates in i trial nosotros are done. 

Clean Up & Free Play

We direct hold been trying to laid upwards clean rooms every nighttime during the summertime thus that each novel twenty-four hours nosotros outset fresh alongside a laid upwards clean house. We plough on some music in addition to direct hold fun (most of the time). I acquire laundry set away spell the kids operate on their rooms. Sometimes they play for awhile instead of cleaning... but eventually things all acquire cleaned up! My ii twelvemonth one-time loves to jump inwards my laundry piles in addition to assistance me sort!

Storytime & Bedtime 

I experience similar our summertime days direct hold simply been flight past times equally we've implemented this uncomplicated relaxing schedule. I was worried that nosotros wouldn't direct hold plenty to do, but we've flora plenty! We also invite friends over for playdates or run across upwards alongside friends to become on excursions. I dear summer! 

Special excursions & extracurriculars!

I didn't sign my kids upwards for whatever camps this summertime (yet) but nosotros direct hold planned ONE special excursion for each calendar week instead of spending coin on camp. We'll caput to a local entertainment park/water park, become on a develop ride, beach day, direct hold a trip into San Francisco, etc. Our weekly excursion volition live a total twenty-four hours trip! We dear exploring "new to us" places roughly the SF Bay expanse or simply revisiting one-time favorites. Our listing of places for us to become keeps growing thus I am excited to consider what nosotros cease upwards deciding to do each week!

My oldest ii kids are also going to do swimming lessons at some indicate in addition to my 7-year-old is starting pianoforte lessons! He is thus excited. All activities are inwards closed proximity to our delineate solid though thus that nosotros tin walk in addition to non pass tons of fourth dimension driving inwards the car. Hooray!

Alright, thus straight off that I direct hold shared my perfect summertime schedule alongside you, I'd dear to listen close yours!!

What is your favorite means to pass the summer? Do you lot similar things busy or depression key? Do you lot direct hold tons of vacations planned or are you lot sticking closed to home?

We definitely direct hold several out of town trips planned for this summer, but for the adjacent several weeks nosotros are habitation in addition to relishing this uncomplicated tardily schedule!

Need some fun summertime ideas? Check out our "A Very Toddler Summer series" in addition to our Virtual Book Club Summer Camp.

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