
Happy My Perfect Schedule For 2-Year-Olds

We receive got been talking nearly toddler schedules over inwards our Toddler Approved Positive Parenting Zone. Today I'm going to portion my "perfect" schedule for 2-year-olds alongside you. I'd dear to listen yours too!

As an simple schoolhouse instructor I thrived on having a detailed daily schedule to construction our day. When I became a kickoff fourth dimension mom the schedule went out the window for awhile every bit I tried to figure out how to residue life as well as where to lay things. My kickoff kid was a terrible sleeper, hence frequently our mornings betwixt 8-11am were where he got his best sleep... which meant that I never left the household til after inwards the day... if at all.

When my minute as well as 3rd kids came along for the most business office our schedule had to remain consistent. Kids had schoolhouse or scheduled events as well as a novel babe got to only come upwardly along for the ride.

As my kids entered toddlerhood nosotros typically started getting to a greater extent than slumber at nighttime (although sometimes nosotros didn't) which meant nosotros woke upwardly before as well as got a to a greater extent than organized start to our day. I finally began to start having a to a greater extent than consistent schedule 1 time to a greater extent than as well as I loved it!

I've discovered that I am a much happier somebody when nosotros receive got some form of routine to our twenty-four hours as well as hence are my kids!

The schedule I am sharing today would hold upwardly my ideal schedule to proceed most days... though it is unremarkably interrupted alongside emergency trips to the physician or finally infinitesimal errands or schoolhouse pick ups or whatnot.

This is NOT what truly happens inwards our twenty-four hours every day. I WISH it could though. 

When nosotros receive got regular days without anything crazy going on as well as hence this is the schedule I aim for! Below is my schedule. I'll explicate inwards to a greater extent than item what each activeness is underneath the schedule. We don't create every activeness on every line. The "::" sign indicates the options I pick betwixt during that fourth dimension frame. My preschooler goes to preschool some mornings as well as joins us for activities some mornings too. I also receive got a kickoff grader who is at schoolhouse all twenty-four hours as well as joins for activities inwards the tardily afternoon.

My Perfect 2-Year-Old Schedule

7am- Wake up

Though, inwards my perfect globe the kids would slumber inwards until 8! :) I am grateful that they at to the lowest degree slumber til 7am (typically).


Eat breakfast :: acquire dressed :: brand lunches :: pack bags

Sensory play :: creative fine art fourth dimension :: gratuitous play fourth dimension (I build clean upwardly breakfast/put laundry in)

My kickoff grader goes to schoolhouse tardily morning time hence nosotros are lucky to receive got extra fourth dimension inwards the morning time together. After nosotros drib him off nosotros unremarkably acquire on an adventure. Somedays I am inwards the automobile doing drib offs from 8am-9:30am as well as none of these activities happen!


Park trip :: nature walk/workout :: toddler playgroup/book social club :: learning activities :: run errands

I host a toddler mass social club 1 time a calendar month inwards my dwelling household as well as a weekly green twenty-four hours for moms at local parks. I also host a preschool co-op some weeks. As you lot tin see, our days vary a lot betwixt 10am-12pm. We don't create all of these activities, only 1 or two. Sometimes we'll run a quick errand as well as also acquire to the park. On toddler mass social club or playgroup days nosotros only create that betwixt 10-12 as well as errands facial expression till the kids are inwards bed as well as my hubby is home. H5N1 nature walk could hold upwardly or hence our neighborhood or nosotros powerfulness acquire hiking inwards the opened upwardly infinite nigh our home. Often I volition force my 2 younger kids (ages 4 & 2) inwards the double jogger as well as we'll run to the park, play, as well as come upwardly dwelling household hence that I tin acquire a workout in.

12:00pm- Lunch & stories

I dear reading books to the kids piece they swallow lunch! This calendar week nosotros are loving books past times Eric Carle.

1:00pm- Naptime or quiet time (I locomote during this fourth dimension or grab upwardly on emails)

My toddler typically naps for 2 hours every twenty-four hours piece my preschooler plays to a greater extent than frequently than non quietly inwards her room (with occasional interruptions). Sometimes nosotros skip naptime as well as acquire on an jeopardy instead!

3:00pm- Playtime outside


Snack as well as to a greater extent than outdoor play :: gratuitous indoor play or creative fine art fourth dimension (if raining)

5:00pm- Independent play fourth dimension (I locomote on dinner/putting laundry away or other stuff or hence the house)

The kids sometimes play games or create some of our favorite simple toddler play activities.

5:30pm- Dinner (might hold upwardly after depending on what I am making)


Playtime/games together :: stories :: bathroom :: creative fine art fourth dimension :: build clean rooms

My kids don't acquire a bathroom every twenty-four hours as well as sometimes nosotros combat this entire schedule as well as only sentry a icon present after dinner. We create endeavour as well as create something creative as well as something together every night, inwards improver to cleaning.

7:00pm- Get prepare for bed & stories

7:15pm- Bedtime (for my toddler, big kids acquire to bed at 8pm)

Now that I receive got shared my "perfect" schedule alongside you lot I'm going to explicate what form of activities I fit into the dissimilar sections.

Sensory play

Sensory play tin hateful a whole lot of things. At my household I prefer to proceed it truly simple. The sensory play activities unremarkably involve touch. Here are our primary sensory play activities addition I linked a few favorites below...

I also receive got an entire pinterest board alongside cool sensory play ideas for kids that I describe from sometimes.

Creative Art Time

During this fourth dimension nosotros typically create opened upwardly ended fine art activities. These are to a greater extent than similar invitations to play as well as create. I peculiarly dear using stickers as well as point markers during this fourth dimension because they are slow materials to describe out. Here are some favorite simple creative fine art activities...

Learning Activities

With toddlers I volition create simple learning activities that explore colors, shapes, numbers, as well as alphabet letters inwards a playful way. We exclusively create these a few times a week. We also locomote on visual discrimination as well as fine/gross motor movement. These activities aren't really structured as well as frequently involve matching, moving, scientific discipline activities, or hunting. Here are some simple learning activities that my toddler loves...

Free Play Time

Kids typically only play inwards their rooms or inwards our playroom or sometimes inwards the backyard. This is unstructured as well as I only encourage them to detect something to do. Sometimes they volition describe out playdough or fine art supplies, but unremarkably they are doing pretend play, playing alongside trains as well as cars, or playing alongside DUPLO.

Toddler Book Club

Our toddler mass social club features a novel children's mass each month. I shared a chip nearly the scheme for our Mommy as well as Me Toddler Book Club here. We receive got seven children attend each calendar month betwixt the ages of eighteen months as well as historic catamenia iii along alongside their moms. We create simple crafts, read a book, play games, create sensory activities, receive got a snack, as well as play.

Playgroup is only when nosotros acquire together alongside a few kids as well as moms as well as it is less structured/organized. The moms chat as well as the kids play.

Clean Rooms

I purpose a multifariousness of strategies to acquire all of my kids involved inwards cleaning as well as chores at our house. I endeavour as well as receive got my kids build clean their bedrooms as well as the playroom (actually our living room) every day. Sometimes it happens, sometimes it doesn't.

3 Ways to acquire kids to build clean upwardly alongside less frustration
Quick build clean upwardly tip
Family Cleaning Game
Chore sticks
Scratch off task card

Now that I've shared my schedule, I'd dear to listen yours? Do you lot receive got a schedule you lot endeavour to adhere to?

As mentioned above, this schedule does non laissez passer on every day! Somedays all nosotros create is pick upwardly the household as well as run errands, some days I receive got locomote projects to acquire done as well as the kids play independently as well as sentry far also many movies. But somedays nosotros care to receive got fourth dimension for creativity, chores, AND fun as well as nosotros stick to our schedule as well as I experience awesome!

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