
Happy Mom & Tot Arts And Crafts Time: Push Clit Autumn Leaves

I honey Fall crafts. Each calendar week I accept i or 2 mornings when my oldest 2 kids are at schoolhouse in addition to I larn to hang out alongside my toddler all past times himself. It is such a treat! 

My boy is a large fan of buttons in addition to glue, thence nosotros decided to decorate some Button Fall Leaves equally a Mom & Tot Craft Time activeness end week.

I am a large fan of activities that alone necessitate 2-3 materials in addition to this was i of them!

Materials Needed:

  • big foam leaves (we got ours at Michaels)
  • Elmers glue
  • Buttons!! Lots of sizes! (if your toddler tries to consume buttons, GO LARGE!)

Disclaimer: I honey to operate buttons alongside my toddlers because they mean value they are thence fun to explore. I e'er supervise all activities alongside buttons really closely, since buttons are a choking hazard. Don't permit your toddler operate buttons unsupervised!

To do these push leaves merely mitt your toddler the gum bottle in addition to permit him squeeze! This is such a practiced activeness for strengthening hand/finger muscles!

Often toddlers volition desire to run into what happens if they squelch huge globs. If you lot don't desire them sqeezing the whole matter of gum out thence you lot may desire to do some of the squeezing too.

With toddlers you lot accept to model how to operate materials. Don't country things like, "Don't consume the glue"... but rather, "squeeze the gum on the paper" or other uncomplicated directions instead. You desire to tell the pocket-size fry what you lot WANT them to do.

If your pocket-size fry tries putting buttons inwards his mouth, remind your pocket-size fry that "we pose buttons on the glue, nosotros don't consume buttons." Say the positive management FIRST! If your pocket-size fry continues to pose buttons inwards his mouth, take away them in addition to choke along on creating your ain artwork alongside the buttons land having fun! My kids e'er realize pretty rapidly that they'd much rather hold upwards creating inwards cool ways similar me using buttons than sitting in addition to watching. 

Using colored gum alongside this projection could hold upwards fun too!

Once our leafage creations are finished in addition to all dry out thence I await to await for ways to operate them some our house. Sometimes I'll string them upwards to brand a Fall banner. Sometimes nosotros merely stick them upwards for display on our walls.

Like Fall toddler crafts in addition to activities? Here are a few other favorites...

Fall Textured Apples from From ABCs to ACTs.

LEGO stamped corn from Crafty Morning

Fall Leaf Window Stickers from Mess for Less

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