
Happy Modest Describe Of Piece Of Job Concern Sharing Saturday

We are kicking off our starting fourth dimension Small Business Sharing Sabbatum today!

Each twelvemonth at that topographic point is a super cool 24-hour interval called Small Business Saturday where pocket-size businesses acquire a lot of attention. 

I continue finding out most to a greater extent than together with to a greater extent than pocket-size businesses run yesteryear friends or yesteryear Toddler Approved readers therefore I idea it would last fun to host a exceptional pocket-size trouble organisation sharing 24-hour interval each calendar week therefore that pocket-size businesses amongst smaller advertising budgets could come upward popular yesteryear my Toddler Approved Facebook page together with laissez passer themselves a petty cry out.

We'll pretend that it's variety of similar a virtual street fair together with therefore nosotros tin laissez passer the sack all popular over together with cheque out the shops together with websites together with encounter if at that topographic point is anything super cool that nosotros similar together with desire to a greater extent than information about. Everything needs to relate to kids- toys, kids books, kids clothes, kids games, kids apps, etc. If y'all convey a interrogation most whether or non your production is appropriate piece of job out a comment or message me at toddlerapproved at gmail point com.

Starting this Saturday, Feb 1st, come upward drib yesteryear my Toddler Approved Facebook page anytime during the 24-hour interval together with part most your pocket-size trouble organisation if y'all ain one.

Here are a few rules:

1. Only part most a shop/product that y'all OWN (don't part your sister's friend's store that y'all love). 

2. Include a url/link dorsum to your shop/product together with mayhap a brief explanation most what y'all sell.

3. Make certain that the store or production y'all are sharing most is for kids- kids clothes, toys, books, apps, e-books, etc. If it is not, it volition acquire deleted.

4. Please entirely post links to your pocket-size trouble organisation on Saturdays on my FB page. You are ever welcome to person message me or electronic mail me if y'all desire to utter most partnerships or say me most a cool production y'all intend I mightiness like.  

5. Optional: Link an picture amongst your store url when y'all post on my FB wall. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 photograph of your favorite production from your store is a nifty agency to present it off.

6. Please entirely part i link i fourth dimension each week.

7. Don't simply link together with leave. Check out some of the other products/shops featured, click "like" on the ones y'all like, together with brand certain you've "Liked" our Toddler Approved FB page.

Once each calendar month I volition last doing a exceptional Small Business Sharing Sabbatum post hither on my weblog featuring a few novel shops/products. 

If you'd similar your shop/product to last featured y'all are welcome to electronic mail me at toddlerapproved at gmail point com together with I tin laissez passer the sack part our exceptional discounted sponsored post pricing amongst y'all that nosotros volition entirely offering for Small Business Sharing Saturday. 

I promise this volition last a fun agency for some of us to connect amongst some super cool pocket-size trouble organisation owners together with detect things nosotros dear that nosotros can't necessarily purchase at our local Target. I every bit good promise that this sharing 24-hour interval amongst assistance some of our awesome Toddler Approved readers who are every bit good pocket-size trouble organisation owners connect amongst novel customers.

Can't expect to cheque out what is shared!

To boot off this calendar week hither are iii new-to-me businesses that I've been introduced to late that I intend are super cute... acquire cheque them out.

Jessica Hipp Designs

Hand crafted children's toys to educate together with promote pretend play together with early on toddler learning skills.


Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 store dedicated to dressing petty girls inwards something almost every bit cute every bit they are.

Let's Potty!

Let's Potty! The Potty Training Board Game That Brings the Party to the Potty!

Disclosure: Let's Potty! sent us their board game for costless to endeavor out. We enjoyed it which is why nosotros decided to part it amongst you! This photograph inwards a higher house is my immature adult woman when the game arrived.

Alright, therefore volition y'all last joining us for our Small Business Sharing Day over on our Toddler Approved Facebook Page?

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