
Happy Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas from our household unit of measurement to yours! Hope you lot actually enjoyed your Christmas as well as bring fun spending fourth dimension amongst household unit of measurement as well as friends over the side past times side week.

I'll live on dorsum sharing simply about fun crafts as well as activities in i lawsuit the New Year's Day hits. In the meantime, if you lot involve simply about ideas of things to do, I'll nonetheless live on pinning materials to my Pinterest boards. My Toddler Approved Pinterest board is i of my favorites. I'll equally good live on sharing ideas over on our Toddler Approved Facebook Page.

Our novel weekly e-mail newsletter volition piece of job out side past times side calendar week equally well, as well as thus don't forget to sign up. Go here.

Have a keen weekend! See you lot dorsum side past times side week.

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