
Happy Larn Alongside Play- 150+ Activities For Year-Round Fun & Learning

This post contains Amazon in addition to eBooktag affiliate links.

This summertime has been crazy busy total of fun in addition to relaxing then I entirely merely realized today that I convey neglected to portion virtually a super cool projection I've been involved in! 

I published a mass along amongst a squad of other authors called Learn amongst Play- 150+ Activities for Year-round Fun & Learning in addition to the mass launched this week!

The mass is already a #1 Best Seller inwards STEM Education on Amazon in addition to #2 Best Seller inwards Preschool & Kindergarten books! My friend Nicolette of Powerful Mothering is the encephalon kid behind this cool project!

Here are a few basic tidbits of data virtually the book...

  • Learn amongst Play is packed amongst loads of "do-able" activities for kids using elementary in addition to cheap materials... 538 pages full!
  • The mass includes content from 94 incredibly creative kid bloggers in addition to the activities bridge all of the seasons in addition to the mass includes ideas for year-round fun. 
  • Learn amongst Play includes activities for babies, toddlers, preschoolers, in addition to kindergarteners.
  • The mass is organized into sections that include... general/anytime activities, vacation activities, early on childhood education, life skills, in addition to scheme of play in addition to learning areas for kids.
  • You tin purchase the mass inwards 3 unlike formats- Print book, Kindle Book, or eBook. 
  • The mass makes a slap-up reference to continue on mitt on your device or to stick inwards your kitchen somewhere (if y'all purchase the impress book) then that y'all tin line it out chop-chop anytime y'all remove something to do.
  • I honey how this mass makes existence a creative in addition to fun mom super easy. You don't convey to pass hours scouring Pinterest or Facebook... y'all convey over 150 activities correct at your fingertips. 

Buy the Kindle book HERE

Buy the eBook HERE

Buy the Paperback Book HERE


Here's a lilliputian sneak peek into the book. I honey the lilliputian circles on the sides of the pages that allow y'all know what ages each action is appropriate for. It makes it then elementary to merely glance through in addition to abide by ideas for the ages of kids that y'all have. 


We are offering the Learn amongst Play eBook PDF at a exceptional charge per unit of measurement of $9.95 merely until July 15th. You tin purchase that HERE

Common Questions & Answers 

Can I purchase the mass if I don't alive inwards the United States?

Yes, the books are available internationally, though transportation may damage to a greater extent than if y'all purchase a impress mass in addition to the locations the impress mass is sent to is to a greater extent than limited. The eBook in addition to Kindle books withal are sent to your device then they tin hold upward sent anywhere.

What is the divergence betwixt an eBook PDF in addition to a Kindle book?

An eBook PDF is a printable version of a mass piece a Kindle mass is laid to hold upward read on around sort of Reader device. The Kindle adjusts how the mass is viewed based on the concealment past times the eBook PDF is permanently laid to hold upward printer friendly.

Can my kid utilization these activities if he is older than kindergarten age?

Yes, many of these activities tin easily hold upward adapted or expanded upon for older kids.

If y'all convey additional questions, experience gratuitous to comment on this post or e-mail me at toddlerapproved (at) gmail (dot) com. 

Buy the Paperback Book HERE

Buy the Kindle mass HERE

Buy the eBook HERE

As e'er y'all tin follow along on our Toddler Approved Facebook page and Pinterest boards to abide by to a greater extent than creative ideas for kids ages 0-6 each day!

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