
Happy Investing Inwards A Life That Matters To You

"You take away maintain the ability to evaluate your daily choices to ensure yous are investing inward a life that matters to you." - Rachel Macy Stafford (from Hands Free Life)

Are yous investing inward a life that matters to you?

Do yous await dorsum at the cease of each hateful solar daytime together with experience similar yous managed life (or survived it) or exercise yous experience similar yous lived it... together with lived it well?

If I am honest, I experience similar most days I am just managing all the pieces piece inward survival mode together with hoping to larn far to bedtime without cracking. I experience far equally good much guilt on a daily dry soil over choices that I brand (or don't make) or ways that I pass my fourth dimension (or don't pass my time).

Lately I take away maintain spent a lot of fourth dimension thinking close what I desire my kids to shout out upward close me together with the fourth dimension nosotros take away maintain together piece they are little. As my littlest turns 3 side past times side calendar month I experience torn betwixt wanting him to grow together with wanting him to rest the adorable footling cheerful guy that he is correct at nowadays inward this really second.  

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There are many days afterwards my kids are asleep that I count the moments of connexion that I missed together with wishing for a re-do. Do yous ever experience that way?

Reading Rachel's novel book Hands Free Life: Nine Habits for Overcoming Distraction, Living Better, together with Loving More has been inspiring together with healing. 

I loved inward the intro when she says, "It is fourth dimension yous lay your caput on your pillow at black knowing yous achieved something of significance-- non inward price of societal standards, but inward price of the lite inward your child's eyes, the crimp of your spouse's lips, together with the crunch of your really ain heart.

I oft mensurate my hateful solar daytime past times how build clean my solid is, how many errands I run, emails I answer... or fifty-fifty how many activities nosotros stand upward for into the day... when actually that is secondary to the connections I brand amongst actual people (especially my menage unit of measurement members) each day.  

In Rachel's novel mass she shares nine habits that aid yous focus on investing inward the most pregnant parts of your life.

The outset ii habits sucked me directly into the mass because they focus on ii do-able areas... that I involve to locomote on more! They are...

1. Fill the Spaces ... past times existence fully introduce during those footling pockets of fourth dimension inward your hateful solar daytime − meals at the table, caring for pets, walking or thus the block, morning time send-offs, afternoon greetings, nightly tuck-ins −all concord great potential to live all there.

Nightly tuck-ins are thus important, but they take away maintain been likely my to the lowest degree favorite purpose of the day. My kids are the cutest at bedtime... but they similar to drag it out forever together with I am ordinarily thus exhausted together with impatient that I am ever happy to plow tuck-ins over to my husband. Lately I take away maintain embraced them together with made them my favorite purpose of the day. With the schoolhouse twelvemonth just starting I created some novel bedtime connexion routines amongst each of my 3 kids together with at nowadays I take away maintain begun to dearest that fourth dimension of night.  

2. Surrender Control ... past times resisting the urge to micromanage your life together with those lives or thus you. From fourth dimension to time, take away to experience the joy of carefree living together with allow everything together with everyone to merely be

Wow I am the ultimate micromanager of my kids, husband,... actually anybody together with everybody. Letting things live together with non ever taking the Pb inward things is hard, but worth it sometimes. I take away maintain begun to realize how capable my kids are equally I take away maintain stepped dorsum together with allow them live to a greater extent than responsible together with inward control. 

Along amongst a re-create of Hands Free Life: Nine Habits for Overcoming Distraction, Living Better, together with Loving More and a "Live hands free" bracelet, Rachel lately sent me a re-create of her Hands Free House Rules that are at nowadays prominently displayed inward our home.

My favorite portion of the House rules reads, "IN OUR HOUSE nosotros set living, laughing, together with loving at the top priority list. IN OUR HOUSE in that place is room for mistakes together with room to breathe." 

There are a lot of mistakes inward our abode together with I take away maintain to inquire for forgiveness often, thus these rules are perfect.

The life that Rachel paints inward her book Hands Free Life: Nine Habits for Overcoming Distraction, Living Better, together with Loving More is just what I want. 

I dearest that she offers existent suggestions for leading a fulfilled together with connected life despite the busyness. 

So oft parenting articles together with books focus thus much on finding fifty-fifty to a greater extent than fourth dimension inward our busy schedules to brand to a greater extent than pregnant connections amongst our kids together with spouses. I dearest Rachel's reminder that "although we've been led to believe that our fondest memories are made inward the grand occasions of life, inward reality, they tumble out when nosotros respite inward the ordinary, mundane moments of a busy day." 

In Hands Free Life Rachel organizes the mass into 3 sections: Creating Lasting Connections, Living for Today, together with Protecting What Matters. She shares a plethora of personal stories equally she guides readers through each habit (one per chapter). She also sprinkles Hands Free Life Daily Declarations throughout each chapter together with I similar to usage them equally a challenge each day. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 portion of my favorite annunciation says, "Today I volition halt looking at images together with newsfeeds that accept my focus off what actually matters..." Such a great challenge for me (an Instagram addict!)!!

Are yous upward for the challenge of investing inward a life that matters to you?

I rarely take away maintain fourth dimension to read books these days nor exercise I take away maintain the unloosen energy to rest awake inward the evenings when I endeavor together with read. I was delighted to uncovering that Hands Free Life inspired me thus much that I was writing notes inward the margins, underlining passages, together with WIDE awake piece I speedily consumed the entire book. I almost finished it completely inward i sitting, together with and then returned in i lawsuit again together with in i lawsuit again to re-read my favorite passages together with remind myself daily of goals to set.  

If yous are looking for to a greater extent than fulfillment, joy, together with connexion equally yous alive life (not just create exercise it), Hands Free Life would live a great add-on to your must-read list. 

Rachel has an amazing pre-order offering if yous lodge the mass past times the cease of the hateful solar daytime on September 7th. You tin larn a costless re-create of the Hands Free Mama ebook amongst your pre-order of Hands Free Life! 

Here are the details....

  • Pre-order a re-create of Hands Free Life from your favorite retailer.
  • Take a photograph of your receipt together with shipping it to the next e-mail address: handsfreelifebook@gmail.com
  • You volition have a response amongst a promo code together with link to redeem your FREE Hands Free Mama ebook inside 24 hours.
  • Click the link, input your promo code inward the appropriate location, together with gain access to the ebook. 

How exercise yous overcome distraction? Do yous experience similar yous are living your life good or just surviving it?

This post contains Amazon Affiliate links. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 costless re-create of Hands Free Life was provided to me for review. All opinions shared inward this post are mine.

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