
Happy Identify Unit Of Measurement Fun Inward San Francisco- Ride The Ducks

Our menage unit of measurement lives inwards the San Francisco Bay Area. We dearest to explore the Bay alongside our kids. If y'all alive inwards the Bay area, you'll desire to bookmark our Kid Approved Fun- Bay Area page together with come upward dorsum from fourth dimension to fourth dimension to reckon some of our favorite spots to see inwards the expanse alongside toddlers together with immature kids every bit nosotros update it. We'll occasionally portion reviews of our experiences too. Our page is simply starting to grow.

Today I am excited to portion a trivial flake virtually our family's Ride the Ducks sense inwards San Francisco!

Ride the Ducks is a a fun menage unit of measurement tour to practice inwards San Francisco that takes identify on land... together with inwards the water! 

The tour starts off inwards the pump of Fisherman's Wharf (right across from the giant Boudin Bakery together with Fisherman's Wharf sign) together with takes y'all unopen to the urban substance through Ghirardelli Square, North Beach, Red People's Republic of China Town, SOMA, etc. You tin uncovering to a greater extent than sightseeing details here.

The outset affair y'all acquire when y'all board the duck tour vehicle is 1 of the famous Wacky Quackers®. For us they stuffed a distich of extras inwards my purse too... simply inwards illustration nosotros lost one... since my kids kept dropping them every bit nosotros boarded. 

Everyone had to essay out their quacker spell nosotros waited for the tour to start. The babe thought it was the coolest teething toy ever.

While nosotros rode unopen to the urban substance nosotros quacked along to the dissimilar musical selections that our tour guide had laid upward specifically for parts of the ride.

My kids were the alone younger kids on our tour, although I saw several families alongside immature kids come upward off the tour simply earlier ours. My toddler together with 5-year-old sat to a greater extent than oftentimes than non even so the entire ride together with quacked along together with looked out the window every bit nosotros drove past times the historical sights inwards the city.

The kids' favorite business office was when the duck vehicle, which resembles at WWII DUKW, turned from a car/bus into a boat together with launched into the Bay nearby the SF Giants Stadium.

We saw loads of cool boats since the America's Cup is going on correct straightaway inwards SF together with some of the passengers fifty-fifty got to accept turns driving our duck vehicle when nosotros were inwards the water. 

My kiddos were existence shy together with no 1 wanted to drive the duck, so nosotros simply kept quacking along to the music spell eating the snacks that nosotros brought.

Our trip ended alongside a somewhat unexpected detour due to a lot of Sat congestion along the Embarcadero. Fortunately nosotros had a lot of snacks for the kids together with the grumpy babe brutal asleep or else the halt of the ride would've been miserable!

Some of our favorite parts of our Ride the Ducks tour were...

  • the cool Wacky Quackers®
  • the musical soundtrack 
  • riding inwards the water... peculiarly the big splash when nosotros outset went in!
  • seeing Giants stadium from the water
  • meeting Splash the Duck!
  • learning a few cool tidbits of history
  • our awesome menage unit of measurement photograph that nosotros got to purchase at the halt (it is rare that my hubby together with I aspect ok inwards those... so nosotros had  to purchase it :) If alone the toddler hadn't been scratching her face...)
Out of all of our kids, our 5 twelvemonth onetime was at the best historic menses for this menage unit of measurement adventure. He LOVED it. He thought the SF history was cool together with simply had fun participating spell nosotros quacked. 

Some tips for when y'all Ride the Ducks... 

  • Arrive xxx minutes early. Parking tin sometimes live tough together with and then y'all demand to walk to the tour spot... nosotros had a difficult fourth dimension together with almost missed our tour.
  • Go on a weekday instead of a weekend if y'all can. Less traffic, less people.
  • Bring snacks for the kiddos! Our tour was almost ii hours instead of 1.5 because of leaving a trivial belatedly together with traffic... our kids would've been grumpy together with whiny if nosotros hadn't been prepared.
  • Dress inwards layers. This is truthful anytime y'all acquire to SF. We had brusque sleeves, pants, fleeces, together with jackets. I also had a blanket for the baby. Some of the fourth dimension the tour was super windy together with sometimes it was beautiful together with warm. You never know, so live prepared.
  • Use the bath ahead of time, at that topographic point are none on board! This tour doesn't function good for those alongside small-scale bladders... so this would NOT live a expert thought for a small-scale fry that is simply existence potty trained. The closest bath is a world restroom together with on the weekends the trouble is long... so live prepared.  
  • If possible, asking a veteran tour guide. Our tour guide was super nice, but he was pretty novel together with non really confident. If we'd known that nosotros mightiness receive got waited for the side past times side tour. From our previous duck tour experiences the tour guide's enthusiasm together with confidence is what makes the tour extra awesome. 
  • Plan your trip unopen to naptimes or travel out your littlest ones at home. Our babe didn't nap similar expected on our drive into SF so he was a grump on the tour for a trivial bit. Fortunately he lastly brutal asleep spell nosotros drove around. Kids ages 0-3 are FREE on duck tours... so that is a dainty perk, but simply similar on an storey flight, y'all desire to live courteous of those y'all ride with. If your immature small-scale fry can't grip existence contained for that long inwards a small-scale infinite without running unopen to or crying, y'all mightiness desire to hold off until they are older so that everyone gets to bask the tour.

*You tin Save $7 off Adult tickets together with $5 off Child tickets when y'all purchase online together with ride earlier 10am. Or y'all tin relieve $4 off Adult tickets together with $3 off Child tickets when y'all purchase online together with ride betwixt 10am together with 11:30am or later 5pm. 

Ride the Ducks is a fun menage unit of measurement opportunity that is keen for tourists who are coming to SF for the outset fourth dimension or families who alive inwards the Bay together with desire to explore the urban substance inwards a novel together with exciting way. We would definitely recommend the tours to menage unit of measurement or friends who come upward to see or alive inwards the Bay! 

We may demand to acquire 1 time again together with bring together a Fri Splash Hit Tour where y'all acquire a "behind the scenes" tour of Giants stadium and together with then a duck tour ride where y'all splash into McCovey Cove.

If y'all alive inwards the Bay area, hither are some fun Ride the Ducks promotions going on correct now. You could fifty-fifty win a complimentary tour!

Thanks Ride the Ducks for such a fun summertime adventure!!

You tin uncovering Ride the Ducks on Facebook together with Twitter, so halt past times together with click "LIKE" to uncovering out virtually to a greater extent than cool promotions together with news.

Disclosure: This is a review of Ride the Ducks San Francisco. All opinions are mine. Ride the Ducks San Francisco provided me together with my menage unit of measurement alongside complimentary tickets so that nosotros could Ride the Ducks this summertime together with portion our sense alongside you. 

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