
Happy I Uncomplicated Trend For Kids To Give Dorsum Piece Crafting | Piffling Loving Hands

Some of my goals equally a bring upward include raising un-entitled kids that are kind to each other and are also capable of looking exterior themselves as well as doing good within their communities (and worldwide).  

We are constantly looking for ways to learn our kids virtually helping others. Today nosotros are excited to portion 1 unproblematic thought for helping kids give back!

This transportation is sponsored past times Little Loving Hands.

Opportunities to assist others within our neighborhood are pretty slow to find. We ofttimes brand cookies as well as surprise neighbors, drib off meals for sick families or novel moms, as well as occasionally "heart attack" people's doors to say them nosotros honey them.

Finding opportunities to assist others exterior of our neighborhood is a petty harder. Often service organizations direct maintain strict historic menstruum limits or guidelines that don't allow petty kids to help. Many times service opportunities tin hold upward equally good hard or tiring for petty ones equally well.

This summertime nosotros direct maintain been trying to uncovering ways to create, connect, as well as spread kindness. We were actually excited to hold upward introduced to Little Loving Hands and their arts and crafts kits that give back. 

Little Loving Hands encourages kids to create something special (using the materials inward the kit they receive) as well as and then transportation it to a charitable organization. When our Little Loving Hands arts and crafts kit arrived inward the transportation a few weeks agone nosotros opened it immediately! 


  • supplies as well as instructions for creating the terminal arts and crafts to hold upward donated
  • materials for teaching children who, why, as well as how they are helping
  • a pre-paid envelope to transportation your finished arts and crafts to the spotlighted charity
  • a collectible push clit as well as certificate of achievement for your child


The kits are targeted for kids ages 3-9 merely fifty-fifty adults as well as littler kids tin direct maintain fun alongside these projects! Work together as well as alter the crafts for littler ones. These kits are such a groovy agency for parents to connect alongside their kids as well as laid upward an event of spreading kindness!

Each kit has a recommended historic menstruum that is listed on the website, hence depository fiscal establishment check that out earlier you lot determine which box to try.


Each monthly box volition include a dissimilar arts and crafts as well as volition spotlight a dissimilar charity.

Today I'm going to portion several photos from our Hearts for the Homeless kit. You tin caput over to the Little Loving Hands Shop for another examples of the kits.

The Hearts for the Homeless Kit includes 2 crafts: 1) creating a soft take in pillow as well as 2) making a retentiveness check game. Both completed crafts are sent to Enchanted Makeovers to hold upward given to a woman bring upward as well as her kid at a homeless shelter.

To acquire started, nosotros firstly read through the instructions as well as data on the charity nosotros would hold upward helping. At the kickoff my missy was frustrated that she couldn't proceed the crafts for herself. Reading through the data inward the kit was actually helpful. Once she understood who the crafts were for she was less reluctant to unwrap her creations as well as was excited to hold upward helping individual out who needed closed to extra kindness.

To brand our soft take in pillow nosotros stenciled the discussion "HOPE" on the exterior using the pigment as well as stencil that nosotros were given.

Once the pigment dried as well as then nosotros tied each laid upward of strips into knots to create the take in pillow.

Stenciling as well as using minor dabbing motions alongside the pigment brush were groovy fine motor activities. Tying the felt strips on the pillow was challenging as well as helped kids strengthen their finger muscles spell they establish each matching strip, crossed it, as well as pulled it through into a knot.

Then nosotros stuffed the pillow total of batting earlier nosotros tied it all the agency closed.

My missy was real proud of her pillow as well as wrote her shout out on it as well as gave it a big squeeze... hopeful that the petty kid that got her pillow would similar it equally much equally she did.

Our side past times side task was to pigment the tops of our wooden hearts as well as decorate a minor canvass handbag (with pigment and/or markers). These woods hearts would hold upward used to play memory!

I loved the open-ended expectations laid upward for the handbag design.  Kids could pigment or color on the bags alongside markers to brand their ain design.

Once everything was painted as well as then nosotros laid upward it out to dry out overnight. The side past times side twenty-four hours nosotros pose everything inward our pre-paid envelope to transportation off!!


Using the pre-paid provide envelope within your box you lot transportation your child's finished arts and crafts (made alongside love!) equally a donation to those inward need.

Each box also contains a collectible push clit as well as certificate of achievement for your child. My missy was peculiarly proud of her certificate as well as button. Since she'd been hesitant to transportation her pretty creation away, it was prissy to direct maintain a petty memento of the crafting sense to assist her shout out back how she had helped individual else!


  • the structured crafts alongside clear instructions (along alongside visuals) were actually slow to empathise as well as make.
  • the box was compact (not huge as well as total of unnecessary stuff) as well as included crinkly newspaper that nosotros could utilisation inward a sensory bin
  • the projects were slow plenty that my older 2 kids (ages v as well as 8) could practice most of them without much help, as well as my 3-year-old could bring together inward for parts of the activeness too. 
  • we learned virtually a new-to-us charitable organisation as well as nosotros were given their contact data if nosotros wanted to assist them in 1 lawsuit to a greater extent than inward the future. 
  • each arts and crafts helped us larn something novel as well as helped us direct maintain run equally nosotros were creating.
  • the projection was a groovy excuse to speak alongside my missy a chip virtually homelessness as well as kindness as well as helping others.

To acquire to a greater extent than data on these cool kits, caput on over as well as depository fiscal establishment check out Little Loving Hands on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest. You tin also follow along for to a greater extent than arts and crafts ideas, inspirational messages, as well as service ideas.

HOW DO I SIGN UP AND HOW MUCH DOES information technology COST?

You tin subscribe to Little Loving Hands HERE for a monthly subscription.

Here's a quick rundown on the pricing...

$25 for monthly
$132 for vi months ($22/kit)
$240 for 12 months ($20/kit)
Individual: $28 + transportation fees

Make certain to accept payoff of this special promo code existence offered.

PROMO CODE: 20OFF12 (Free calendar month for 12 calendar month subscription (i.e $20 off))



Make certain to popular over to the comments as well as say me virtually how you lot learn your kids to give back.

DISCLOSURE: This transportation was sponsored past times Little Loving Hands. All opinions are mine.

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