
Happy Happy September From The Toddler Approved Family!

I desire to wholeheartedly welcome you lot to our Toddler Approved community. If you've been hither for years, you're awesome. If you're new, we're in addition to then glad to "meet" you. We promise you lot stick around.

Since this weblog trouble organisation is a identify unit of measurement run business, amongst my 4 crazy kids every bit my helpers in addition to my hubby every bit my biggest cheerleader, I've decided that I desire to brand things a petty fleck to a greater extent than personal this twelvemonth in addition to write a monthly message to you lot guys. This means you lot mightiness larn to know us a fleck ameliorate in addition to nosotros tin larn to know you lot too. I post service over on Instagram a lot every bit good if you lot desire to follow along in addition to chat more.

September is ane of my favorite months. As an simple schoolhouse instructor I e'er loved the jeopardy to wipe the slate build clean in addition to commence the twelvemonth amongst a fresh novel grouping of students. Desks were moved around, bulletin boards were repapered, cupboards were organized, in addition to I could laid upwardly novel goals in addition to endeavor a petty harder to hold upwardly a petty nicer in addition to a petty to a greater extent than organized.

As a mom I also similar to process September every bit my fourth dimension for a reset. Last twelvemonth I felt similar I was living constantly inwards crisis mode. With a newborn in addition to iii other needy petty people in that place was never plenty fourth dimension to larn everything done in addition to I definitely wasn't the kindest mom.

Over the summertime I read a quote that said,

"There is e'er a crisis. Perhaps you lot should consider living your life during them otherwise you lot mightiness immature lady it." 

It made me realize that I HAVE FOUR KIDS (duh!). I ask to EMBRACE THE CHAOS in addition to alive happier in addition to alter my expectations a petty bit.

You know the quote, "The Definition of insanity is doing the same affair over in addition to over in addition to expecting dissimilar results?" Well I'm determined non to crusade myself insane past times having the same expectations for myself (or my kids) this twelvemonth that I had for myself (and them) final twelvemonth when I had iii kids.

I'm going to hand myself a intermission in addition to concealment the chaos, taste to a greater extent than fun amongst my kids, in addition to simplify.

This calendar month my destination is to SIMPLIFY MY HOME LIFE. 

Simple meals, simple cleaning habits, in addition to simple connecting activities every bit a identify unit of measurement volition hold upwardly my principal focus.

I'm yet deciding what this volition aspect like, but my outset pace is to "de-own" a few of the holding that are cluttering our house. My 2nd pace is finding fourth dimension every solar daytime to connect amongst each of my kids individually. That has been missing lately in addition to I ask to larn working on it... fifty-fifty if it is but for five minutes. We'll reckon how it goes.

Pop on over to Instagram to cash inwards one's chips on tabs on how we'll hold upwardly simplifying our habitation life during September or follow along hither on the blog. I'll endeavor in addition to written report dorsum side past times side month. I'd honey for you lot to produce that same.

Also, if you're novel to Toddler Approved, stimulate got a 2nd in addition to innovate yourself inwards the comments.

I'll become first.

I'm Kristina, the founder of Toddler Approved. I alive amongst my identify unit of measurement inwards Northern California. My hubby Kevin in addition to I stimulate got 4 kids (ages 8, 5, 3, vii months). My kids are total of unloosen energy in addition to honey to cash inwards one's chips on me on my toes. My littlest ane is inwards the throes of teething in addition to is crawling in addition to pulling upwardly on everything. We are constantly trying to aid her avoid caput injuries. These are my favorite crazy people pictured below.

Now it's your plow to innovate yourself. :) 

I'd honey to listen your goals for September every bit well! Living intentionally in addition to setting goals actually helps me cash inwards one's chips on the virtually of import things inwards perspective.

Hope you lot stimulate got a fabulous September!!!



PS- If you're new. Check out these iii favorite useful posts we've written:

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