
Happy Getting Rid Of Potty Talk

The potty beak going on at my trouble solid lately is killing me. I'm non talking entirely almost swearing. I am talking almost words similar poo poo human face upwards together with chicken butt. I abhor them!

If you lot convey a five-year-old, together with thence most probable you lot know what I am talking about.

What produce you lot produce to halt it? What plant at your house? Do you lot abhor it too? Or is it but me?

Things that don't piece of job at our house... because I've tried them all.

1. Praising the kids that aren't using potty talk 

Me: "Wow, babe Ryan is using such skillful language."
Andrew: "Uh, mom, babe Ryan can't talk."

2. Yelling

Exactly what the kids wanted. They beloved to force my buttons together with come across me acquire angry. It leads to dizzy poorly idea out threats together with frustration for everyone. Win for the kids.

3. Having the kids acquire into the bath to allow all their potty words out

At some indicate nosotros produce convey to acquire out the house. Also, my boy almost kicked the bath door downwardly when I tried this. I don't believe inwards fourth dimension out... thence this strategy doesn't piece of job for me either. I produce withal believe inwards "time in" thence I involve to contain that somehow.

4. Washing their mouths out amongst soap

Can't acquire myself to produce it. I think it is mean.

5. Sending the kids to their rooms.

Honestly I convey genuinely done this at my wits end... together with it genuinely but reinforced the behavior. They beloved their rooms together with would rather hold out in that place when I am grumpy anyway. 

6. Laughing at them.

Yep, that doesn't piece of job either. ;) Sometimes I can't assist myself though.  

Here's what I AM trying...

1. Ignoring it together with reacting positively to the skillful words my kids DO use.

I acquire less annoyed, they tell to a greater extent than skillful things... it is a win win.

2. Having some sort of laid upshot when they produce run potty talk. (like when they learn their 2-year-old cousin to say, "chicken butt"--- ugh! :( I am seriously non a terrible mom... I promise) 

Um... I'm silent figuring this out. What produce you lot do?

I think I'm going to kickoff having my 5-year-old pay me for every potty give-and-take he uses amongst his "work pay" money. I convey no clue what to produce for the 2.5-year-old though. She is silent a discover cannon.


3. Make a visual vantage chard

This calendar week we're reading The GruffaloThe potty beak going on at my trouble solid lately is killing me Happy Getting Rid of Potty Talk by Julia Donaldson, thence nosotros made a Gruffalo skillful words vantage chart. Throughout the twenty-four hours I endeavor together with grab the kids using skillful words. We beak almost what skillful words are together with and thence I ignore the potty words together with only focus on the skillful ones. When I grab the kids using skillful words together with thence they acquire to fill upwards inwards a branch on their tree. We each convey a tree to fill upwards up. Once they are filled nosotros acquire to produce a fun activity together.

My destination is to run sort placidity words (instead of yelling) together with the destination for the kids is to run other to a greater extent than grown upwards words to pull things (instead of potty talk). 

The upside is that I retrieve to aspect for skillful behaviour (and hold out on my best behaviour too) together with the kids remind me.
The downside is that nosotros only convey our nautical chart inwards the house... together with it only plant when I aspect for the positive. Also, sometimes the immediate gratification that comes from using potty words together with making other siblings express mirth trumps whatever other reinforcement I convey to offer. At to the lowest degree my kids similar each other, right?

I'll allow you lot know how it goes. 

4. Being fifty-fifty to a greater extent than wary of media

My immature adult woman learned how to tell "stupid" together with "shut up" past times watching Pixar's Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Bugs Life. I idea it was a cute show... together with it is... but immediately the few scenes amongst inappropriate words acquire replayed constantly inwards her play, conversation, together with inwards social interactions. You never know what words your kids volition latch on to... thence avoid using them yourself together with avoid letting them remove heed them inwards media until they are older together with to a greater extent than capable of censoring themselves/having self control. I got to hold out reminded of that the difficult way... together with immediately my sweetness ii yr onetime calls me stupid from fourth dimension to time. Boo! :(

You apparently can't censor your surround or the people around you lot all the fourth dimension either... 

5. Telling myself this is only a stage

One that hopefully ends soon. 

6. Trying my best

If other parents desire to gauge me that is their prerogative. As long equally I am using skillful words together with pedagogy my kids what I view to hold out skillful words for our household unit of measurement to use... that is all I tin realistically do. I involve to allow myself hold out ok amongst that together with non allow it acquire me overly frustrated. I can't strap the kids downwardly or ban them from beingness around other kids forever. I can't forcefulness my youngster non to swear or run potty talk. I tin beloved them together with relish spending fourth dimension amongst them together with commend them when they are making skillful choices... together with I would hope they volition eventually jump on board together with brand me proud together with run the skillful linguistic communication that I await from them. 

I beloved all these tips from Positive Parenting Solutions that I constitute today equally well.

What else would you lot add?
What produce you lot produce almost potty beak at your house? Any tips for me?

By the way, it is Forest Fun Week for Virtual Book Club Summer Camp! We are having thence much fun playing together with learning amongst The Gruffalo together with nosotros are going on fun #gruffaloadventures!

You tin bring together inwards also amongst the Gruffalo Adventures coloring contest. Check out the details together with come upwards participate! You could win a $50 Amazon gift carte together with a Gruffalo puppet! NCircle together with The Gruffalo are some awesome #vbcsummercamp sponsors... thence "like" their FB page together with depository fiscal establishment fit out the contest! There aren't also many entries yet, thence you lot but mightiness win!

This post service contains Amazon affiliate links. The Gruffalo is i of our Virtual Book Club Summer Camp paid sponsors but they did non pay me to include them inwards this post. My kids but beloved the Gruffalo!

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