
Happy Galileo Camps Brand Summertime Fun For Kids Too Parents

This review ship service is sponsored past times Galileo Camps.

If you've been next along on Instagram, I've been sharing some photos of my son's experience at Camp Galileo this summer. 

H5N1 few months agone I shared virtually how Camp Galileo stand upward for into our plans for this summer and why my boy enjoyed it terminal year. One of my favorite parts virtually blogging is checking out cool things as well as sharing how I experience virtually them amongst our Toddler Approved community. Most summertime camps are entirely for kids that are ages 4 or 5+ (not toddlers) but I intend it is of import to start planning for camps earlier your kids hitting that age... which is why I part virtually them hither on Toddler Approved.  

Today I am going to part amongst yous how Galileo Camps brand summertime fun for kids AND parents. 

Camp Galileo is a summertime military camp inwards the San Francisco Bay expanse filled amongst art, science, as well as outdoor activities that celebrates creativity, exploration, as well as innovation. Camp Galileo is for kids inwards pre-k through fifth grade. Each yr 4 fresh novel themes that are fun as well as exciting for kids are introduced! This yr my boy went to the Adventures Down Under themed calendar week of camp.

My son's 4 favorite parts virtually his calendar week at Camp Galileo were...

1. Cheers as well as singing

When they acquire inwards at military camp the campers are divided into groups past times age. My boy was a Nebula (Prek-K) terminal yr as well as this yr he was excited to live a Star (1st-2nd graders). Each grouping learned a cheer/call at the showtime of the calendar week as well as my boy repeated his grouping cheer ALL WEEK LONG at home. It was pretty adorable. The kids also learned a Camp Galileo vocal from the Camp Director (shown above) that my boy loved. I videotaped it on the terminal twenty-four hr catamenia so that he could croak on listening to it 1 time military camp ended. You mightiness recognize the tune.

Some of the other groups learned activity songs as well as got to instruct them to the other campers. There were so many swell skills embedded into those activities.   

2. Playing cool outdoor games

My kids beloved to live outside. The outdoor activities tied into the Adventures Down Under topic for the calendar week as well as got the kids collaborating. One fun game they got to play was to collect treasures underneath a parachute sea. They had to operate every bit a squad to collect treasures as well as also to plough the parachute into a giant wave.

In the photograph to a higher identify my boy is explaining to me as well as my hubby all virtually the dissimilar activities that his Star grouping (ages 1st-2nd grade) did during outdoor fourth dimension at camp. They definitely stayed busy!

3. Amazing creative scientific discipline as well as fine art projects

My boy was a picayune disappointed that at that spot wasn't a Space themed calendar week at military camp 1 time again this year, so nosotros had a difficult fourth dimension choosing which themed calendar week he wanted to attend. He decided to become to the Adventures Down Under themed calendar week as well as was thoroughly amazed at how fun it ended upward being. For the Adventures Down Under themed calendar week kids explored the art as well as scientific discipline of Australia, New Zealand as well as Papua New Guinea.

Some of the things the kids made included... Sepik Masks as well as Sepik-inspired headdresses, saccharide gliders (that could actually glide), moray eels, their ain birds of paradise, a prophylactic band-powered snorkel scooter, and a few other cool creations. 

On the terminal twenty-four hr catamenia of military camp the kids acquire to accept parents approximately as well as explicate all of their projects. I loved seeing my son's confront lite upward when he was telling us virtually how nosotros created his dissimilar projects. It was fascinating to heed to how he designed things as well as how he employment solved.

4. Dress Up Days & Face painting

Dress upward days as well as confront ikon at military camp were also a hit. My boy got to article of apparel his squad (gray), clothes upward for a luau, article of apparel his novel Galileo shirt, as well as acquire decked out for H2O day! He also loved how at that spot was a confront ikon time. He came domicile amongst a lizard on his arm 1 twenty-four hr catamenia as well as his confront painted some other day. 

My favorite parts virtually Camp Galileo were...

1. An slowly as well as stress-free driblet off each morning

Last yr I had a friend that nosotros carpooled amongst so I rarely dropped my boy off at camp. This yr I did driblet off as well as selection upward as well as I loved how slowly it was. There was ever available parking as well as a counselor was ever grinning to greet my boy (and my other 2 littler kids), acquire him his cry tag, as well as acquire him off having fun.

At driblet off they had fun energetic music playing every forenoon as well as sometimes they fifty-fifty had bubbles floating approximately from a bubble maker. My younger 2 kids (ages 1 as well as 3) were inwards beloved amongst the bubbles, so nosotros had fun chasing bubbles at driblet off every forenoon spell nosotros danced around. It made maxim goodbye to their big blood brother less sad!

The campers got to "blast off" into the fun zone at military camp each morning, so nosotros loved watching the counselors acquire the kids all excited to smash off into military camp each morning. We were ever impressed amongst the enthusiasm as well as happy attitudes shown past times all of the counselors! 

2. An amazing Camp Director as well as awesome counselors!

We loved running into my son's counselor from terminal yr on the firstly twenty-four hr catamenia of camp. She made him experience so welcome. His novel counselor took fourth dimension each afternoon to tell me virtually my son's twenty-four hr catamenia as well as who he played amongst as well as some of the positive things she noticed that he'd accomplished. The manager took fourth dimension each twenty-four hr catamenia to tell hi, cheque inwards amongst us, as well as bargain amongst whatever questions or concerns nosotros had immediately. I felt my boy was inwards adept hands every twenty-four hr catamenia when I dropped him off. I loved the sugariness banking concern annotation that his counselor wrote to him at the destination of the week. He only beamed when he read it.

3. Daily Camp Galileo newsletters to croak on me organized!

I am notorious for forgetting virtually of import events or things that I demand to bring. The Camp Galileo newsletters that were sent domicile each twenty-four hr catamenia were lifesavers! They included tidbits virtually what the campers learned, questions to enquire to facilitate conversation after military camp each day, helpful data virtually how to back upward inventiveness as well as innovation, as well as and then announcements!! As yous tin run into above, mine were good loved as well as used often. I entirely want that they were sent electronically each twenty-four hr catamenia so that I wouldn't lose them! 

4. H5N1 Fun Fri Closing Event

The Fri Closing includes a fourth dimension for the manager as well as counselors to part virtually things that were learned during the week, a photograph slide show, some thank yous as well as singing, a culminating functioning related to the theme, as well as a fourth dimension for kids to part their projects amongst their parents as well as and then collect them as well as accept them home.

My littlest 2 kids idea it was so fun to come upward cheer on their big brother.

There are likely loads of other things nosotros enjoyed virtually Camp Galileo, but the 8 parts nosotros shared to a higher identify were our favorites.

I am so grateful to the staff at Camp Galileo for making my son's calendar week at military camp so fun-filled as well as exciting. He is already begging to become dorsum for some other session afterwards this summer. I beloved that sessions become from June 23 to August 8th, so fifty-fifty amongst opor-garai for several weeks inwards July, nosotros mightiness yet live able to brand it to 1 to a greater extent than session!

Are yous sending your kid to military camp this year? What are things yous beloved virtually the military camp yous selected for your child?

If yous alive inwards the San Francisco Bay area, I highly recommend yous cheque out a Camp Galileo location close yous as well as sign up! There are yet several sessions of military camp left inwards the summertime as well as at that spot are several cool novel themes to cheque out that your kids volition love!

Disclosure: This is a sponsored review ship service featuring Galileo Camps. Galileo Camps gave me a a gratis calendar week of military camp for my kid inwards telephone commutation for writing this review spider web log post. All posts reverberate my personal persuasion as well as endorsement as well as are non swayed past times compensation and/or gratis products. Please banking concern annotation that this ship service reflects my persuasion as well as preferences as well as yous mightiness non part that same opinion.

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