
Happy Fun Amongst Showtime Words {Language Activities For Kids}

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When children are learning to speak many create do to create terminal consonants equally they acquire their foremost words- they may nation "uh" instead of "up" or "bo" instead of "boat." This tin movement frustration equally they endeavour in addition to limited themselves in addition to communicate! I am ever looking for ways to decrease frustration in addition to increase linguistic communication development, hence I am excited most the activities portion inwards this post!

Over the yesteryear several weeks I accept been working to assist my eighteen calendar month onetime acquire novel words in addition to articulate terminal consonants equally he talks. We were excited to move introduced to the mass Easy-to-Say First Words: Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Focus on Final Consonants yesteryear Cara Tambellini Danielson, a oral communication therapist who specializes inwards pediatric oral communication in addition to linguistic communication development. 

Today nosotros are excited to portion a lilliputian flake most Cara's mass with yous AND portion or hence uncomplicated mass related crafts that focus on foremost words in addition to terminal consonants!

Easy-to-Say First Words: Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Focus on Final Consonants is a sparse paperback mass with darling illustrations in addition to uncomplicated linguistic communication focusing on one-syllable mutual foremost words. I mean value the mass featured every unmarried ane of my eighteen calendar month old's favorite things... hence he was inwards sky equally nosotros read the mass together. He loved practicing proverb the uncomplicated one-syllable words. My three twelvemonth onetime immature lady loved the mass too-- particularly the pictures in addition to the crazy feathers!

In improver to reading the mass together, my preschooler in addition to I (along with my toddler's help) created 2 arts and crafts projects focusing on 2 foremost words inwards the mass that my toddler loves- duck in addition to beep (he also loves truck too)!! Once our projects were created nosotros hung them at oculus marking for my toddler. Each twenty-four hours he runs over to the pictures in ane trial to a greater extent than in addition to in ane trial to a greater extent than to behavior on in addition to verbalize most them.

Simple crafts for our favorite foremost words:

Duck collage craft

As I mentioned above, the illustrations in Easy-to-Say First Words: Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Focus on Final Consonants are actually cute! They are created using cutting newspaper in addition to my preschooler noticed them correct away. We decided that it would move fun to do our ain cutting newspaper duck pond creations inspired yesteryear Cara's book.

Materials Needed: colored cardstock, glue, brownish bag, scissors

To create this uncomplicated scene at the duck pond my preschooler in addition to I cutting out all of the pieces in addition to hence nosotros assembled them using the duck pond inwards Cara's mass equally our inspiration!!

I gave my preschooler strips of greenish in addition to dark newspaper hence that she could cutting the strips needed for the reeds inwards the pond piece I cutting out the ducks, eyes, in addition to beaks. It was fun to move together!

 It was also adorable to run across how excited my toddler was to verbalize most the ducks, shout for to them, behavior on them... in addition to of course, endeavour to rip them down. :)

Build a Truck Activity

In improver to the duck inwards the book, my kids loved the page with a truck on it! The truck said "beep beep" to assist kids do the terminal consonant /p/. We also expert the terminal consonant /k/ with this ane equally nosotros repeated "truck" in ane trial to a greater extent than in addition to again! 

My immature lady asked to do a truck activity, hence nosotros built or hence cast trucks in addition to hence also gave them to my toddler equally a lilliputian gift!

For this activeness I foremost cutting out several circles, squares, in addition to rectangles inwards a multifariousness of colors in addition to hence my immature lady brainstormed which trucks nosotros should make. Since my boy loves garbage trucks... that was a must. We also made a big yellowish truck similar nosotros flora in Easy-to-Say First Words: Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Focus on Final Consonants.

In improver to making our favorite trucks, nosotros also used the materials we'd cutting out to create or hence novel types of trucks. This ane inwards a higher house was a educate truck. My boy also loved the trash truck nosotros seat together for him.

Another highlight of Cara's mass is the Parent Guide that goes along with it!

I am non trained inwards oral communication therapy exactly taught children with communicate disabilities for many years (alongside a really awesome oral communication therapist). I am a big fan of resources that assist parents know how to assist their kids acquire linguistic communication in addition to expire articulate! 

In the Parent Guide, Cara shares uncomplicated things that parents tin do with their kid piece they read her book. The ideas are uncomplicated in addition to do-able in addition to are keen for helping kids brand progress inwards their linguistic communication development!

I am hoping that Cara decides to brand a serial of books inwards the "Easy-to-Say First Words" category featuring dissimilar sounds at the beginning, middle, in addition to halt of words.

I would also dearest to see Easy-to-Say First Words: Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Focus on Final Consonants turned into a uncomplicated babe board mass that is sturdy in addition to durable for lilliputian fingers. 

Easy-to-Say First Words: Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Focus on Final Consonants is available to buy on Amazon if yous are interested inwards grabbing your ain re-create or purchasing ane for a friend.

I discovery myself grabbing Cara's mass in ane trial to a greater extent than in addition to in ane trial to a greater extent than throughout the twenty-four hours because the illustrations are hence fun to banking corporation stand upwards for out in addition to the mass is hence brusk in addition to simple. Perfect for my lilliputian one's brusk attending span. I also dearest how sparse it is because I tin sideslip it easily into my purse to convey with us on the go. I am ever trying to discovery ways to entertain my toddler piece nosotros hold off at activities, hence this mass has been a lifesaver!

Do yous accept whatever other favorite ways yous accept used to assist your kid acquire foremost words in addition to articulate terminal consonants?

PS- Don't forget to come inwards our awesome t-shirt giveaway from BKY Kids!! Only 24 hours left!

PPS- If yous desire to acquire your kids to hear without nagging, reminding, in addition to yelling, come upwards bring together us for a FREE parenting webinar next calendar week hosted yesteryear Amy McCready at Positive Parenting Solutions! It is going to move fabulous. Space is limited, hence register now!

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