
Happy Elementary Ideas For Picky Eaters

This is a sponsored transportation service written yesteryear me on behalf of Nutrimom for IZEA. All opinions are 100% mine.

Over the yesteryear several months I've been partnering amongst Nutrimom for Personal Coaching to assist modify some of my personal wellness habits along amongst working to brand my line solid unit of measurement to a greater extent than healthy! My novel baby's lifelong wellness volition last positively shaped yesteryear the nutrition in addition to environs I provide, thence creating a healthier environs inwards our dwelling line solid earlier the infant is born is essential.

Today I am going to portion a few tips from my Nutrimom coach (Annie) that tin assist picky eaters expand their nutrient repertoire a bit. I am too going to portion a chip almost the Nutrimom subscription box that I got to effort out recently.

Toddlers are notorious for beingness picky eaters. Often toddlers are exerting their independence in addition to command in addition to mealtime becomes a ability struggle. 

Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 few years agone nosotros decided to halt making mealtime a ability combat in addition to instead nosotros decided to embed to a greater extent than alternative into mealtime in addition to offering to a greater extent than command to our kids. We decided that it was our chore to brand salubrious meals in addition to offering them... but it was upward to the kids to genuinely consume them. No bribing or forcing them. If they don't consume what is offered, thence they don't consume for that meal. This conception doesn't piece of job amongst kids who have got severe wellness issues some food, but worked amongst our kids who tend to last merely patently picky!

In add-on to giving the choices/control dorsum to my kids... we've too been trying ii dissimilar ideas shared yesteryear my Nutrimom coach to assist brand mealtimes to a greater extent than interesting (and less stressful) in addition to teach my kids to effort to a greater extent than varied foods (especially vegetables).     


1. Muffin Tasting Tray

One of the best ways to assist kids effort novel nutrient is through the operate of dips! My Nutrimom coach Annie recommended that nosotros duet unknown (or disliked) foods amongst known foods that our kids like. This is called nutrient chaining. One recommendation she had to assist ease the line per unit of measurement area off of my kids was to effort doing a tasting tray at mealtime including dips.

To exercise a tasting tray nosotros position several vegetables (or other foods) that my kids didn't similar inwards each topographic point of the muffin tin liner. We too included some familiar veggies that they DO like. I cutting upward the vegetables in addition to spread them around. We too added dissimilar dips that the kids liked inwards the muffin tin holes.

Instead of forcing the kids to effort things nosotros fix the tasting tray sense guidelines where the kids in addition to grown ups needed to gustation each detail to assist charge per unit of measurement it for our nutrient rating poster. We talked almost nutrient characteristics similar whether things were crunchy or slimey to assist accept the line per unit of measurement area off the tasting experience. The kids weren't required to effort anything, but they were encouraged to effort at to the lowest degree 1 seize amongst teeth of everything! I made certain to laissez passer on a lot of praise to the kids when they tried novel things.

The dips nosotros tried included greek yogurt, sour cream, in addition to BBQ sauce. It was shocking to me what items the kids were willing to consume entirely due to the familiar dip that was there. My toddler dipped everything inwards BBQ in addition to my preschooler dipped everything inwards greek yogurt!

While nosotros tried dissimilar foods each tyke got a dissimilar colored marking in addition to could operate it to charge per unit of measurement whether they liked a vegetable or non on our poster. My oldest is typically anti anything novel in addition to is super picky in addition to he was willing to effort out several of the new-to-him vegetables without a fuss.

By making the activeness to a greater extent than almost the textures of the nutrient in addition to giving kids choice, I flora that line per unit of measurement area dissolved quite a bit.

2. Deconstructed Meals

Another repast thought that my Nutrimom coach suggested is offering to a greater extent than deconstructed repast options for mealtime. Deconstructed meals involve serving dinner line solid unit of measurement fashion in addition to each line solid unit of measurement fellow member gets to pick what items they desire to position on their plate in addition to eat. Typically kids volition serve themselves to a greater extent than salubrious nutrient when it is shared line solid unit of measurement dinner fashion in addition to select to a greater extent than of a diversity of foods when they are given the alternative than when they are required to effort them.

When nosotros exercise deconstructed meals nosotros brand certain to include something at each repast that everyone is capable of eating.

Some of our favorite deconstructed meals ideas include...
  • build your ain salad (like a Chicken cobb salad amongst lettuce, tomato, corn, cutting upward rotisserie chicken, bacon, dark beans, etc.)
  • tacos, Fajitas, in addition to Burritos (with sautéed onions/peppers/cilantro every bit veggie options, plus others) 
  • Make your ain pizzas amongst a large diversity of toppings
  • Baked tater bar
  • Chili & toppings
  • Pasta bar w/ sauces & veggies
As nosotros serve deconstructed meals nosotros similar to stick amongst the reminder that nosotros can't brand anyone exercise anything AND kids brand increasingly improve choices (most of the time) when yous laissez passer on them the ability to pick out along amongst a goodness illustration to follow (you every bit a parent!).

Using the muffin tin gustation testing in addition to deconstructed repast ideas have got genuinely helped our kids at dinner time. I have got genuinely appreciated the weekly telephone sessions amongst my Nutrimom coach to laissez passer on me ideas to assist me in addition to my line solid unit of measurement last healthier.


The Nutrimom Program provides thence many dandy things including one-on-one sessions amongst your personal Nutrimom Coach, ongoing messaging amongst the squad of Early Life Nutrition experts, webinars, grouping coaching sessions on topics from lactation to physical activity, in addition to assist amongst setting in addition to tracking goals.

The Nutrimom computer program too offers a specialized line of nutrition products to assist ensure you’re getting the nutrients yous bespeak at every phase of your baby’s development. Using the products in addition to dietary supplements, along amongst a salubrious diet, tin last genuinely helpful to moms in addition to moms-to-be throughout the get-go 1,000 days of baby’s development.


This calendar month I had the chance to review a Nutrimom subscription box. Each production was formulated for my baby's phase of development. I am currently some 32 weeks pregnant, thence the box contained several items for my electrical current stage.

I loved the personalized Federal Reserve annotation inwards my box!

This calendar month inwards my box I flora the next items...

  • Prenatal dietary supplements (these are helpful for making certain I teach telephone substitution vitamins in addition to minerals to back upward my special nutritional needs every bit a meaning women). I accept these each dark earlier bed.
  • Apricot in addition to cashew bars, super fruit bars, in addition to lemon ginger bars which incorporate B-Complex to back upward physical loose energy in addition to vitamin D to back upward os health. The lemon ginger bar too helps if yous have got forenoon sickness, which fortunately I haven't had.

The bars were packed amongst a lot of nutrients to assist ensure that I teach the nutrients I bespeak every bit a meaning mom!

The bars in addition to prenatal supplements complimented the online coaching I received in addition to provided additional options to assist me keep the utmost health. Often grabbing a nutrition bar is a quicker agency to infuse vitamins into my diet than carefully planning out specific meals in addition to trying to detect fourth dimension to brand them.

My favorite nutrition bar was the super fruit bar because I dearest cranberries in addition to dried blueberries.
In add-on to the online coaching in addition to subscription box, I have got loved the large digital library of easily searchable, science-based nutrition in addition to wellness data that is available to me through my Nutrimom membership! I tin speedily search using my desktop or the app on my telephone in addition to detect loads of helpful resources.

I have got loved trying out the Nutrimom computer program over the concluding few months. Having someone on my "team" to offering suggestions to brand my wellness a priority in addition to thence helping laissez passer on me guidance to assist my line solid unit of measurement has been invaluable!

For those interested inwards signing upward for the Nutrimom computer program for Healthy Mini-Meals for busy moms HERE.

This is a sponsored transportation service written yesteryear me on behalf of  Happy Simple Ideas for Picky Eaters

This transportation service is sponsored yesteryear Nutrimom but all opinions are mine! Thanks Nutrimom for making the yesteryear several months much healthier in addition to happier amongst regards to nutrient at our house!

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