
Happy Diy Cardboard Minecraft Sword {+ Gratis Printable}

Although my site is called "Toddler Approved," nosotros genuinely percentage activities as well as crafts for kids ages 0-6. Do you lot know why? Toddlers grow up! When I started this site virtually 5 years agone my boy was alone xviii months old. Now he is 6 years old. Crazy!

Today I am deviating a flake from my normal simple toddler play posts to percentage a DIY Cardboard Minecraft sword projection that my boy came upward amongst as well as wanted to share!

My kids are currently ages 6,3,2. Our toddler as well as preschooler genuinely had a whole lot of fun amongst this arts and crafts activeness too, hence it was a hitting for the whole family.  

Minecraft is a game that my boy plays on our Nexus vii tablet. You tin instruct the game inwards a diversity of formats for download on phones or gaming stations. My boy absolutely LOVES the game as well as wishes I would permit him play it to a greater extent than often.

Minecraft allows players to construct cool structures amongst textured cubes. I honey how my boy uses it to exercise imaginative things. In Minecraft players purpose swords to pause blocks as well as inwards combat.

I convey a love/hate human relationship amongst the game... since it is addictive. My boy gets express play fourth dimension on the tablet, hence he loves to uncovering other creative ways to doing Minecraft themed activities when nosotros aren't having covert time.

One afternoon he asked if nosotros could brand Minecraft swords. I loved the persuasion as well as hoped that nosotros could merely become online as well as download 1 that was already designed as well as impress it off... but he wanted to blueprint his OWN!

So, I mitt drew our ain template. It isn't perfect, but it has worked wonderfully. You tin download it for costless below. This is at 1 time a favorite activeness when his friends come upward over as well as desire to play Minecraft as well as I desire them to exercise something to a greater extent than creative.

Download Minecraft Sword Template Here


Materials Needed:

  • sword template printed onto paper
  • cardboard
  • scissors
  • markers or crayons or colored pencils
  • double sided tape
  • pencil


First you lot convey to impress off the sword onto reckoner newspaper as well as and hence exercise a blueprint on the paper. 

Next you lot demand to cutting out the sword as well as and hence purpose the outline of the sword as well as draw it onto a slice of cardstock.

After that, cutting out a sword from the cardboard as well as tally it upward amongst the newspaper sword. Attach the newspaper sword to the cardboard using double-sided record or a spray adhesive. You tin exercise a blueprint on both sides of the sword or last out 1 side blank.

Once the swords are created as well as hence you lot are ready to become on a mission to pause blocks or become hunting. These swords aren't genuinely for sword fighting where they come upward into contact amongst 1 roughly other since they tin break. They are alone made out of cardboard. I encourage the kids to purpose them for pretend play, non for actual contact.

Do you lot know what Minecraft is? Does anyone at your line of piece of employment solid play it?

Here are a few other fun Minecraft resources that nosotros mean value are cool...

Minecraft Bowling via Catch My Party
Don't Eat Steve Game via H5N1 Thrifty Mom

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