
Happy Disney Social Media Moms Celebration On The Road- San Francisco

Today I am deviating a fleck from my normal toddler crafts too activities posts to portion a fiddling fleck virtually a cool blogger effect I got to attend a few weeks ago- Disney Social Media Moms Celebration "On the Road" inwards San Francisco.

In my postal service today I am going to portion a few of the mom tips I learned from the Disney Social Media Moms conference along amongst a few of the highlights.

Are yous a fan of Disney? I totally am (though we've never truly been to Disneyland or Disney World equally a identify unit of measurement yet...). Hopefully nosotros acquire to acquire this Fall, afterwards our budget recovers from our recent domicile remodel.

This twelvemonth 1 of the Disney Social Media Moms On the Road Celebrations was held inwards Berkeley, which isn't also far away from where I live... too thus I was too thus excited! The stars aligned too my awesome too supportive married adult man said he'd accept the solar daytime off of operate to hang out amongst the kiddos... too thus I planned my wardrobe (which ended upwardly beingness super boring, boo!) too made plans to run across upwardly amongst about blogger friends at the conference. Yay!

The conference was held at the beautiful Claremont Resort inwards Berkeley. I'm sort of a fiddling bummed that I didn't intend virtually staying overnight there. It is gorgeous. Make certain yous click on this link too sentinel the slideshow... you'll hold out lamentable I didn't remain in that place too.  

When I got to the conference I checked inwards too got a Disney Social Media Moms Celebration On the Road swag bag. Totally unexpected too lovely. I've been using the pocketbook always since... it is the perfect puddle bag.

I've been blogging for almost 4 years... too yet, the solely blogger I've always met inwards existent life is Katie at Playing amongst Words 365 (who is fabulous, past times the way). So, entering a room filled amongst bloggers I've never met was intimidating... I was too thus stoked that Chrissy The Outlaw Mom came correct upwardly too gave me a hug too invited me to come upwardly sit down amongst her! We've been online friends for over ii years only stimulate got never met "in existent life."

Chrissy introduced me to several other people at our tabular array spell nosotros mingled too had breakfast too waited for the conference to acquire started. I forgot to eat... I was also busy chatting, only it looked  good.

I was pretty happy to detect this Disney rice crispy process at my seat. Yum!

I brought my cute homemade paperclip notebook to accept notes on...

During the conference nosotros learned virtually about awesome things happening at Disney correct now... similar the Kid-Approved Fun- San Francisco Bay Area

Disclosure: Disney Social Media Moms invited me to attend this celebration for free. All opinions are mine!

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