
Happy Coloring Matching Car Race For Kids

This calendar week every bit business office of our Move & Learn serial nosotros are sharing a color matching game that nosotros played amongst cars!!

We beloved car themed activities... particularly when they acquire us moving! The best business office of this action was that it was ane my 3-year-old as well as 16-month-old could run together to do. Read the details below to run into what nosotros did as well as how each tyke participated.

Materials needed: matchbox cars, colored paper, painters record or packing tape, as well as a container/bucket 

To acquire started you lot desire to record colored newspaper unopen to your house... nosotros did it inwards a few rooms based on the colors of our matchbox cars. You desire to brand certain that in that place is ane newspaper that matches each matchbox motorcar color.

Here's how you lot produce the color matching motorcar race...

Start past times collecting all of your matchbox cars as well as house them into a container. We merely used a tupperware. My sixteen calendar month onetime sentiment this business office was thus fun.

Next, dump out the matchbox cars on the ground. This was seriously their favorite part. We could've stopped there. Watch out for petty toes when you lot dump the cars!

Once all of the cars are on the solid set down receive got each tyke select care of ane as well as endeavor as well as stimulate it to it's matching slice of colored paper. The kids tin stimulate them through the air piece they run or they tin stimulate them on the floor. You could fifty-fifty state the kids to hop piece they stimulate the cars or receive got giant steps... or whatever you lot desire to vary upward the agency they move.

My sixteen calendar month onetime by as well as large merely picked a motorcar or 2 as well as drove them around, copying his sis for this part... as well as it was certain cute!

After kids check ane motorcar to ane slice of newspaper they necessitate to hurry dorsum as well as select care of some other motorcar as well as acquire check it. 

The destination of the game is to run into how fast you lot tin run together to acquire all of the cars matched to their right colors!

Once all of the cars are matched... as well as thus run as well as collect them inwards your bucket as well as dump them again... as well as commencement over! My sixteen calendar month onetime loved the collecting business office as well as ran unopen to picking upward the cars as well as putting them inwards our bucket thus they could hold upward dumped again!

Do you lot receive got a motorcar lover? What other motorcar themed games receive got you lot tried? 

Do you lot receive got whatsoever other favorite activities that permit petty toddlers as well as large siblings play as well as larn together?

Here are some other recent posts from our Move & Learn buddies that you lot should cheque out...

Hop on Pop Word Games from The Pleasantest Thing
Gross Motor Activities for Preschoolers from Hands On As We Grow

Follow our Move & Learn board on Pinterest for fifty-fifty to a greater extent than active learning ideas!

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