
Happy Coloring A Heart: An Alphabet Crusade Game For Kids

We dear to move. I am constantly amazed at how much my kids displace during the course of report of the day. Although I admire their unloosen energy (and wishing I had to a greater extent than of it), sometimes it is exhausting. I am ever looking for ways to channel it thus that they aren't running to a greater extent than or less inward circles.

Last calendar week nosotros created an alphabet campaign game called Color a Heart! We were inspired past times Nurturestore's simple play challenge amongst a curl of paper... thus nosotros grabbed ane as well as started creating.

Materials Needed: large curl of paper, painters tape, markers, crayons.

While the kiddos were having placidity fourth dimension inward their rooms I rolled out a large curl of newspaper as well as stuck it to the flooring amongst painters tape. 

Then I used a dark marking as well as drew hearts all over the newspaper as well as added alphabet letters within each heart.

Once I was done drawing hearts as well as writing letters, I seat a bowl of crayons on the floor. When the kids were done amongst placidity fourth dimension I invited them to color their favorite letters. My 5-year-old could've easily done the ready for this action if I had permit him (Oops! Must retrieve to exercise that adjacent time).

The kids ran to a greater extent than or less as well as establish their favorite letters from their names or favorite objects as well as colored a heart... thus ran to some other one... as well as colored some other one. The infant tried to bring together inward too.

While they colored nosotros talked virtually the letters they saw, the sounds the letters make, as well as their favorite words that accept those letters inward them. 

My 3-year-old did a few brief scrawls on each pump earlier moving onto the adjacent ane spell my 5-year-old spent a long fourth dimension coloring each pump he chose. 

After nosotros were done coloring, nosotros played a elementary game where I told each little a missive of the alphabet to discovery as well as thus had to run as well as acquire stand upwardly on it.

For my 5-year-old I said something like, "find the missive of the alphabet that is at the terminate of the give-and-take dog"

While for my 3-year-old I said something like, "find the missive of the alphabet C inward your name, Catie."

Both kids enjoyed exploring the letters at their ain footstep as well as inward ways that were perfect for what they are learning correct now. My missy was most interested inward finding the letters inward her offset mention spell my boy similar finding letters related to his favorite Star Wars words.

This was such a elementary campaign game that got their bodies moving inward all sorts of ways. We also added inward hopping on the letters as well as jumping from missive of the alphabet to letter. I'll bet you lot could mean value of several other games to play amongst this large alphabet pump curl of paper.

We part Move & Learn posts each week. Our novel Move & Learn twenty-four hours is Thursday... thus halt past times this Th for some other action that gets kids upwardly as well as moving.

Here are a few of our most pop Move & Learn games if you lot desire to acquire your kids moving as well as learning to a greater extent than too...

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