
Happy Chicka Chicka Nail Boom Kinetic Sand Activity

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This calendar month for Virtual Book Club for Kids nosotros are featuring books past times Bill Martin Jr.! Our favorite Bill Martin Jr. majority is Chicka Chicka Boom Boom.

For our action this calendar month nosotros got out closed to kinetic sand together with created a elementary Chicka Chicka Boom Boom themed alphabet action that was thus much fun! 

Before nosotros started our action nosotros read Chicka Chicka Boom Boom and together with then nosotros made our ain big kokosnoot tree using closed to newspaper together with Do-A-Dot markers

We likewise got a modest container together with buried closed to alphabet magnet letters inwards kinetic sand.

To larn started amongst our alphabet action I gave my kids piddling tweezers and they used them to search inwards the kinetic sand for alphabet letters.

As my kids flora the alphabet letters they added them to the kokosnoot tree.

Using the tweezers was such a cracking means to strengthen piddling finger muscles together with gear upwardly hand-eye coordination.

All 3 of my kiddos (ages 7,4,2) had fun doing this action together. Two of them would bury the letters spell the other i closed his eyes. Then i would notice all the letters together with together they'd position them all over the kokosnoot tree together with beak nearly the missive of the alphabet names together with sounds.

It was adorable to picket how good they worked together together with had thus much fun amongst this activity!

With my 2-year-old nosotros merely talked nearly the missive of the alphabet names spell nosotros explored the letters. With my 4-year-old nosotros talked nearly the missive of the alphabet names together with their sounds... together with amongst my 7-year-old nosotros talked nearly words that started amongst each missive of the alphabet together with he fifty-fifty built a few words amongst the letters.

One of our other favorite Chicka Chicka Boom Boom activities includes a Name Craft!

Don't forget to banking corporation tally out all of the other awesome crafts together with activities existence featured this calendar month every bit purpose of our Virtual Book Club for Kids. Just click on the links below to caput on over to the activities...

Activities to larn along Chicka Chicka 123

Activities to larn along amongst Brown Bear Brown Bear

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