
Happy Cease The Ability Possess Out {Free Webinar}

My laundry pile is huge, kids rooms are littered alongside toys, in addition to I am exhausted because the infant of late decided to halt sleeping at night.

Our schedules are a flake out of whack also in addition to I've been letting kids remain upward tardily to sentinel the Olympics or accept fun alongside friends. 

I honey having my kids abode during the summertime because nosotros don't accept a strict schedule, but alongside the schedule gone in addition to everyone to a greater extent than tired than normal, nosotros are getting into to a greater extent than ability struggles. Cleaning rooms, practicing piano, in addition to fifty-fifty eating dinner has turned into a battle. Not to cite picking what to apparel for the day. I can't fifty-fifty imagine how things volition hold back when schoolhouse starts adjacent week.

I abhor when people say me what to do, what to wear, in addition to what to eat, in addition to hence I teach it. But sometimes I desire the kids to apparel something other than basketball game shorts in addition to swallow to a greater extent than than precisely staff of life or mac n cheese for dinner.

Power Struggles are something every work solid unit of measurement tin hand the sack relate to. Whether it’s nearly eating, dressing, doing chores, or merely next rules, almost every parent-child conflict has at to the lowest degree 1 stubborn human foot rooted inwards ability struggles.

This calendar week I’m excited to endure partnering alongside a friend of mine, kid evolution educator Amanda Morgan of Not Just Cute, to select y'all a live webinar, sharing tools in addition to perspectives for turning ability struggles into a win-win province of affairs for both y'all in addition to your kids. 

Amanda is the mom that I wishing I could operate out to tiffin alongside in 1 lawsuit a calendar week in addition to accept her solve all of my parenting problems. Amanda has 4 boys AND a master’s score inwards kid development, in addition to hence she creates resources that are both useful in addition to relatable. She's also slap-up at breaking downward best practices from the professional/academic globe in addition to making them slow to sympathise in addition to apply.

I'm actually excited for a morning time to precisely permit my kids sentinel TV or create approximately mess-free crafts adjacent to me (or both) spell I melody inwards to Amanda's webinar in addition to teach approximately tips to teach our work solid unit of measurement life a flake to a greater extent than nether control... in addition to zap the ability struggles.  


Signing upward for the webinar is easy, precisely CLICK HERE in addition to you’re create to go. If y'all can’t teach inwards to the fix time, no worries. The replay volition endure sent your way.


All y'all demand is a computer, tablet, or telephone inwards fellowship to participate inwards the webinar. Amanda volition fifty-fifty accept a footling fourth dimension for a Q&A session subsequently the webinar if y'all accept whatever specific questions.

DATE: Wednesday, August 10th 

START TIME: 10:30am (PST)

The webinar volition final 1 hr in addition to volition endure filled alongside useful tips that y'all tin hand the sack teach in addition to apply correct away in addition to the Q&A volition follow the webinar, in addition to hence budget betwixt 60-90 minutes. 


Come halt yesteryear our Toddler Approved Positive Parenting Zone this calendar week to chat alongside Amanda equally well. She'll endure sharing approximately parenting tips! Can't wait!



Child evolution skilful Amanda Morgan is the Founder of Not Just Cute, a preschool weblog which focuses on intentional whole kid development. She's also the creator of the Parenting alongside Positive Guidance e-course in addition to an educational consultant in addition to trainer. Amanda has a BA inwards both unproblematic in addition to early on childhood educational activity in addition to an MS inwards childhood development. She is a mom, an educator, a consultant, a writer, in addition to a chocolate fiend.

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