
Happy Cast Activities For Preschoolers {Away Nosotros Go! Review & Giveaway}

This post is sponsored by Chieu Anh Urban.

Recently I was invited to review Away We Go!: Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Shape together with Seek Book by Chieu Anh Urban.

We are ever looking for novel products to portion alongside Toddler Approved readers that invite kids to discover, create, together with learn.

Today I am excited to portion a few Away We Go! inspired shape activities for preschoolers alongside you lot together with country you lot all close my sense reading the mass alongside my kids!

We are every bit good giving away 2 signed copies of the book, hence brand certain to scroll downwards for details! 

Away We Go!: Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Shape together with Seek Book by Chieu Anh Urban is a darling durable board mass for kids. 

The mass features almost xx unique images of vehicles created alongside shapes. Not exclusively are the vehicles inward the mass created using shapes, but each page offers a shape hunt challenge to readers. "Do you lot run across a square?" or "What shapes do you lot see?" 

In add-on to beautiful colorful images, each page features a unproblematic die-cut that my kids loved to manipulate alongside their fingers! When he turned the page my boy would acquire hence excited that a die-cut of a pump could acquire from beingness an bird propeller to a business office of a bicycle.  

The text inward the mass was really unproblematic which allowed my kids to create total the conversation alongside their ain descriptions spell nosotros read. They told me close colors, shapes, how many wheels they discovered, where the hearts were hiding, together with and hence were able to generally read or gauge each discussion on the page every bit nosotros explored. I originally pegged this mass every bit i only for my 2-year-old together with baby, but my 5-year-old enjoyed it only every bit much every bit the piffling ones. 

I would beloved it if Chieu would brand some other version for pre-k aged kids featuring a issue shape hunt! My 5-year-old boy loved counting the shapes together with figuring how many at that spot were on each page.

My kids were hence inspired past times the images inward the mass that nosotros spent the whole afternoon creating alongside some unproblematic book-inspired shape activities . 

The kickoff affair nosotros did was hunt for shape pieces together with construct a shape rocket.

Materials needed: pieces of colorful cardstock, pair of scissors or a newspaper cutter, painters tape, together with a curl of large fine art paper


Before nosotros got started, I pre-cut the pieces to the rocket. I cutting 3 pocket-size hearts, a diamond, 2 pocket-size triangles, 2 larger triangles, 1 large heart, a one-half circle, a punched circle, a long rectangle, together with i pocket-size triangle for the tip! I had xiii shapes total. 

Once the shapes were pre-cut I hid them all around our identify unit of measurement room together with drew a unproblematic rocket outline onto our large drawing paper.

The kids ran around together with flora the shapes together with and hence brought them dorsum to the large drawing newspaper to seek together with create their rocket!

The rocket was modeled after the i on the comprehend of Away We Go! hence they kept the mass unopen past times to assistance them every bit they were creating.

The colors weren't just the same every bit the images inward the mass because I wanted them to focus on matching the shapes, non only the colors. 

My kids are large fans of hunting, hence this shape rocket hunt volition last i nosotros do in i trial to a greater extent than together with again.

Our adjacent action was to brand our ain shape vehicles!

Materials Needed: cardstock cutting into a diversity of shapes, large easel paper, circle punch, painters tape, scissors, together with extra cardstock. Foam shape stickers are some other optional item you lot could use.


Before nosotros got started, I pre-cut several shapes inward a diversity of sizes together with colors. My boy helped me move our arts and crafts punch together with punch out circles. Then I issue pair of scissors together with newspaper hence that my boy could cutting whatever other shapes that he wanted.

I taped a large slice of easel newspaper onto the flooring hence that each tyke had a defined piece of job space. Creating on white newspaper makes the colors together with shapes stand upwards out more.

They worked on their creations for awhile. I added foam shape stickers to my 2-year-old's piece of job expanse to add together an extra dimension to her projection together with every bit good assistance her practise strengthening her piffling fingers past times pulling the backs off the foam stickers.

Both kids enjoyed looking through Away We Go! for inspiration for their vehicles. My 5-year-old peculiarly loved the challenge of trying to replicate some of the designs inward the mass or create his ain version.

If I didn't accept the correct shapes, he made his own. He was peculiarly interested inward making the harder shapes that were included inward the book- octagons together with ovals!

In add-on to creating our ain activities, nosotros accept enjoyed exploring author Chieu Anh Urban's website, Facebook page, together with blog.

On her weblog Chieu every bit good shares loads of fun activity ideas together with printables.

Below is a sneak peek of some of the materials shared. Click on the links below each icon to acquire to the site together with download the files to impress them out! Or click on the Pin It link below to acquire conduct to Pinterest together with pivot these for after conduct from Chieu Anh Urban's site. 

I am inward beloved alongside this Shape Sorting Activity template and this Floating Shape Raft

I am excited to follow Chieu on Facebook together with Pinterest hence that I tin abide by fifty-fifty to a greater extent than cute ideas! 

Chieu is an author/illustrator every bit good every bit a graphic designer, hence I mean value the things she comes upwards alongside are hence adorable together with perfect for my piffling ones. She is every bit good a mom of 3 girls, hence she knows what things proceed kids excited together with interested! You tin larn to a greater extent than close Chieu here on her About Me page.

If you lot desire to buy your ain re-create of Away We Go!: Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Shape together with Seek Book We are ever looking for novel products to portion alongside Toddler Approved readers that invite Happy Shape Activities for Preschoolers {Away We Go! Review & Giveaway}  by Chieu Anh Urban, click on the mass link below together with caput on over to Amazon to purchase.

Chieu is every bit good giving away 2 signed copies of Away We Go! to 2 Toddler Approved readers!

Giveaway Entry Requirements:

  • Make certain to create total inward the rafflecopter giveaway entry below together with consummate the mandatory e-mail entry.
  • You tin acquire upwards to 3 entries past times completing all 3 tasks mentioned inward the cast below.

Entry Guidelines:
  • This giveaway is opened upwards for entry from Wednesday, August 28th to Saturday, September seventh at 12:00am (PST)
  • The 2 random entries volition last drawn on Saturday, September 7th. I volition notify the winners via email.
  • The winners volition demand to respond to me inside 72 hours of my email. If at that spot is no response, novel winners volition last drawn.
  • See our Official Giveaway Rules for consummate guidelines. U.S. of America Residents only.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure: This review together with giveaway is sponsored by Chieu Anh Urban. I was compensated for the fourth dimension together with endeavour I spent reviewing the mass together with hosting the giveaway. Compensation does non include a positive review. All opinions shared inward this post close how wonderful the mass is are mine!

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