
Happy Brand Summertime A Success Alongside Army Camp Galileo!

Summer is approaching rapidly as well as I ever appear to acquire activities organized for my kids at the concluding minute. We ever create a Camp Mom at habitation for a calendar week or ii but therefore I also honey to ship my kids to awesome local camps nearby. This yr nosotros are planning ahead as well as getting things organized earlier summertime arrives!

When nosotros alternative summertime camps nosotros banking concern gibe out the location, the staff, how campsite is organized, the campsite philosophy almost learning, as well as the themes! Our hands downward favorite summertime campsite every yr is Camp Galileo!

Galileo Camps are located inwards the San Francisco Bay Area, Southern California, as well as the Chicago area. If you lot sign upwards yesteryear Feb 29th you lot tin dismiss acquire the awesome Early Bird pricing as well as relieve $25 per session. Find to a greater extent than details HERE. We honey that nosotros alone choose to drive a few minutes to acquire to camp!

Camp Galileo is centered on science, art, as well as outdoor activities as well as embraces a mission of nurturing as well as inspiring a daring novel generation of fearless innovators!

Last summertime nosotros sent my almost-5-year-old missy as well as my 7-year-old boy to Camp Galileo for the Mount Everest Expedition themed camp. My missy had never been to a full-day campsite earlier therefore she was super nervous on the start day!    

Right from the 2nd nosotros arrived at campsite the kids relaxed as well as most of the anxiety went away! The counselors were dancing to music at check-in as well as they were super energetic as well as excited every bit they welcomed everyone! Some days they fifty-fifty dressed inwards costume! 

My missy didn't fifty-fifty expect dorsum every bit she blasted off inwards the "fun zone" through the chief entrance. The counselors had the kids lay their arms upwards similar they were rockets as well as therefore run through the gate to campsite (aka "the fun zone"). 

There are therefore many awesome things nosotros honey almost Camp Galileo... but I desire to state you lot only a footling flake almost our sense at campsite as well as percentage our overstep v FAVORITE things from concluding summer. 

1. Camp Galileo is a super organized as well as well-run camp. 

I loathe dropping my kiddos off for a total twenty-four hr catamenia of campsite having no thought what they are doing all day. I honey that when you lot drib your kids off on your start twenty-four hr catamenia at Camp Galileo you lot acquire an overview of the calendar week which includes the art, science, as well as outdoor activities the kids volition live doing. You also acquire a canvas of newspaper amongst of import information (counselor name, squad color, campsite telephone number, classroom number, etc)... AND you lot acquire a Calendar of Events for the total week!

At the destination of each twenty-four hr catamenia you lot banking concern gibe your kid out as well as briefly run across individually amongst your child's squad leader. The squad leader gives you lot data inwards a printable almost the day, announcements, as well as questions you lot tin dismiss inquire your kid almost the twenty-four hr catamenia to acquire them talking. I LOVE this part... specially for the younger kiddos who respond "I don't know" or "fine" when I inquire them what they did that twenty-four hr catamenia or how the twenty-four hr catamenia was. 

I also enjoyed the quick 2nd to connect amongst the squad leader each twenty-four hr catamenia as well as view how my kids were doing at camp.

2. Kids were taught some cool squad edifice skills through daily campsite activities.

My kids were taught to live courageous, live collaborative, live visionary, live determined, as well as live reflective.

Each twenty-four hr catamenia the squad leaders created opportunities for the kids to larn these skills through art, science, as well as outdoor activities as well as therefore they watched the kids as well as allow them know when they saw them demonstrating each science inwards existent life. 

3. Camp was therefore fun as well as silly... specially on spirit days!

We had a boom getting dressed upwards each twenty-four hr catamenia all calendar week long. Having a fun accessory to convey to campsite decreased whatever anxiety almost going each morning.

Vacation/Explorer Day

Team Color Day!

Red, White, as well as Blue Day!

4. The themes as well as projects were actually creative!

When nosotros signed upwards for the Mount Everest Expedition session I wasn't quite certain what the kids would live learning about... as well as I wasn't certain if they would similar the theme.

I was definitely wrong!

The Nebulas (pre-k as well as k campers) created cool printed elephants, created mandalas, as well as made actually neat Tibetan pendants out of clay. They also designed their ain climbing gear to proceed them security AND they played mount themed games. My missy specially loved the snowball launcher game they played amongst a parachute.

The Stars (1st as well as 2nd graders) made Tibetan art... including wall hangings as well as hats. They also created shelters as well as a zipline as well as built tools for climbers. Outside they played a lot of Everest-inspired games.

5. The campsite staff was amazing!

Every yr that my kids choose attended Camp Galileo nosotros choose ever had awesome squad leaders. This yr was a footling harder because it was my daughter's start yr deal a full-day campsite as well as she has some anxiety around novel people/situations (as I've mentioned before).

In add-on to chatting amongst her squad leader at the destination of each twenty-four hr catamenia to aid brainstorm how to brand the side yesteryear side twenty-four hr catamenia fifty-fifty to a greater extent than successful... the campsite managing director also met amongst me to chat almost strategies to aid my missy choose a dandy fourth dimension at camp. Each twenty-four hr catamenia they work solved amongst me as well as nosotros ended upwards finding some awesome ideas to aid her. The squad leaders helped her acquire ameliorate at communicating if she needed a intermission or was frustrated or if she only needed some infinite away from the other campers. They also tried to brand certain she was unopen to 1 of them during meetings since sometimes she got overwhelmed if at that spot were a lot of people inwards likewise unopen of proximity to her.

I loved that the campsite staff wanted to aid brand each kid choose a dandy week! I loved how accommodating they were amongst kids who had a multifariousness of needs as well as special circumstances! I was actually impressed amongst how dandy they were at work solving as well as trying novel things as well as actually working difficult to brand it a dandy sense for my missy (and the other campers)!

On the concluding twenty-four hr catamenia of campsite the kids had a footling functioning as well as therefore they got to exhibit us all around campsite as well as explicate their projects to us that they had worked on all calendar week long. They were therefore proud as well as I loved hearing their explanations as well as seeing their projects!

Camp Galileo was an amazing sense for my kiddos. They are all the same talking almost it!

Not alone does Galileo offering programs for simple schoolers but they also choose some dandy ones for kids ages 5th-8th degree too. 

Go HERE for to a greater extent than details along amongst data almost the special Early Bird discount! You tin dismiss relieve $25 per session yesteryear signing upwards yesteryear Feb 29th!

Are you lot sending your kids to campsite this summer? Have you lot tried Camp Galileo yet?

Disclosure: This is a sponsored review ship service featuring Galileo Camps. Galileo Camps gave me a a complimentary calendar week of campsite for both of my kids inwards central for writing this review weblog post. All posts reverberate my personal view as well as endorsement as well as are non swayed yesteryear compensation and/or complimentary products. Please banker's complaint that this ship service reflects my view as well as preferences as well as you lot powerfulness non percentage that same opinion.

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