
Happy The Best High Chairs As Well As Booster Seats For Kids

There are hence many decisions yous instruct to brand every bit a parent. When I was a novel mom of 1 I spent a lot of fourth dimension trying to figure out the perfect crib in addition to stroller in addition to high chair to buy. Now every bit a mom of four I am fifty-fifty to a greater extent than amazed at all of the options out at that topographic point that didn't be when my oldest was a baby. It tin nearly drive yous insane. Babies receive got eaten nutrient for hundreds of years in addition to receive got been totally fine but sitting on their parent's laps... but I withal honey the luxury of a high chair or a booster topographic point amongst my babies in addition to toddlers. 

Today I'm going to portion some of my favorite high chairs in addition to booster seats that we've used along amongst some of the recommendations from our Toddler Approved community. 

I would honey for yous to chime inward amongst what has worked for you. Each pocket-sized in addition to menage unit of measurement are different... hence it is awesome to encounter a multifariousness of options in addition to and hence pick what plant best for you!

First off, I'm going to answer my ain question: High chair or booster seat? 

I would state BOTH. What would yous say? Here are my reasons why...

For me I absolutely loved the bulky high chair nosotros had when my oldest boy was a baby. It had wheels in addition to could last moved or hence the solid easily in addition to sometimes it got rolled correct out to the garage when guests came in addition to I wanted my kitchen gratis from a large bulky high chair.

I also totally receive got loved the small inconspicuous booster seat that we've had for the final 2-3 years. Every toddler that comes over fights over sitting on it... in addition to I've wished that nosotros had 3 to a greater extent than some days. 

There are also high chairs in addition to booster seats that I receive got HATED. The worst was the 1 that had a mucilaginous bottom to secure it inward house in addition to it took all of the complete off of my overnice kitchen chairs in addition to left them looking terrible. I also abhor high chairs that are a hurting to clean. I wishing mortal had sat me downwards ahead of fourth dimension in addition to but told me, purchase this... it volition last perfect.

So my destination today is to nowadays yous amongst some options... hence yous tin experience a petty chip to a greater extent than informed than I was.

The high chairs in addition to booster seats below link to either a website or an Amazon affiliate link. Click on the parent of the item to uncovering out to a greater extent than details in addition to specifications in addition to read additional reviews.


This booster is elementary in addition to slow to wipe downwards in addition to small. It has iii dissimilar heights in addition to iii dissimilar tray positions. It also has 2 belts to secure it inward place. Easy peasy to convey along amongst you!


We got this Fisher Price Space Saver from my vecino a few years agone in addition to it is withal inward pretty skillful condition. It is slow to strap onto whatsoever chairs in addition to take away if necessary. It tin also but last pose on the floor. We receive got transported this infinite saver for parties earlier in addition to it isn't every bit good difficult to build clean assuming yous don't allow nutrient instruct trapped behind the roofing for long. I truly similar that it comes amongst a five holler for restraint that tin last changed to a 3 holler for restraint. We but of late started using this infinite saver 1 time again amongst my half-dozen calendar month onetime in addition to she loves it!  


This IKEA high chair is highly recommended because of it's minimalist pattern in addition to inexpensive cost ($19.99). It is also slow to carry past times removing the legs if yous take to receive got a high chair to a friend's house. The fabric also makes it slow to wipe down.


We were of late introduced to the KABOOST booster topographic point a few weeks agone in addition to we've been having fun trying it out. It is dissimilar from the other booster seats nosotros receive got because instead of strapping onto the chair it attaches to the legs of the chair in addition to lifts the chair up. This way, the pocket-sized is truly sitting on the chair, but they are but higher. It plant dandy for bigger kids who are ready to sit down upward to the tabular array in addition to don't take to last strapped inward or supported inward whatsoever way. My 3.5 twelvemonth onetime has loved it in addition to his bigger siblings kicking the bucket along trying to borrow it. It adjusts in addition to has 2 elevation positions in addition to is also really slow to bend upward in addition to carry amongst you. It fits on pretty much every type of chair. It is also slow to wipe downwards in addition to holds upward to 300 pounds (which way it tin also piece of employment for older adults who may needed additional seating back upward too). It is also non-slip in addition to won't scratch the floor! You tin also instruct it inward iii colors. We receive got it inward the chocolate color that goes good amongst our flooring.


We had this Rain woods themed high chair when my oldest was a baby. I wanted something that was sturdy in addition to could last moved or hence without taking upward topographic point infinite (since nosotros didn't receive got a tabular array in addition to but had bar stools). I loved the petty play attachment to this high chair. It kept my boy entertained FOREVER. This high chair took upward to a greater extent than flooring space, hence when nosotros had less kitchen space, nosotros had to state goodbye to it. It is to a greater extent than challenging to build clean but it has iii recline positions in addition to fifty-fifty has a newborn pillow for littler eaters. I certain loved it!


We've had this lovely Prince Lionheart booster topographic point for nearly 4 years. It is perfect for when kids no longer take straps to assistance them rest inward place, but they but take a petty elevation to assistance boost them up. This topographic point is super slow to wipe downwards in addition to has a non-slip base of operations that I love. It is comfy too. It is lightweight in addition to waterproof in addition to looks nice. It doesn't brand a large splash in addition to it is slow to forget that it is there, which is precisely what I similar inward a pocket-sized product. I honey that it isn't super colorful or distracting... although yous tin instruct it inward other colors if you'd prefer that. 


Did yous know that some people operate a BUMBO every bit a high chair for feeding? I receive got an onetime BUMBO in addition to solely of late got the harness in addition to tray added to it. The strap in addition to tray kicking the bucket along kids securely inward house (instead of launching themselves out of it similar they did prior to the strap). My babies in addition to toddlers receive got a love/hate human relationship amongst this one, but many friends receive got recommended it, which is why I receive got included it on this list. It is slow to wipe down. Just don't pose it on a counter! The pad on this multi-seat bumbo tin last removed to supply to a greater extent than infinite for kids every bit they grow... which is totally awesome. In the older version my kids could barely tally their thighs inward the leg spots.

These are some of our favorite boosters in addition to high chairs. Can yous tell us which ones you've bought? Which ones receive got yous loved? Any yous wouldn't recommend?




Disclosure: KABOOST kindly gave us a gratis booster to endeavor out. All opinions shared inward this send service are mine.

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