
Happy Apple Tree Fine Art For Toddlers

When I intend of Fall I intend of apple tree trees in addition to apple tree cider in addition to my mom's warm apple tree crisp. We truly never become inward apple tree picking but I create dearest to respect other uncomplicated apple tree themed activities to create alongside my kids. 

Last calendar week nosotros tried 2 favorite activities in addition to gave them an apple tree themed twist.


We idea the experience was a whole lot of fun! It was thence fun inward fact that my toddler had a huge tantrum when nosotros had to pose the activeness away to option upwardly my oldest son. I would telephone phone that a success!

The commencement activeness nosotros adapted was marble painting in addition to nosotros turned it into Apple Pop Painting!

Apple Pop Painting

Materials needed:
  • large tub or box
  • large slice of easel paper
  • washable nontoxic paint
  • apple
  • bubble wrap
  • scissors
  • tape


To cause off yous involve to cutting your newspaper to jibe your box or tub in addition to thence house it inward the bottom.

Then yous involve to wind an apple tree alongside bubble wind in addition to secure it inward house alongside tape. Once yous create that yous powerfulness desire to permit your kids accept fun merely rolling it some in addition to exploring the apple tree alongside bubble wrap. It feels pretty cool in addition to it is fun to head to the pops every bit yous press the apple tree down.

After that scroll the bubble wrapped apple tree inward some pigment in addition to thence house it onto the newspaper inward the large tub. 

Next merely catch the sides of the tubs in addition to cause rolling the bubble wrapped apple tree dorsum in addition to forth. It volition brand some pretty cool marks on the paper.

You tin order the sack also plow this into a mess gratis projection yesteryear putting the lid dorsum on the tub. My toddler was NOT a fan of this version in addition to prefered to help motion the apple tree some yesteryear touching it from fourth dimension to time.

Once nosotros were done I had grand intentions of cutting the dried blood-red painted newspaper into large apples but thence I decided that the experience was thence fun that I didn't involve to brand anything cutesy alongside the remnant paper.

We volition definitely hold out trying this i again!

Painting Apples

Just similar nosotros pigment pumpkins inward the Fall I idea instead of doing apple stamping alongside the within of the apples that we'd attempt merely prototype on the exterior of the apples. I ready out the materials in addition to my preschooler in addition to toddler went to town mixing colors in addition to decorating their apple.

Materials needed:
  • surface to pigment on
  • washable nontoxic paint
  • apple
  • paint brush


This activeness is super easy! We merely squirted out some pigment onto our palette in addition to my kids started prototype their apples! They were both fascinated yesteryear this project!

My toddler tried to gustatory modality the pigment in addition to learned rapidly that it tasted terrible. I doubtfulness he volition attempt that again... though yous never know. :)

As I mentioned over the weekend, nosotros are huge fans of uncomplicated activities for toddlers. These 2 apple tree activities are definitely simple! If yous missed my latest transportation service yous powerfulness relish these 10 quick in addition to slow toddler activities too.

Do yous accept whatever other apple tree themed activities that you've tried or seen in addition to desire to try? Here are a few that I like...

Apple Scented Playdough from Danya Banya

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