
Happy Announcing Virtual Majority Guild For Kids Summertime Army Camp 2014!!

Today I am excited to denote our 2014 Virtual Book Club for Kids Summer Camp!!


Virtual Book Club Summer Camp includes THREE weeks of children's majority themed crafts as well as activities for kids ages 2-5.

We convey chosen 3 weekly themes tied amongst some of our favorite children's books. Each calendar week nosotros volition survive planning as well as preparing activities, crafts, as well as cool ideas for you. We'll shipping y'all the supplies listing as well as majority listing ahead of fourth dimension hence y'all tin become those together as well as and then y'all tin kicking dorsum as well as relax until our newsletter arrives inwards your inbox filled amongst your activities for the week! 

Once y'all become the newsletter each calendar week you'll convey enough of elementary activity ideas to handle y'all connect as well as practise amongst books as well as your kids all calendar week long!

Are y'all interested inwards joining in? Here's what a Virtual Book Club (VBC) Summer Camp Membership includes...

  • a pre-camp planner amongst a majority list, provide list, printable military camp planner to perish along y'all organized, as well as a printable sample military camp schedule.
  • 15 elementary printable activities as well as crafts featuring favorite children's books based on the weekly themes plus 3 bonus activities.  All activities volition survive playful as well as geared only about hands-on learning. (You'll have vi exclusive activities inwards each weekly newsletter along amongst additional resources)
  • membership to a mortal Virtual Book Club Summer Camp Facebook grouping where y'all tin chat amongst our VBC "Camp Directors" (that's us) as well as other participants, become tips, other creative ideas, as well as additional resources.

We are offering Virtual Book Club Summer Camp membership for a special cost of $7.99 from May 29th through June 4th. After June quaternary the cost volition survive $9.99.

If you'd similar to bring together us for military camp this summer, click on the registration push clitoris below to sign up.

Registration for our June session of military camp is instantly CLOSED.  Virtual Book Club Summer Camp includes THREE weeks of children Happy Announcing Virtual Book Club for Kids Summer Camp 2014!!Our side past times side session volition showtime on July 28th. Please sign upward hither for Summer Camp Alerts hence that y'all are informed when registration starts for our instant session.

Virtual Book Club Summer Camp sessions volition officially showtime on Monday, June 16th, but y'all tin sign upward for the newsletters as well as purpose them whenever they are useful for you. 

Registration for this session of military camp closes on Sunday, June 15th at 11:59pm hence don't forget to sign up!

You may desire to sprinkle the activities throughout the summertime every few weeks or practise them along amongst us each day. Sessions are scheduled for the weeks of June 16th, June 23rd, as well as July 7th.  

Once y'all register for Virtual Book Club Summer Camp you'll have a welcome e-mail amongst military camp themes as well as an invitation to our mortal Virtual Book Club Summer Camp Facebook grouping hence nosotros tin showtime chatting!

The Camp Directors this twelvemonth are me (Kristina from Toddler Approved), Kim Vij (from The Educators' Spin On it) as well as Cerys Parker (from Rainy Day Mum).


We are 3 moms (& one-time teachers) that volition survive on telephone hollo upward to handle y'all practise an awesome summertime for your kids! I am specially excited almost military camp because I am exhausted from the twelvemonth as well as actually desire to simplify this summertime but nonetheless connect amongst my kids each 24-hour interval inwards fun slowly & creative ways (while too sneaking inwards a picayune learning).

Every activity inwards our VBC Summer Camp volition survive simple, convey slowly to become materials, as well as volition survive geared towards kids ages 2-5. I can't wait! Hope to meet YOU at military camp this summer!

Note: Registration is via Paypal but y'all don't convey to purpose a Paypal concern human relationship to register. You tin too only purpose your credit card. Please contact me inwards the comments amongst whatever questions regarding payment.

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