
Happy Announcing A Really Toddler Christmas {23 Days Of Activities}

Last twelvemonth nosotros started a novel Toddler Approved tradition together with kicked off Dec past times introducing A Very Toddler Christmas Series featuring elementary festive activities for toddlers all calendar month long leading upward to Christmas. I am excited to host this serial over again this year!

The destination of this Christmas serial is to produce something elementary alongside my toddler each 24-hour interval during Dec that is fun, builds our relationship, together with gets us inwards a festive mood! 

Often my littlest i gets lost inwards the shuffle every bit nosotros hustle together with bustle to solid unit of measurement events together with schoolhouse performances together with parties. Last twelvemonth I constitute that nosotros had together with then much fun connecting alongside these elementary activities together with I actually enjoyed the vacation flavour together with then much more! 

As business office of our serial we'll produce crafts & learning activities, read books, together with fifty-fifty produce a few cooking projects. Every activity volition last simple, accept slowly to acquire materials, together with volition last geared towards kids ages 2-4 though many could last accommodate for younger or older kids. 

Do you lot desire to bring together in?

You tin locomote sign upward for my daily A Very Toddler Christmas Newsletter below together with acquire a daily e-mail from me each morning time (approx 6am EST) alongside i activity to produce that day. I volition also last sharing to a greater extent than or less activities on the weblog together with instagram (follow me at @kristinatoddlerapproved) throughout each week.  


You tin locomote produce the activities along alongside me each 24-hour interval or salve the emails together with produce the activities whenever you lot desire throughout the month. Some activities volition last classic ones that nosotros produce every twelvemonth together with to a greater extent than or less volition last novel activities we've discovered together with desire to try. All activities volition last simple, historic menses appropriate, together with fun! If I acquire organized plenty I volition endeavor together with acquire you lot a materials listing ahead of fourth dimension for the week.

The source e-mail volition acquire inwards in inboxes on Monday, Dec 1st, together with then sign upward today! The final e-mail volition last sent on Dec 23rd.

Don't forget to follow along alongside our awesome Christmas Sensory Play Series too. 

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