
Happy 35 Slow Activities For Babysitters Together With Urbansitter Review

I receive got a lot of jobs every bit a mom. I'm a driver, chef, theater keeper, fine art teacher, homework tutor, pianoforte teacher, as well as entertainer to shout a few. One of my to the lowest degree favorite roles every bit a mom is beingness the babysitting scheduler. There are worse roles of course, but scheduling babysitters is ane that I genuinely hate. It makes me experience terrible because I tin ship away text 10 babysitters as well as larn nine rejections. I don't similar needing assist from people anyway, thence when I exercise demand assist because I can't hold upwards inwards 2 places at once, it feels extra annoying to larn rejected over again as well as again. It also takes a lot of fourth dimension that I would rather pass doing other things!

We don't alive that approximately family, thence my friends are my family. Often every bit friends nosotros volition swap kids as well as assist each other amongst babysitting. Sometimes I simply similar to pay soul to babysit as well as non experience indebted to anyone ane time those 2 hours are done. Finding a regular daytime sitter has been adjacent to impossible over the past times few years, which is why I was thence excited to hold upwards introduced to UrbanSitter. I've discovered that UrbanSitter is an efficient agency to discovery trusted babysitters as well as nannies!

Today I'm excited to nation yous nearly my experience amongst UrbanSitter as well as part some simple babysitting resources amongst you. I'm including 3 FREE printables that I've created to brand leaving your kids a footling simpler. Hopefully you'll discovery them useful too. 

This post is sponsored past times UrbanSitter! All opinions are mine.

I receive got a difficult fourth dimension leaving my kids amongst a babysitter, but I also experience that it is of import for my mental wellness to move out of the theater without my kids.

As I've gotten older as well as had to a greater extent than kids, I larn a chip to a greater extent than anxious when I leave of absence my kids amongst a sitter. Things tin ship away hold upwards a lot to a greater extent than crazy as well as overwhelming for a sitter when at that spot are iv kids versus ane or two. As I've gotten to a greater extent than organized, I experience less stressed!


One matter that I ever endeavour to leave of absence on manus amongst a sitter is a listing of activities that my kids enjoy. I also present the babysitter where the arts and crafts cupboard, play dough, as well as favorite toys are located. When the kids are occupied doing simple as well as fun activities, everyone is happier as well as the babysitter's labor is easier. Although I am paying the babysitter as well as it is ok if her labor isn't easy, my finish is for her to relish her fourth dimension amongst my kids thence that she wants to come upwards dorsum again!

Recently I created a listing of 30 v of our favorite action ideas to exercise amongst babysitters. These activities are generally mess costless (other than a few of them), require exclusively a few materials, as well as they are pretty open-ended. 

You tin ship away click on the costless printable below to download your ain re-create of our action list. My kids dear to scan it earlier a babysitter comes over thence that they receive got all of their action ideas (and materials) create to go. 

Babysitter Activity Ideas

One of my favorite things to leave of absence out for babysitters is bubbles. Big pads of newspaper as well as stickers are also ever a hit!

Do yous receive got a favorite action to leave of absence out for babysitters?

In improver to leaving out action ideas, I proceed of import data nearly routines, rules, as well as emergencies posted inwards an slow to discovery spot. I am constantly looking for fight pieces of newspaper to write downwardly babysitting notes, thence late I typed upwards some babysitting forms that I could easily impress off, write one, laminate, as well as proceed inwards an accessible spot.

Having these notes posted on the wall limits the amount of things I demand to review amongst a babysitter earlier I leave. You tin ship away click on the links below to impress out your ain blank copies.

Important Info Babysitting Printable

Rules as well as Routines Babysitting Printable


As mentioned before, I receive got iv kids. Two kids are inwards schoolhouse for all or role of the day, as well as 2 kids are domicile amongst me most of the time. As a old simple schoolhouse instructor I ever genuinely appreciated the parents that would volunteer inwards my classroom, thence I endeavour as well as assist out when I tin ship away at my kid's schools. Since I am unable to convey my littler kids amongst me to volunteer, it is sometimes necessary to discovery a babysitter. Although I receive got a neat network of eve babysitters, finding people to babysit during the random times I demand them during the calendar week is hard. This is where UrbanSitter has been useful for me.

To larn started amongst UrbanSitter yous demand to create a costless profile. Adding a photograph to your profile earlier posting a labor is a neat thought since sitters are to a greater extent than probable to limited involvement inwards jobs where they tin ship away catch a friendly face. Once your profile is laid upwards yous tin ship away start searching for sitters inwards your area! It is slow peasy!

I genuinely similar UrbanSitter's search interface that helps gibe me upwards amongst sitters inside my community.

UrbanSitter also has a genuinely simple as well as useful "Post a Job" department if yous aren't having whatever luck simply searching... or if yous don't receive got time. 

Instead of searching as well as reaching out to specific sitters, yous tin ship away write out your needs as well as sitters volition reply amongst interest. You all the same stay completely inwards command of which sitters yous as well as thence create upwards one's hear to book/interview, as well as there's no obligation to hire whatever of the sitters if they don't come across your standards.

Once you've narrowed downwardly your search yous tin ship away asking an interview amongst the babysitter yous desire to pick. You tin ship away also lookout adult man video footage on the UrbanSitter site to larn introduced to the babysitters yous are considering. My kids loved this part!

I similar to exercise In-Person Interviews amongst my sitters ahead of fourth dimension to explicate labor details/expectations as well as give them a tour of the house. This agency they are prepared when they come upwards to babysit the kickoff fourth dimension as well as my kids know who/what to expect.

Last calendar week nosotros used "post a job" to discovery a sitter. After posting a labor as well as getting a few interested replies, nosotros selected our sitter. She confirmed the labor promptly as well as on the twenty-four hr menses of the labor she fifty-fifty sent us a text earlier she left her theater to move past times along her contact data as well as allow us know that she was on her way!

Our sitter was polite, punctual, asked expert questions, as well as seemed real aware of the kid's developmental stages. She fifty-fifty caught a choking opportunity that my 8 calendar month old was trying to consume earlier I did. 

When I returned she gave me a simple overview of the afternoon as well as how the kids cooperated. Then she helped me navigate the UrbanSitter babysitter payment procedure online. The kids had a phenomenal fourth dimension as well as loved that she got downwardly as well as genuinely played amongst them! They had LEGO creations to part amongst me as well as thought it was thence cool that she jumped on the trampoline amongst them also (something I abhor doing :)). 

The best role of the UrbanSitter procedure was that is was slow as well as people came to me instead of me having to hunt them down. I saved fourth dimension as well as energy! As a busy mom that is genuinely valuable to me. I could also pay online automatically, which saved me from having to exercise whatever final infinitesimal ATM runs. 

I also dear that UrbanSitter connects amongst Facebook thence that I tin ship away catch babysitter recommendations from people inside my social circle as well as community. UrbanSitter also connect parents through their local parenting groups, kids' schools, soccer teams, churches as well as more.

Sometimes the hassle of preparing for a babysitter as well as finding soul who is costless is non worth it. In this case, the entire procedure for finding a babysitter was genuinely simple. I flora soul quickly, she was experienced as well as fun, as well as my kids had a neat fourth dimension spell I was running errands. It was a win/win!  

It was thence fun to partner amongst UrbanSitter this month! They are thence awesome as well as are fifty-fifty offering a especial advertisement correct now! Make certain yous check it out!


Try UrbanSitter immediately amongst a $50 credit for your kickoff booking! Use advertisement code MYFALL2016. Expires Nov 15, 2016. CLICK HERE TO GET STARTED.

When was the final fourth dimension yous hired a babysitter?

Follow UrbanSitter on their social channels for to a greater extent than of import updates as well as promotions. They tin ship away hold upwards flora on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, as well as Twitter

Disclosure: This post is sponsored past times UrbanSitter. All opinions expressed inwards this post are mine.  

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