
Happy 2015 Kindness Challenge Calendar Week 1

The 24-hour interval is here! Today nosotros are kicking off our 100 Acts of Kindness Challenge in addition to sharing our outset weekly challenge alongside you!

Between Jan 19th in addition to Feb 14th nosotros are trying to consummate 100 Acts of Kindness! We are also passing along a kindness challenge every calendar week on Monday. The destination is to consummate that kindness challenge over the next week, inward improver to several other acts of kindness.

This week's kindness challenge is focused on beingness sort to our families... so nosotros laid upwards a super uncomplicated kindness destination to teach us started!

Our Week 1 Kindness Challenge is...

Hide five honey notes inward surreptitious places where your trouble solid unit of measurement members tin honour them. 

Start this out by...

1. Cutting out some hearts or decorating some pre-cut hearts in addition to write a uncomplicated Federal Reserve notation on them (or create got an adult write piece you lot dictate also works)

2. Sneak only about the trouble solid quietly in addition to lay your sugariness notes inward hiding spots where your siblings or mom in addition to dad mightiness non encounter them correct away.

If you're doing this action alongside a flat of students, create got them cutting out five hearts in addition to write notes in addition to and thus create got them dwelling in addition to enshroud them. If you lot are a raise helping your kids alongside this, attention each kid to cutting out five hearts in addition to write uncomplicated notes on them in addition to and thus enshroud them. Don't live on surprised if your toddler hides all five inward 1 spot. 

I conception to also produce these for my husband but write a picayune compliment on each one. Older kids could teach to a greater extent than creative in addition to write to a greater extent than detailed sort notes too.

BE CREATIVE alongside where you lot enshroud these notes! Try in addition to lay 1 or 2 inward places that won't live on institute for a picayune fleck similar within shoes, deep within a drawer, or inward a page of your child's/siblings favorite book.  

If you lot desire your toddler to enshroud their notes inward to a greater extent than than 1 spot, model how to enshroud them in addition to and thus create got them re-create you. They may lay their notes inward the exact same places you lot did, but in addition to thus they'll at to the lowest degree live on to a greater extent than spread out instead of all exclusively inward 1 spot.

Are you lot joining our 100 Acts of Kindness Challenge? Let me know inward the comments 1 time you've completed today's weekly challenge. Make certain to say me your well-nigh creative hiding spot too!

Have you lot decided how you lot are going to count downwards your 100 acts yet?

You tin download our gratis printable countdown nautical chart here in addition to here.

Need some to a greater extent than kindness ideas? Check out our 100 Acts of Kindness pinterest board and Coffee Cups in addition to Crayon's gratis printable listing of 100 Acts of Kindness for Kids

Pop past times tomorrow to banking concern stand upwards for out some to a greater extent than awesome kindness ideas from some of our blogging friends!

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