
Happy X Ways To Construct Toddler Linguistic Communication Skills

Language skills aid kids as well as adults brand friends, limited their needs, portion emotions as well as interests, as well as alive happy lives! There are so many ways to usage words, trunk language, as well as fifty-fifty sign linguistic communication to inquire for things as well as tell people what you lot want.

As a onetime instructor of kids amongst communication disabilities, I mean value almost linguistic communication a lot! I watched every bit many of my students struggled amongst communicating as well as made it my mission to aid families inward this area. Many parents don't empathize how kids railroad train linguistic communication as well as they also don't know what kids should live doing, particularly amongst their showtime child. When I was a teacher, I oftentimes co-taught a communication lab amongst the Speech Therapist at our schoolhouse as well as I loved learning from her as well as using her strategies to aid my students.

Although at that spot are to a greater extent than inward depth things that Speech Therapists tin share, every bit parents, at that spot are some genuinely uncomplicated things that nosotros tin do to aid our toddlers laid upward their linguistic communication skills. If you lot are worried almost your toddler's linguistic communication evolution fifty-fifty but a niggling bit, I ever recommend seeking the advice of a professional.

To acquire started, let's speak briefly as well as by as well as large almost toddler spoken communication evolution betwixt the ages of ane as well as three. 

What linguistic communication skills do toddlers genuinely demand to develop? 

Below, you'll honour linguistic communication skills broken downwardly into 2 areas: hearing as well as agreement as well as talking. Both are of import as well as become manus inward hand!

If your kid is nether less than twelve months old, you lot tin honour information almost linguistic communication evolution here.

Here are some skills toddlers typically larn betwixt ages 1-2: 

Hearing as well as Understanding

  • Points to a few trunk parts when you lot ask.
  • Follows 1-part directions, similar "Roll the ball" or "Kiss the baby."
  • Responds to uncomplicated questions, similar “Who’s that?” or “Where’s your shoe?”
  • Listens to uncomplicated stories, songs, as well as rhymes.
  • Points to pictures inward a majority when you lot scream them.


  • Uses a lot of novel words.
  • Uses p, b, m, h, as well as w inward words.
  • Starts to scream pictures inward books.
  • Asks questions, similar “What's that?”, “Who’s that?”, as well as “Where’s kitty?”
  • Puts 2 words together, similar "more apple," "no bed," as well as "mommy book."

Here are some skills toddlers typically larn betwixt ages 2-3:

Hearing as well as Understanding

  • Understands opposites, similar go–stop, big–little, as well as up–down.
  • Follows 2-part directions, similar "Get the spoon as well as set it on the table."
  • Understands novel words quickly.


  • Has a give-and-take for almost everything.
  • Talks almost things that are non inward the room.
  • Uses k, g, f, t, d, as well as n inward words.
  • Uses words similar in, on, as well as under.
  • Uses two- or three- words to speak almost as well as inquire for things.
  • People who know your kid tin empathize him.
  • Asks “Why?”
  • Puts 3 words together to speak almost things. May repeat some words as well as sounds.

Source: American Speech Language Hearing Association

There are likely a dozen or to a greater extent than things nosotros could add together to the lists above, but those are but a few to acquire started. 

Now, ane affair to scream upward is that sometimes at that spot is a deviation betwixt what a toddler has learned as well as what they can do. For example, my toddler tin scream pictures that I betoken to inward a book, but sometimes she doesn't desire to... ha! So live aware of that every bit well. 

Important Note!

Remember that toddlers all railroad train differently! Language develops at a dissimilar stair for each kid, fifty-fifty inside these historic catamenia ranges as well as skills. I similar to usage these Language Red Flags from my friend Katie who is a speech-language pathologist. Check them out if you lot are worried almost your child. I particularly desire to highlight her proposition NOT to hold off as well as encounter until historic catamenia three! If you lot are worried almost your child's linguistic communication evolution at whatsoever time, essay out professional person help, whether they are xv months or 2 or three!  

Now that we've talked almost some of the skills toddlers are developing, let's brainstorm several ways that nosotros tin aid toddlers laid upward their linguistic communication skills.

How tin nosotros aid toddlers laid upward their linguistic communication skills? 

Here are 10 Ways to Build Toddler Language Skills:

These activities aid toddlers growth their vocabulary as well as start to larn how to communicate amongst menage unit of measurement or friends better. They also innovate kids to rhyme as well as rhythm. 

1. Read, read, read!

Read books, signs, magazines, box labels, menus! Anything! Kids are exposed to so many novel words, phrases, as well as types of communication every bit they read books. They also tin larn almost things similar opposites, figurative language, social linguistic communication skills, rhyming, as well as so many other things depending on the books you lot choose.

Here are a few fun books that instruct opposites:

Maisy Big, Maisy Small, past times Lucy Cousins
Big Bear, Small Mouse, past times Karma Wilson & Jane Chapman
Opposites, past times Sandra Boynton
Yummy Yucky, past times Leslie Patricelli
Octopus Opposites past times Stella Blackstone

2. Use photos as well as photograph books to speak almost special events, family, as well as friends.

I but started taking photos from my photographic telly camera gyre to brand uncomplicated Chatbooks. I write brief descriptions inward them, but mostly they are wordless photograph books to hold off through amongst my kids. Often wordless books are fifty-fifty meliorate than books amongst words because nosotros tend to vary our descriptions as well as linguistic communication each fourth dimension nosotros read them, hence nosotros are educational activity our kids novel words.

We also honey to do interactive photograph walls as well as photograph activities, similar this photo garden as well as photo Christmas tree, to aid kids larn names as well as speak almost past times events. Games that include photos, similar making a photo retentiveness game, tin also live a groovy agency to encourage kids to talk.

3. Teach toddlers feeling words

When toddlers know how to pull their emotions amongst words, life is but a tiny flake easier. If your toddler doesn't know emotion words yet, you lot tin read books almost them, purchase a poster or flashcards that speak almost them, as well as you lot tin fifty-fifty usage photos of your kid to aid them larn to read them. I honey to read these books almost feelings amongst my kids:

Mercer Mayer's, I Was So Mad
My Many Colored Days past times Dr. Seuess

4. Pretend together

We honey to laid upward pretend play scenarios as well as set on costumes. Kids naturally alternative upward novel words as well as do words, phrases, as well as sentences inward these settings. Setting upward a pretend shop is such a groovy agency to do conversational plough taking as well as fifty-fifty manners, Setting upward a doctor's operate or eating theatre tin also aid your kid laid upward novel vocabulary skills as well as aid them start to string words together into sentences. I honey to bring together inward playing amongst my kids as well as model dissimilar types of phrases or statements that they could use! I ever honey when they usage some of the linguistic communication skills they learned during pretend play time, out inward the existent world!

5. Use technology together

Technology used properly as well as every bit component subdivision of a social experience, tin live a groovy tool for families. As mentioned afterward inward this post, watching babe sign linguistic communication or downloading an app to aid amongst that tin live genuinely helpful. Also, some real uncomplicated apps tin live downloaded onto phones so that kids tin play amongst them as well as also convey parental guidance/support as well as larn to follow directions, empathize novel words, as well as practice.

6. Teach toddlers their trunk parts through songs as well as actions

One of my favorite ways to instruct toddlers their trunk parts is through songs, books, as well as using movement. You tin also speak almost their trunk parts naturally during daily activities every bit they come upward up- changing diapers, taking baths, washing hands, etc.

Here are a few books that instruct trunk parts to toddlers that nosotros like:

Sleepy Toes By Kelli McNeil
Toes, Ears, & Nose! past times Karen Katz
Where is Baby's Belly Button? past times Karen Katz
Wiggle Your Toes past times Karen Katz

7. Learn plant nursery rhymes

Nursery rhymes are groovy for edifice linguistic communication skills because they render a groovy foundation of vocabulary words! The beat of the words inward plant nursery rhymes helps your toddler's linguistic communication retentiveness skills too. My friend Anna at Measured Mom shared a few other benefits to learning plant nursery rhymes here. I mean value they are critical things for toddlers as well as preschoolers to live learning! We convey the best laid of Scholastic mini plant nursery rhyme books that my kids honey to read.

You tin honour thirteen of our favorite plant nursery rhyme books here.

8. Teach uncomplicated sign linguistic communication paired amongst words

Have you lot taught your kids whatsoever sign language? When my oldest was little, he loved the Baby Einstein First Signs video that nosotros would lookout adult man together. It is genuinely simple, but he learned how to say "more" as well as "milk" as well as "drink" as well as "all done," etc. These signs were genuinely helpful every bit he grew as well as tried to communicate, but sometimes couldn't limited just what he wanted! As I used the sign linguistic communication as well as said the give-and-take out loud besides as well as he copied me, he oftentimes also remembered the words meliorate as well as started picking them upward faster. H5N1 lot of his frustration was alleviated because he could tell me what he wanted.

When you lot usage sign linguistic communication along amongst speaking it tin genuinely aid kids strengthen their vocabulary skills. Here are a few sign linguistic communication resources that I like:

Signing Time videos
Baby Sign & Learn App
Baby Sign Language: When to Start
Using DVDs to Teach Sign

9. Go on hunts some the job solid as well as inward nature

Getting moving as well as talking is ane of the best ways to larn novel words as well as chat amongst your niggling one. We honey hunting some the job solid for things as well as convey a dissimilar hunt activity for every vacation or theme. When you lot hunt some the job solid amongst your kids you lot are non only modeling dissimilar novel words, you lot are repeating familiar words (thus reinforcing them) as well as you lot are using directional as well as positional words similar up, down, around, behind, on overstep of, under, etc. These words are critical for kids to larn every bit they start expanding their ain linguistic communication as well as learning to follow as well as give directions themselves! Who knew that uncomplicated activities similar hunting for toys some the job solid could live so beneficial as well as fun at the same time?

Here are a few of our favorite hunts...

Color Hunt
Pet Store Scavenger Hunt
Number Toy Hunt
Candy Cane Hunt
Farm Animal Puzzle Hunt
LEGO I-Spy Hunt
Color Wheel Hunt
Flashlight Hunt

10. Do creative activities together

You tin never underestimate the ability of connecting amongst your toddler as well as creating together! Not only are you lot able to laid upward a groovy relationship, but at that spot are so many opportunities for talking as well as learning as well as educational activity inward natural settings. While creating, kids larn to follow directions or brand their ain directions as well as explicate them to adults. They also larn the names of the materials they are using as well as start out to live able to empathize what each particular is used for... as well as over fourth dimension tin instruct that to others (ie. the stamps are used similar ___ or to brand roads nosotros gyre out the painter's record similar ___). The emotional connections that are made during creative activities tin also aid brand language/conversations stick inward memories longer than if kids were doing activities alone. The human relationship edifice is so of import as well as parents or other mentors tin live such groovy linguistic communication models for kids!

Do you lot do whatsoever of these things amongst your toddler? Which are easiest for you? Which ones are harder? 

Do you lot convey whatsoever additional suggestions for helping to laid upward toddler linguistic communication skills?

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