
Happy V Resources For Challenging Tiddler Behavior

WE SURVIVED the week!! I am nevertheless reeling from the craziness of it all! How was your week?

I spent Mon as well as Tuesday prepping for an termination as well as schoolhouse starting before long as well as Midweek pretty much set out sick inwards bed trying to proceed 4 kids hold upward spell moving every bit lilliputian every bit possible. Th I tried to pretend I wasn't feeling bad as well as nosotros went to a local entertainment common as well as I paid for that on Friday. As yous tin flame imagine, things got a lilliputian crazy. I spent a lot of fourth dimension playing "fetch" alongside the toddler (ie. I threw a toy/ball as well as she got it as well as brought it dorsum to me) as well as letting her empty pretty much every drawer inwards my kitchen. We did a lot of shoe fashion shows too. The large kids merely watched movies on repeat.

By Fri the kids were fighting a lot as well as nosotros were dealing alongside about challenging behaviors. Boredom tin flame produce that to you. Toddlers evidently aren't the entirely ones who tin flame hold upward difficult (in our solid unit of measurement the 4-year-old is typically the hardest), thence nosotros needed to produce a lilliputian reset as well as review about positive demeanour strategies.

Since nosotros were reviewing them, I thought I'd portion a few of my favorite resources for dealing alongside challenging behaviors alongside YOU this week!


Here are v of the biggest demeanour issues at our solid over the by few years (and week)... as well as my favorite resources for dealing alongside them!!


When my kids don't take away heed it drives me crazy. Usually I am partially to blame, but it KILLS me anyway. These three strategies from Amanda Morgan to aid kids take away heed are super elementary (and ones nosotros know), but ones I cause got to remind myself most CONSTANTLY. I also loves in this post service most helping toddlers who hit but thence I merely lost it as well as yelled at him when nosotros got dorsum to the car! Grr. Tomorrow I volition hold upward practicing to a greater extent than patience as well as trying harder! I've also been watching this complimentary Angry Mom to Peaceful Home video series that has been helping too.


Toddlers (or older kids) that run away from yous (or run across traffic or enshroud inwards stores) tin flame hold upward thence frustrating! Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 lot of these tips for stopping toddlers from running away cause got helped us. I peculiarly dear this Daniel Tiger episode/song.


Tantrums are dissimilar from meltdowns, thence it is of import to distinguish which 1 is happening. Tantrums typically include manipulation, knowing what they are doing as well as a selection spell a meltdown includes existence overwhelmed, anxious feelings, as well as organization breakdowns. (My friend Dayna breaks them both downwards actually good inwards her post service The Real Difference Between a Tantrum as well as a Meltdown).

Acknowledgement of the child's emotions is the kickoff footstep nosotros normally cause got when a kid starts having a tantrum. Sometimes that stops it earlier it spirals out of control. You tin flame read to a greater extent than most it inwards our favorite tip for dealing alongside tantrums post.


One of my kids has gone through a biting phase as well as it is awful! This post service most biting over at Happy Hooligans is my favorite resources on the topic. There are tons of dissimilar ideas to try!!! If 1 has worked for you, delight portion it!

Do yous cause got whatsoever other challenging kid behaviors going on at your solid correct now??

(This listing was previously shared inwards our July 21, 2017 Newsletter. You tin flame subscribe to our Toddler Approved Weekly Play Plan as well as Newsletter HERE for to a greater extent than elementary parenting tips as well as play ideas)

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