
Happy V Days Of Toddler Easter Activities

It is nearly Easter as well as I ever beloved putting together elementary as well as easy Easter activities for my kids this fourth dimension of year! Bunnies, chicks, eggs, as well as baskets are ever favorite themes!

I am thence excited to squad upwards amongst Susie of Busy Toddler as well as percentage FIVE days of awesome toddler-friendly Easter activities amongst you lot this week! 

If you've been next along over on Instagram (I'm @kristinatoddlerapproved), thence you lot heard me denote our Toddler Easter Activities series a few days ago. It is going to live thence fun! 


Starting on Mon (tomorrow!) Susie as well as I volition each live sharing i elementary toddler-friendly Easter action each twenty-four hr catamenia all calendar week long! That agency you'll larn TWO activities each twenty-four hr catamenia as well as TEN activities total. I volition link each action below equally they are posted thence that you lot don't immature lady them! I had SO MUCH fun sharing our 10 days of elementary toddler activities challenge with you lot as well as I am excited to popular off along the momentum going! 

As a busy mom of 4 I ofttimes pass a lot of fourth dimension cleaning, running errands, as well as going to meetings. I beloved stealing 20 minutes (or fifty-fifty less) to focus on doing an slowly action amongst my toddler. Usually my preschooler joins inward as well as sometimes fifty-fifty my vi as well as nine year-old participate! Creativity is contagious, as well as when I laid upwards the event inward our home, my bigger kids purpose their imaginations to a greater extent than as well as I am ever amazed at what they come upwards up with!


1. Bookmark or pivot this page thence that you lot tin come upwards dorsum hither as well as uncovering each action each day. 

My destination is to post service on the spider web log early on inward the twenty-four hr catamenia each day... precisely life happens, thence we'll see. I'll too live sharing each of my five activities on Instagram each twenty-four hr catamenia (I'm @kristinatoddlerapproved) as well as Susie volition percentage over on the Busy Toddler Instagram (@busytoddler). If you lot don't know Susie, become scroll through her spider web log as well as IG feed as well as thence follow her. She is such a super creative as well as fun mama of three!

2. Follow Toddler Approved as well as Busy Toddler on Instagram to watch additional pictures/activities.

I beloved to post service video footage as well as extra photos of activities inward Instagram stories, thence come upwards cheque them out.

3. Comment as well as state us you lot are going to bring together us as well as endeavor 1,2,3 or 10 of our elementary toddler Easter activities this week! 

If you lot produce upwards one's heed to endeavor out i of the activities that nosotros share, tag us, post service on our Facebook walls, or purpose the hashtags #averytoddlereaster or #toddlereaster thence that nosotros tin come upwards as well as cheque out what you lot are upwards to!

Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 VERY TODDLER EASTER 2017 ACTIVITIES

Come dorsum to this listing daily to watch the novel activities nosotros add together each morning! I volition add together them side yesteryear side to the right twenty-four hr catamenia as well as hyperlink them thence you lot tin uncovering them. 


Painting amongst Plastic Eggs (paint on newspaper amongst plastic eggs- slowly peasy!)

Here are 6 to a greater extent than fun Toddler Easter activities!


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