
Happy Quaternary Of July Coloring Lab For Toddlers

My kids pass in all likelihood xc per centum of the solar daytime inwards our backyard playing together with creating. Water activities are ever a favorite!

For Day 4 of our A Very Toddler Fourth series nosotros fix a 4th of July Color Lab inwards the backyard inspired past times No Time for Flashcard's Color Lab Science and Busy Toddler's HERE. We've teamed upwards amongst Jenae at I Can Teach My Child to part a whole calendar week of 4th of July fun amongst you!

Our 4th of July Color Lab exclusively required a few materials to brand a HUGE amount of fun!

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  • red nutrient coloring
  • blue nutrient coloring
  • squirt bottles
  • turkey baster
  • variety of sizes of tupperware containers
  • variety of sizes of plastic pitchers
  • measuring cups
  • ladles

Before nosotros got started I fix our color lab together with had i of my big kids distract my toddler therefore that she didn't invade earlier I was ready. She spied the H2O together with colors instantly together with was chomping at the chip to learn started!

I added a few drops of nutrient coloring into each container (either crimson or bluish to cash inwards one's chips along amongst the 4th of July theme) together with and therefore I mixed them upwards together with allow my toddler starting fourth dimension playing! Of course of written report my other kids couldn't cash inwards one's chips along themselves out of the fun either... it simply looked besides inviting!

My preschooler together with I talked well-nigh color mixing together with he had fun making a diverseness of dissimilar hues of royal equally he mixed the reds together with blues together.

Our color labs ever plough into drinking stations for my toddler equally well. She has to crusade every liquid she gets her hands on! She would rather quaff than eat!

After nosotros were done exploring the colors together with water, this action was quick together with slow to build clean upwards together with hose down! I bring a feeling we'll live doing this oft this summer! It was such an inviting means to pass the afternoon!

Do your kids similar playing amongst water?

Here are a few other 4th of July Water Play ideas...

4th of July Ice & Water Play- The Jenny Revolution

4th of July Fun amongst Waterbeads- I Can Teach My Child

4th of July Water Blob- Club Chica Circle

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