
Happy My Perfect Schedule For 1-Year-Olds

Are y'all a schedule variety of person? I beloved to alive a chip to a greater extent than flexibly, but with 4 kids in addition to real specific windows of fourth dimension during the 24-hour interval to teach anything done, I've move to a greater extent than of a schedule person. That doesn't hateful that I don't throw the schedule out the window sometime... but most of the time, nosotros move on things pretty predictable around here.

Follow me over on Instagram for a lot of unproblematic toddler activeness ideas. I'm @kristinatoddlerapproved

For me, schedules assist me experience similar I am truly accomplishing something. With 4 kiddos in addition to thence much to do, sometimes I experience similar my 24-hour interval is a mess of haphazard moments where I never truly consummate ANYTHING. Having designated times during the 24-hour interval to focus on specific things truly helps me remain to a greater extent than sane.

My youngest miss is currently i in addition to volition live 2 inward January. Here's a quick overview of what our typical "perfect" or favorite schedule has been for the yesteryear year. By "perfect," I mean, when she isn't sick, nosotros don't direct keep a large resultant happening that infiltrates our schedule, in addition to I am non spending the whole 24-hour interval running errands. You tin uncovering my perfect schedule for 2-year-olds here

WAKE UP (anytime betwixt 7-8am)

It is blissful if this truly happens. I direct keep also had kids regularly wake upward earlier 7am in addition to nosotros basically commons it on the couch in addition to cuddle in addition to sentry TV until it seemed OK to live awake. If my babies wake upward earlier 7am I volition sometimes throw on Elmo in addition to strap them into their high chair nearby with some Cheerios in addition to prevarication on the couch in addition to endeavour in addition to move dorsum to sleep.


My miss is prepare for breakfast the 2d she wakes up! Sometimes my large kids volition teach her out of bed in addition to brand her a toasted waffle in addition to sometimes I volition assist feed her oatmeal or cereal. We move on breakfast pretty low-key during the weekdays. You tin read to a greater extent than virtually feeding babies in addition to toddlers in addition to some of our tips here.


Usually inward the morning time i time I teach my 2 large kids off to school, I operate on cleaning upward breakfast land my one-year-old roams the kitchen playing with her cars in addition to trucks. She has been obsessed with her firetruck all twelvemonth in addition to loves to coil it around. I move on a large handbasket of trucks in addition to footling people toys correct adjacent to the kitchen thence that she has slow access to them.

She also loves her pull-back Melissa & Doug cars in addition to her Little People pinkish bus. It is prissy to direct keep a few things nigh the kitchen that she tin play with independently land I endeavour in addition to pick upward the disaster the my kitchen commonly is inward the morning!


Often inward the morning time afterwards we've picked upward a footling bit, I either shower or nosotros caput out for a workout. I beloved to jog land I force my miss inward the jogging stroller in addition to my 5-year-old rides his scooter alongside. Almost 90% of the fourth dimension nosotros jog to the park.

Once a calendar week I host a weekly commons playgroup with friends at unlike parks around our town. On the other days, nosotros merely move to the commons on our own. I beloved having chat fourth dimension with my friends at the commons on commons days, but I also beloved merely going to the commons without friends equally good thence that I truly pay attending to my kiddos in addition to play with them! My one-year-old is a chip swing obsessed, thence I commonly pass most of the fourth dimension pushing her on the swing. I've shared my favorite tips for taking a toddler to the commons here, if y'all demand whatever ideas.


Mid-morning nosotros commonly direct keep to drib off my 5-year-old at schoolhouse in addition to and thence my miss in addition to I caput habitation for tiffin in addition to some quick playtime. Sometimes I line out erstwhile favorite activities (like this giant cast sorter), in addition to sometimes nosotros endeavour out novel ideas (like our DIY develop table).


I beloved hanging out with my kids, but I alive for that 1-2 hours of complimentary fourth dimension during naptime too! I commonly select handgrip of a diet coke in addition to some chocolate in addition to settle inward to produce some operate on the blog, response emails, or produce other projects.


If nosotros don't teach exterior inward the afternoon i time my bid kids teach habitation from school, the 24-hour interval seems to drag on forever. Most of the fourth dimension nosotros merely hang out inward our backyard, but sometimes nosotros direct keep sports or other activities in addition to we'll move to the park. Sometimes we'll play out front end with our neighbors in addition to sometimes the large kids volition direct keep friends over in addition to my toddler volition run around afterwards them. Some of our favorite backyard activities in addition to play items tin live flora here.


If in that place is time, I similar to produce a unproblematic arts and crafts or activeness with my toddler in addition to preschooler land my 2 older kids complete their homework in addition to piano. Sometimes I position together an slow sensory bin land I made dinner that they tin play with together.

My favorite sensory bins are cereal sensory bins and a big ball pit inward a plastic tub

Painting with Do-A-Dot Markers is e'er a hitting too... fifty-fifty though the markers tend to comprehend hands, fingers, in addition to faces too.


Dinner is never fancy here. Crockpot meals are my favorite in addition to lately nosotros are loving Butter Chicken, rice, in addition to Naan. We also produce a lot of destructed meals similar taco salads, Hawaiian haystacks, in addition to burritos thence that kids direct keep alternative in addition to tin create their ain meal. The bulk of nutrient that nosotros brand takes less than thirty minutes to rut up, assemble, in addition to serve. Sometimes nosotros merely direct keep a pizza nighttime or brand quesadillas along with a fruit or veggie.


My favorite matter to come across is my kids playing with i another. I beloved watching them play games, come upward up with pretend play scenarios, in addition to merely goof off together. Basket rides are e'er a favorite.


Sometimes nosotros skip direct to baths in addition to produce playtime correct earlier bed since my toddler likes to live a messy eater in addition to teach covered caput to toe with nutrient sometimes.

Reading books together is something my toddler won't ever allow us forget. Often she volition come upward around with me equally I tuck each of the large kids inward bed in addition to she'll heed to their stories. Sometimes, yesteryear the fourth dimension nosotros teach to her, I'm prepare to skip the books... but she volition non allow that happen! Her favorite books correct directly include Sleepy Toes, anything yesteryear Karen Katz, in addition to books with animals inward them... similar the Little Red Hen.

Do y'all direct keep whatever favorite board books that your toddler loves?

Our nighttime commonly ends around 8pm when everyone has been read to, tucked in, hugged in addition to kissed. Putting my toddler to bed is something both my married adult man in addition to I beloved to do... thence sometimes nosotros volition both sneak into her room in addition to assist position her to bed (while ignoring the noises of kids sneaking out of their rooms upstairs to teach H2O or move to the bath i final time).

One-year-old cuddles in addition to kisses are the best!

Another matter that nosotros position on our schedule all 24-hour interval every 24-hour interval is a lot of HUGS! Anytime I tin teach a hug or a cuddle from my toddler, I sneak it.

Somedays nosotros produce all of the things I direct keep outlined inward this schedule... in addition to sometimes nosotros alone produce i or two. Sometimes our toddler activities include jumping inward laundry piles land I endeavour in addition to crimp it all in addition to position it away earlier the large kids come upward home. Some afternoons nosotros merely skip activities in addition to sentry a movie. I don't stick to this schedule inward a strict fashion, I merely similar having it equally a framework to guide my 24-hour interval if I demand it.

Alright, your turn. What does your 24-hour interval hold off similar with your one-year-old? If y'all direct keep older kids, how does their schedule gibe in?

Our not-so-perfect schedule goes through to a greater extent than of the nitty gritty of our schedule with all the cleaning in addition to kid's schedules, etc... but I prefer to focus on this one!

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