
Happy My Not-So-Perfect Simply Awesome Schedule

I direct hold 4 kids (ages 9,6,4, together with 1). I pass most of my life utterly exhausted together with inwards somewhat of a manic state. You tin read to a greater extent than most how I remain sane here. I direct hold a lot of fun together with nosotros brand a lot of keen memories, but some days are simply plainly terrible or non equally goodness equally others. Most are simply regular, amongst a mix of crazy together with a mix of awesome. I am a to a greater extent than ofttimes than non positive person, thus overall every twenty-four hr stream is great... or at to the lowest degree has several goodness moments! My favorite mantra to repeat is "Every twenty-four hr stream may non last good, but there's something goodness inwards every twenty-four hr stream (Alice Morse Earl)."

If you've followed along for awhile, together with thus you've belike read my post My Perfect Schedule for 2-Year-Olds. It was written 2 years agone together with it was 1 of my favorite fourth dimension periods before my newest picayune 1 (baby #4) arrived!

Nowadays our schedule looks a fleck different, amongst occasional glimpses of that perfect schedule. With 2 kids inwards simple school, 1 inwards preschool a few days a week, together with 1 at abode amongst me all day, things are busier. I am looking forrard to returning to that perfect schedule (or a novel version of it), 1 time my preschooler is inwards simple school.

As I mentioned inwards my previous schedule post, sometimes our days await completely dissimilar when nosotros direct hold playgroups, playdates, toddler classes, or when nosotros are planning events. In this post I am simply sharing our full general schedule. I'd honey to hear yours! I honey getting inspiration from other people. I know in that place are a whole bunch of people out in that place that are doing life much to a greater extent than productively than I am! I am a slave to the clock thus unfortunately nosotros direct hold a lot less flexibility than nosotros used to together with I don't direct hold the might to not direct hold a schedule these days! I form of immature adult woman the days when nosotros could non direct hold a innovation together with do whatever nosotros want. That is why I am thus excited for summertime together with our summer run a hazard list.


7:30am Sleep until absolutely the latest possible together with permit the large kids feed the picayune kids.

Usually it is 7am... but I seek together with remain inwards bed equally long equally possible. Sometimes I tin brand it till 7:45 together with and thus unremarkably in that place is some sort of brawl that I direct hold to interrupt. We've talked most this before, but I am non 1 of those people that wakes upwardly early on before my kids. We don't do a fancy breakfast on weekdays. We direct hold cereal most days or frozen waffles together with and thus nosotros race to acquire dressed before my oldest heads to schoolhouse unopen to 8am. I am a black owl together with go at night... thus mornings are ever a picayune fleck rough. Someday I am hoping they won't be. I honey it when I wake upwardly together with go out before the kids acquire up. I am non inwards that flavor correct now! I am simply also tired!

8:10am Playtime together with acquire cook for the day! 

This is when I endeavor to squelch a shower inwards spell my 6-year-old plays amongst the toddler. I am an skillful at speed showering.

8:30am More driblet offs. 

I unremarkably pass most an hr inwards the auto this fourth dimension of morn dropping off at preschool together with kindergarten since neither direct hold a carpool work together with I walk the kids upwardly to the classroom door. My toddler loves proverb hullo to all of the teachers together with wandering unopen to the playgrounds. She loves to sneak into the classrooms too! She thinks it should last her plow to become to preschool already! This is a keen fourth dimension to practise skills amongst her similar waving, proverb "hi," giving high fives, together with blowing kisses!

10:00am Toddler playtime, laundry, cleaning the kitchen... together with sometimes the toddler takes a super brusk nap.

This hr of the morn is my FAVORITE fourth dimension to lucifer inwards toddler activities because it is simply me together with my sixteen calendar month quondam together with I tin plow over her all of my attention. Sometimes these activities are simply for fun together with sometimes I accept photos of them to spot on the weblog or purpose for sponsored campaigns. Sometimes nosotros purpose this fourth dimension to do several activities, peculiarly when I am planning curriculum for our Virtual Book Club for Kids Summer Camp together with I am making printable instructions.

Often in that place is no fourth dimension to do anything except run a charge of laundry, crimp it, together with spot it away. My toddler loves to fountain inwards my laundry piles together with brand large messes. She also loves to follow me unopen to to the other large kid's rooms together with destroy their LEGO creations. ;) If I am non doing laundry, nosotros sometimes tackle some other abode arrangement projection OR nosotros become running together with I force my picayune 1 inwards the jogger.

Here are a few favorite morn activities when nosotros tin lucifer them in:

drip driblet auto wash
bug sensory bin
painting inwards a box
making ramps
icon amongst trucks/cars

11:15am Pick ups starting fourth dimension 1 time again together with I direct hold some other hr inwards the car!

My toddler is pretty patient inwards the car. She hates my music, thus I do a lot of "what does the moo-cow say?... moo!" sort of things spell nosotros drive. She loves beast sounds! I also simply chat at her. I also ever convey a few books together with some snacks for spell nosotros are running unopen to thus she has something to do. She mostly likes to throw the books out of her carseat, but sometimes I grab her looking at them.

1:00pm Lunch for my iii littlest kids together with naptime for my toddler. 

During naptime I acquire solid materials done together with my preschooler together with kindergartener direct hold quiet time. Sometimes they sentinel a present if I direct hold deadlines together with demand to acquire go done (for the blog) together with I demand some un-interrupted peace together with quiet.

2:30/3:00pm Homework time, snack time, together with playtime.

This fourth dimension of twenty-four hr stream tin last crazy 1 time all 4 kids are home. During this fourth dimension of twenty-four hr stream I volition ofttimes seek together with spot together an open-ended fine art or scientific discipline action that ALL of my kids tin participate in! Open ended procedure fine art together with scientific discipline activities are keen connecting activities, peculiarly at the halt of a busy day. When my 2 biggest kids are doing their homework together with thus I volition sometimes line out simple sensory activities for my toddler together with preschooler for their "homework."

'They also honey using stamps together with point markers to brand colors on easel newspaper or newspaper scraps.

Sometimes I shipping my preschooler off to play his favorite apps (like ABC Mouse, Reading Eggs, or Monkey Preschool) spell I plow over some attending to the kids doing homework.

Usually the toddler gets to hang out inwards her high chair eating snacks together with making a giant mess!

I honey it when nosotros tin lucifer a commons trip inwards before dinner or caput exterior to ride bikes before it gets dark!

My toddler loves using her favorite ride-on together with force toys to roam our cul-de-sac together with acquire some spot out energy out.

5:30pm Make dinner!

During dinner prep, the large kids play inwards the backyard or simply roam the house. Often they brand giant messes at our kitchen tabular array amongst markers, stickers, paper, together with glue. My toddler likes to roam the kitchen together with line things out of cupboards together with drawers.

I volition sometimes line out a few independent activities for her spell I prep dinner.

This lid driblet activity is 1 of her favorites.

If everyone is totally crazy together with thus I spot on a Netflix present for the large kids together with I'll permit the toddler sentinel quondam Baby Einstein episodes on YouTube on my computer. She loves them!

6:00pm Dinner time!

I am non a fancy chef. We direct hold genuinely basic simple dinners to proceed things easy. Dinner prep unremarkably takes less than thirty minutes unless I've spot something inwards the crockpot that morning.

Here are a few of our favorite chief dishes that all of my kids love:

  • Build your ain burritos
  • Pizza black (all types- frozen, pizza bagels, brand your ain pizzas, english muffin pizzas, etc)
  • Spaghetti amongst meatballs
  • Hawaiian haystacks
  • Mexican Manicotti
  • Taco soup
  • Grilled cheese together with soup
  • Lasagna
  • Breakfast for dinner (pancakes/waffles)

Like I said... super easy. If I am going to brand to a greater extent than fourth dimension consuming meals, I brand them on Sundays. During the calendar week in that place simply isn't time. Sometimes my hubby makes it abode for dinner together with it is extra exciting.

We honey to purpose our conversation strips to brand dinner to a greater extent than interesting. The toddler doesn't participate also much at the moment, but nosotros seek together with involve her anyway! Her favorite is when nosotros brand our favorite beast sounds.

Often inwards the evenings I am running kids to piano, cub scouts, sports classes or practices equally well! I honey when nosotros are off flavor together with don't direct hold to worry most those!

6:30pm Clean up, books, together with baths!

We endeavor to construct clean upwardly the solid after dinner most nights. My toddler loves listening to me sing the construct clean upwardly vocal spell she helps me spot the toys away inwards her room. Taking fourth dimension to read books together after dinner is some other 1 of my favorite things. Sometimes I volition fifty-fifty read books to the kids during dinner! Some nights in that place isn't fourth dimension for anything, but it is awesome when it happens!

7:15pm Get cook for bed!

I don't know most your house, but at our solid getting cook for bed takes forever. We starting fourth dimension at 7:15 (sometimes earlier), thus that I volition direct hold everyone inwards their rooms on the agency to dreamland yesteryear 8pm. It is rare that that genuinely happens lately... but when it does, it is dreamy.

We brush teeth, acquire dressed, read scriptures together equally a household unit of measurement each black together with say prayers. My 2 large kids participate to a greater extent than than the littler ones, but my toddler roams unopen to together with loves to sit down on my lap spell nosotros read scriptures.

She unremarkably hits the sack unopen to 7:45/8:00pm lately together with and thus I caput off to my other kid's rooms to do my favorite bedtime tradition. With his go schedule lately, my hubby is exclusively abode a few nights a week, thus things ever motion a lot to a greater extent than like shooting fish in a barrel when he is gone!

8:00pm Lights out!

I similar to tell my kids that mom is off-duty after 8pm. That is my fourth dimension to grab upwardly on emails, goal cleaning the kitchen, sentinel a TV present if I want, together with unremarkably acquire weblog go done. Most of my go happens betwixt 8pm-1am.

Often the kids põrnikas me until 9pm call for for drinks, extra tuck-ins, etc. Lately my hubby together with I direct hold been doing a workout video betwixt 8:30-9:30pm spell nosotros hold off for everyone to settle down. It is much less frustrating to me to halt a workout video than interrupt go emails or projects.

Then... nosotros starting fourth dimension the schedule all over 1 time again the adjacent day... ever amongst the goal that I volition wake upwardly before or acquire to bed afterwards or play amongst the kids to a greater extent than or last to a greater extent than organized... it is a constant go inwards progress!

Somedays nosotros simply commons it inwards front end of the TV amongst a process together with telephone outcry upwardly it a motion-picture present day. If I am under-slept or kids are sick together with thus I direct hold no work grabbing blankets together with cuddling spell watching Moana on repeat. Some twenty-four hr stream inwards the futurity I won't last getting upwardly viii times during the black to cuddle teething toddlers, plow over extra kisses together with spot sheets dorsum on the bed, or assist someone locate a missing stuffed doggie. When that fourth dimension comes, hopefully I'll last to a greater extent than productive together with organized! I tin dream, right?

Now that I've shared my schedule, I'd honey to hear yours! Is yours similar? Totally different? Make certain yous permit me know your kids/ages together with stages too! Schedules don't direct hold to last perfect, to last awesome... at to the lowest degree that is how I experience most mine.

Also, hither are five of my favorite things to do every twenty-four hr stream amongst my toddler to banking concern check out. These are simple ideas to squelch into whatsoever schedule.

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