
Happy Lego Minifigure Knock Downwardly Game

Anytime nosotros can't mean value of something to do, nosotros clit out our LEGO bricks in addition to commencement building. Sometimes nosotros endeavour LEGO challenges or play Feed the LEGO monsters too. Last summertime nosotros built a temporary LEGO wall inwards our menage unit of measurement room in addition to the kids persuasion it was thence cool to do together. 

This summertime nosotros are kicking off our 4th annual LEGO Week. Each summertime nosotros similar to get together together some of our favorite blogging friends in addition to do activities using our LEGO bricks. The activities that nosotros do are commonly for the toddler or preschool crowd, exactly in addition to thence some of our other friends come upward up amongst ideas for uncomplicated schoolhouse ages kids too. LEGO Week mightiness move my favorite calendar week of the summer! You tin depository fiscal establishment tally out previous LEGO Week activities HERE: 2014, 2015, in addition to 2016. We volition also move sharing some fun activities nosotros endeavour on Instagram stories, thence larn over in addition to follow us on Instagram! I'm at @kristinatoddlerapproved.

To larn started amongst LEGO Week nosotros are sharing a simple LEGO minifigure knock downward game using H2O guns. We dearest coming upward amongst cool ways to run on manus oculus coordination in addition to also move exterior in addition to playing amongst water! This knock downward game involves all of that! 


  • water gun
  • LEGO minifigures or DUPLO minifigures
  • container or tabular array to position the minifigures on
  • bucket of water


Collect all of your minifigures from around the house. Fill upward a few H2O guns in addition to and thence laid upward your minifigures on overstep of a container or minor table. Arrange them inwards whatever gild you lot want. 

Start spraying downward the minifigures in addition to meet how many you lot tin knock downward amongst i squirt! Then selection them dorsum upward again!

We had fun trying out a few dissimilar H2O guns to meet which type of H2O pressure level knocked the minifigures downward faster or slower. It was a groovy niggling experiment!

We also arranged the minifigures inwards dissimilar ways to meet if that impacted how apace they all roughshod down!

We did this action on repeat for awhile because it never seemed to larn old. I actually enjoyed jumping inwards in addition to trying it out too. 

If it is a hot day, wearing swim suits could Pb to a total fledged H2O struggle piece playing this, thence move prepared! Unfortunately the conditions inwards Northern California has been chilly for the by days thence nosotros weren't inwards a rush to larn completely soaked in addition to my kids stayed surprisingly dry! We are going to accept to endeavour this over again on a hotter day! 

Have you lot e'er tried target practise amongst your LEGO bricks or minifigures? If not, you'll desire to add together this to your "must try" listing this week.

All of our LEGO Week co-hosts volition move sharing additional fun activities today over on our LEGO Week Landing page. Make certain you lot popular over in that place in addition to depository fiscal establishment tally them out! The activities volition move updated daily all calendar week long.

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