
Happy Drip Drib Toddler Auto Wash

We kicked off our 10 days of elementary toddler play challenge with a super slow as well as moisture activeness that is ever a hitting at our house! 

We had a CAR WASH! This has been a favorite since my oldest was picayune (check out these pictures hither from our first automobile wash years ago!). It was as well as then fun to drive this activeness with my littlest as well as come across her having as well as then much fun!

You entirely need a few materials as well as H2O as well as it is fun to simply sit down nearby as well as sentinel kids play as well as explore!


  • Big plastic tub (or bathtub)
  • Cars/trucks (that tin dismiss become inwards water)
  • Squeezers as well as squirters (I peculiarly dearest turkey basters)
  • Cups & pitchers & mensuration cups for pouring  
  • Water!!


Toss all of the materials inwards the tub with unopen to H2O as well as allow the kids play! I similar to accept fourth dimension introducing each detail to my toddler as well as pedagogy her how it works. I also had my older kids deal me out a flake since my miss is ever to a greater extent than interested inwards copying them than me!

We splashed, squirted, poured, as well as drank! I teased over on Instagram (follow me at @kristinatoddlerapproved if you lot don't already) that this was my daughter's "drinking tub."

If you lot induce got a picayune i learning to purpose cups, this is a elementary means to practice! My miss loved sipping using her cups as well as it wasn't a large bargain if she spilled it all over since she was inwards H2O already.

Eventually my preschooler jumped inwards the tub besides as well as had fun squirting the cars amongst my daughter. Although this activeness could also live done inwards the bathtub, at that spot is something extra fun most doing it correct inwards the middle of the kitchen!

Have you lot ever tried a automobile launder with your kids before?

We dearest doing this exterior with our large ride on toys as well as also using spray bottles to launder our minivan too! There are as well as then many fun ways to play with water- hither are 20 H2O play ideas for toddlers!

Do you lot induce got whatever other favorite H2O play activities?

Check out our 10 Days of Simple Toddler Activities Challenge landing page HERE to come across what nosotros are upwardly to next!

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