
Happy Drib As Well As Dump Toddler Hat Activity

We made it through v DAYS OF TODDLER ACTIVITIES equally purpose of our 10 Days of Toddler Activities Challenge in addition to I am having in addition to then much fun! My missy is too... in addition to I've truly come upwardly up amongst in addition to then many to a greater extent than activeness ideas for my preschooler piece we've been having fun amongst my toddler! You tin follow along amongst me on Instagram (I'm @kristinatoddlerapproved) to run across the materials you'll postulate in addition to activities equally they are shared! I'm updating our landing page each solar daytime equally well!

Today's activeness is the simplest ever, but it was in addition to then fun in addition to proceed her occupied in addition to exploring for a long time! We did a Drop & Dump Toddler Activity using lids!

For this activeness yous but postulate 2 things!


  • lids
  • big tupperwares
I collect all sorts of lids in addition to proceed them inward a huge container that nosotros describe out i time again in addition to again. My favorite lids are play-doh container lids in addition to babe nutrient jounce lids. I solely truly proceed large lids, since I give-up the ghost worried amongst the pocket-size lids that my toddler powerfulness choke on them in addition to I similar to proceed them inward an slow to describe out container for every solar daytime play.

To outset off, she but transferred the lids from i tupperware to the other tupperware.

She loved hearing the audio of the lids driblet into the tupperware in addition to brand a loud thud sound.

She also loved dumping out the lids i time again in addition to i time again in addition to stacking the tupperware together. She stance it was in addition to then funny to conduct maintain to convey them to me to carve upwardly i time again in addition to i time again in addition to again.

Easy Peasy toddler activities are ever my favorite! If you've missed whatsoever of our other activities this week, banking enterprise gibe them out below.

Don't forget to follow along amongst our 10 Days of Toddler Activities in addition to bring together me over on Instagram. I am @kristinatoddlerapproved.

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