
Happy Brand Your Ain Dream Big Princess Wishing Wands

With the arrival of each novel year, I uncovering myself making a few novel goals, resolving to change, too hoping to brand the novel twelvemonth fifty-fifty ameliorate than the last. As a menage unit of measurement nosotros similar to acquire together too convey a menage unit of measurement coming together where nosotros percentage our dreams for the twelvemonth too and then brainstorm how nosotros are going to plough over them. 

I am excited to partner alongside Disney to percentage some of our large dreams too tell yous nearly the uncomplicated wishing wands we've made to assist us think them.

As a piffling miss I had a lot of large dreams. I loved to perform on phase too sing. When my twin sis too I were ten-years-old nosotros created our real ain children's birthday political party company. We made advertisements that explained how nosotros could come upwards too perform favorite princess stories at birthday parties too assist facilitate the political party fun. For 1 of our favorite parties nosotros performed Beauty too the Beast too fifty-fifty sang several of the musical numbers. It was therefore fun!

My parents never thought our ideas were light-headed too they ever made us mean value that nosotros could exercise anything. Their constant encouragement reminds me of 1 of my favorite quotes that says, "All our dreams tin come upwards truthful if nosotros convey the courage to pursue them." (source Unknown)

With my ain kids I endeavor too encourage them to dream large too endeavor novel things. Often nosotros are inspired yesteryear the movies that nosotros sentinel along alongside some of the stories that nosotros read.

My oldest miss loves Princess Merida from the pic Brave. Merida is diligent, never gives up, too does difficult things. As my miss has moved into kindergarten this twelvemonth at a novel schoolhouse alongside novel friends, we've talked nearly bravery too doing difficult things... fifty-fifty when sometimes nosotros don't desire to exercise them. 

One large dream I convey for my kids this twelvemonth is that they volition larn to exercise difficult things. It is 1 affair to verbalize nearly them... too some other to exercise them.

Life isn't all fun too games too persevering too doing difficult things builds grapheme too self esteem. One of the ways that I encourage my kids to exercise difficult things is yesteryear exposing them to novel activities too novel situations. This wintertime my 2 oldest kids were invited to sing solos at a wintertime concert. We proficient each day, got our costumes ready, too carefully prepared for their performance. On the nighttime of their exhibit they both sang beautifully too remembered their parts. They performed on phase for a packed audience too because they prepared therefore well, they felt confident. They were therefore proud of themselves too I was impressed alongside their bravery.

Another large dream I convey for my kids this twelvemonth is that they volition brand novel friends.

It is real slow to acquire stuck inwards a fashion where yous play alongside the same few friends over too over again. This is particularly slow when yous alive inwards a little town similar nosotros do. One agency that nosotros focus on making novel friends is yesteryear getting involved inwards sports too extra-curricular schoolhouse activities. We purposely signed upwards alongside a Girl Scout troop where nosotros knew real few of the girls therefore that nosotros could expand our circle of friends. We too joined a soccer squad that no 1 from our neighborhood was on. Jumping into these situations required my miss too I to verbalize to novel people too brand novel friends. We convey too been going through the shape listing at schoolhouse too inviting new-to-me kids over for playdates. Hopefully yesteryear the halt of the schoolhouse twelvemonth nosotros volition convey had several novel friends over to play! Just similar Snow White made friends alongside the Seven dwarfs, nosotros convey had fun making friends alongside novel people nosotros meet!

Do yous convey whatever large dreams for your kids this year? Do they convey whatever large dreams for themselves?

One agency that nosotros similar to continue rail of our dreams too goals is yesteryear writing them down! Making uncomplicated wishing wands too and then writing our large dreams on the front end or dorsum is a fun agency to tape what nosotros are upwards to.

Recently nosotros made Snowflake wishing wands too Sparkly Star wishing wands. Both are actually easy. We used a Sharpie or pen to write our large dreams on the wishing wands earlier nosotros started creating. Check out the brief instructions below to brand your ain wishing wands.


Materials: wooden snowflakes, hot mucilage gun, jewels, tacky glue, paint, wooden dowel, ribbon.

Directions: To brand these snowflake wishing wands I hot glued the snowflakes to the dowel rods. Then the kids painted the wands too used tacky mucilage to add together jewels too sequins. Once nosotros were done they tied a ribbon to a greater extent than or less the wands too they wrote their large dreams for the twelvemonth on the back!


Materials: cardstock stars alongside centers cutting out, clear contact paper, ribbon, markers, tape, sparkles (jewels, jems, etc.)

Directions: We followed the wishing star tutorial from Nurturestore over at Babycenter. I made some of these alongside my nieces too my ain kids. They turned our beautifully!               

Do yous convey whatever special ways that yous tape your wishes too dreams for the novel year? I would honey to listen nearly them!

As your kids determine on their wishes too dreams, banking concern check out the Dream Big Princess site, Facebook page, or Instagram too reckon which Disney princess values inspire them. We had the hardest fourth dimension choosing because they are all therefore awesome. I can't expression to reckon what your kids pick!

This post service is sponsored yesteryear Disney. All opinions are my own.

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