
Pessimism On Global Increment Reaches November 2008 Levels; Is It Justified?

The WSJ reported this forenoon that, quoting BoAML data, "fund managers are the most pessimistic they receive got been on global growth since Nov 2008".

Now I uncovering this real interesting. Global markets were a solar daytime agone downward to a greater extent than than 6% MTD, too exterior of the US, markets receive got been pummelled this twelvemonth across EM (emerging markets) too Europe. Investors receive got been gripped past times merchandise state of war fears, rising small too long rates inward the U.S. amongst tightening Fed policy, a rallying USD (harming EM, too creating fears about USD-denominated indebtedness inward some of these nations), equally good equally rising nationalist politics inward countries such equally Italy. This has created a pervasive sense of malaise, too sent markets into a tailspin.

I've written inward the past times well-nigh how heightened emotion corrodes peoples' powerfulness to intend rationally, too for many marketplace participants, seeing their portfolios drib past times 6% inward a thing of weeks tin shipping away trigger all kinds of self-preservationary human instincts that completely undermine rational thinking. Now I'm non going to pretend I receive got a crystal ball - I don't - too in that location are a lot of risks out there, equally in that location ever are. But what tin shipping away live done is to receive got a deep breath too a stair dorsum too consider some of the known facts equally dispassionately equally possible, too when i does so, it appears to me that investors are reacting inward a similar agency to RBS's hysterical telephone phone inward Feb 2016 to 'sell everything' - almost just at the bottom, earlier a catamenia of 'synchronized global growth' all of a abrupt developed, too global markets rallied real significantly throughout the residual of 2016, until Jan 2018.

First, some context. In Nov 2008, the the world was existence gripped past times i of the worst financial crises since the Great Depression, too economies throughout the developed the world were inward gratis fall. Many large financial institutions either failed or were at jeopardy of failing. Uncertainty reigned equally a 'regime change' occurred inward investors' agreement of credit cycles, equally the Fed's 'great moderation' dictum, which markets had bought into, was proven startlingly naive too ignorant. Oil prices had plunged 75% inward a thing of months. China's economic scheme was sharply slowing too commodity prices collapsing, too people didn't know what mightiness occur. And massive inter-European imbalances were inward the early on stages of creating what would afterwards larn a European sovereign debt crisis, too a veritable depression inward many Southern European countries, such equally Greece, Spain, too Italy.

So how does today's reality compare to that? Firstly, on whatsoever objective metric, the U.S. economic scheme is booming. There is such visceral hate of Trump that people are non prepared to await objectively at the actual economical outcomes of his policies, which are focused on boosting U.S. competitiveness (corporate taxation cuts, tariffs, too deregulation), too improving the bargaining powerfulness of labour (immigration policy, too policies to back upwards domestic manufacturing).

Record levels of undertaking creation currently exists; median existent reward receive got started to ascension for the kickoff fourth dimension inward 4 decades; corporate profitability is booming; too official unemployment continues to plumb novel lows (albeit 'extended' unemployment measures which accommodate for depression labour forcefulness participation, nonetheless peg unemployment at closer to 8%, providing ample room for farther gains). Robust (potentially besides robust) financial stimulus is existence supported past times incipient manufacturing repatriation, a booming shale fossil oil too gas patch equally fossil oil prices breach US$80/bbl (Brent), too the US's powerhouse of a tech manufacture continues to deliver robust growth too innovation. I've said it earlier too I'll say it again: the top dog jeopardy with observe to U.S. growth at acquaint is overheating, non a trade-induced recession.

Meanwhile, pervasive bearishness similar a shot exists on the outlook for the Chinese economy, equally merchandise state of war rhetoric has pervaded the financial news, piece the Chinese economic scheme has also slowed this year, after a catamenia of pregnant acceleration during 2016-17. However, perceptions of PRC receive got non kept stair with reality. PRC is nonetheless perceived past times many equally existence but a mercantilist exporter to the US. That was much to a greater extent than the instance 10-20 years ago, but PRC has changed a lot over the past times decade. Its sources of growth receive got diversified; exports receive got larn less important; too its electrical flow delineate concern human relationship surplus has significantly shrunk, from inward excess of 10% inward 2007, to roughly 0% today.

Chinese exports-to-GDP are well-nigh 20%, too alone well-nigh 20% of those exports drib dead to the US, too so US-exports-to-Chinese-GDP are alone well-nigh 4%. Furthermore, this 4% also includes the total nominal value of exports with relatively depression 'value added' part (e.g. smartphone assembly).* The the world is less unipolar similar a shot than it was 10-20 years agone - the US's part of global gross domestic product has continued to shrink, too this has resulted inward China's export markets continuing to diversify. This tendency volition alone growth inward time.

China's growth has also pivoted over the past times decade to existence driven less past times exports, too to a greater extent than past times domestic investment too (now) rising consumption, reducing its singular reliance on manufactured exports to drive growth (indeed depression value manufacturing has been migrating to nations such equally Vietnam for some fourth dimension now, which are increasingly competitive equally Chinese labour costs rise). Instead, a large usage of China's YTD slowdown reflects deliberate policy measures to curtail credit growth too reign inward credit excesses (including measures, for instance, to convey shadow lending dorsum onto banking concern residual sheets, too reign inward local authorities borrowings). This slowdown is hence deliberate too self-inflicted (albeit credit curtailment was required at some stage).

Little discussed is the fact that China's credit growth has decelerated sharply over the past times five years to levels that are similar a shot at alone roughly 1x nominal gross domestic product (i.e. 'sustainable', yielding stable debt-to-GDP ratios). In reply to both the recent economical slowdown, coupled with U.S. merchandise measures, the Chines authorities receive got in i lawsuit once to a greater extent than begun to stimulate, too this is probable to back upwards fixed property investment too commodity prices inward the small to medium term. This is maybe why atomic number 26 ore prices receive got risen 20% over the past times few months, piece other commodity prices receive got also held upwards reasonably well, despite the ease of the investment community busily preparing for armageddon.

PRC remains i of the largest structural growth stories of our generation. There are risks, of course of study - especially on the demand side - but the solid ground is doing everything right from a supply-side perspective to boost productivity to an extent that volition probable allow the solid ground to eventually accomplish developed-world levels of productivity. Furthermore, equally a solid ground with a long-standing historical electrical flow delineate concern human relationship surplus, the country's growth too rising debt levels receive got been largely 'internally funded', piece the province controls the banking/financial system. This makes an uncoordinated credit crunch/liquidity cease upwards vastly less probable than either inward the U.S. GFC, or inward emerging marketplace residual of payment crises experienced past times countries such equally Republic of Indonesia during the Asian Financial Crisis.

With the solid ground similar a shot stimulating, in that location is truly a reasonable adventure PRC speeds upwards from here, too if it does, this volition also provide back upwards for commodity prices, which volition aid the growth outlook too electrical flow accounts of commodity-producing emerging markets such equally Indonesia, Brazil, too South Africa. Furthermore, countries similar Bharat rest on a robust structural growth path, aided past times reform too growth off real depression levels of GDP-per-capita, piece China's "One Belt, One Road" policy also promises to drib dead along to back upwards accelerate infrastructure evolution (with associated funding) inward many emerging markets, from Central Asia to Africa.

Next, what well-nigh the fact that fossil oil prices are similar a shot to a higher house US$80/bbl? In early on 2016, everyone was worried plummeting fossil oil prices, which reached almost US$25/bbl, were going to hammer global growth, equally O&G manufacture investment was curtailed, too the many oil-producing emerging markets inward the the world suffered severe budgetary pressures. By the same logic too for the same reasons, rising fossil oil prices ought to live a pregnant global economical stimulus. Countries equally various equally Russia, Nigeria, the various Gulf States, Norway, too Republic of Kazakhstan (and dare I say it, Venezuela), are going to relish a huge economical stimulus from the recent 60% surge inward fossil oil prices vs. 2017 levels. This is seldom discussed.

And what well-nigh Europe? Far from existence belatedly cycle, Europe is nonetheless inward the relatively early on stages of a recovery from a deep, deep downturn. It has taken a decade, but the continent has, for the most part, largely eliminated the major imbalances that plagued the Bloc inward the aftermath of the GFC, too after a extremely challenging decade, is live on starting to exhibit signs of sustainable growth. The Euro surface area similar a shot enjoys a 2.5% electrical flow delineate concern human relationship surplus, which volition probable ascension farther on delineate concern human relationship of recent Euro weakness, piece many peripheral European states are also similar a shot reporting electrical flow delineate concern human relationship surpluses (Italy has a electrical flow delineate concern human relationship surplus of 2.8%, too Greece's electrical flow delineate concern human relationship is also roughly inward balance, downward from a peak deficit of 15%). Government deficits inward peripheral states receive got also been reduced, with fifty-fifty Hellenic Republic similar a shot running a 3.5% of gross domestic product primary surplus (before involvement payments). Unit labour cost differentials betwixt Northern too Southern Europe receive got also been largely corrected.

This is resulting inward unemployment rates continuing to tendency downward across the continent, too especially inward the South. Greece, for instance, is similar a shot growing past times 2%, equally it live on emerges from a decade long depression. Unemployment has fallen from 27% to 18%, holding prices are rising, too banking organization bad debt formation is negative. In short, the outlook for Western Europe is arguably equally strong equally it has been inward over a decade.

Meanwhile, many Eastern European too CIS economies are growing real strongly, equally they encompass gratis marketplace policies too reform, too prepare off real depression bases of GDP-per-capita. Economies such equally Georgia are similar a shot ranked inside the top 10 nations inward the the world inward terms of ease of doing delineate concern too corruption, too yet has a gross domestic product per capita nonetheless inward the US$4-5k surface area (growing at 5%). There is a long agency to drib dead inward many of these flourishing economies.

What well-nigh rising right-wing nationalism inward Europe? While this contains some risks - especially long term - at this phase it but reflects, for the most part, a force dorsum against uncontrolled migration, which is a policy give-and-take that needed to hap at some stage, but which Brussels refused to entertain. Italy's Matteo Salvini has been quite clear that he does non desire to leave of absence either the European Union or the Euro, but but to reform it from within, too larn inward to a greater extent than democratically accountable to fellow member nations who experience the legitimate concerns of their citizens are existence ignored. With anti-immigrant sentiment similar a shot also rising inward countries similar Germany, a resolution on this number seems quite likely. Recent ructions inward bond too stock markets inward places similar Italia also reverberate them pushing for more fiscal stimulus, too an destination to a decade of Brussels-mandated austerity - policies that inward the ordinary course of study would truly live good for small term growth (albeit at the cost of greater risks to authorities debt sustainability long term). Savlini's policies truly receive got a lot inward mutual with Trump's policies, which receive got been skilful for U.S. growth.

What well-nigh basket-case economies such equally Turkey? The Lira has already recovered some 25% from its lows, which were striking on the exact solar daytime I wrote an spider web log article contestation a capitulation signal may receive got been reached. Turkish banking concern part prices receive got already rebounded to a greater extent than than 50% from their lows inward USD. Turkey has non alone raised small rates to equally high equally 24%, but has similar a shot moved to a minor electrical flow delineate concern human relationship surplus (from a 6% deficit), equally imports receive got fallen too exports surged next real pregnant existent currency depreciation, just equally textbook economic science would advise would happen. Growth has already sharply decelerated but is likely non besides far from bottoming, equally the bulk of the necessary adjustments to external imbalances receive got similar a shot already been forced past times markets. It seems silly, to me, to worry well-nigh the Fed hiking from 2% to 3%, when small rates inward Turkey are already 24%. The Turkish economic scheme is already feeling the touching of extremely tight monetary policy.

There are some exceptions to the relatively upbeat outlook. I am bearish on the outlook for the Australian, Canadian, too NZ economies, which appear real belatedly bike too where growth has been supported inward recent years past times housing too credit bubbles which appear to similar a shot live rolling over. At worst, in that location could live financial crises inward these countries. However, they are non of a pregnant size to the global economy. I also believe in that location is currently a bubble inward private-market/VC funded tech, which volition probable flare-up at some phase too striking investment too jobs inward the Valley (and elsewhere).

The outlook for the United Kingdom of Great Britain too Northern Ireland of Britain too Northern Republic of Ireland is also questionable - I tend to intend that because the EU/EC wants to brand an representative out of the UK, it has every incentive to frustrate negotiations too forcefulness 'hard' Brexit onto the UK. However, the touching volition likely live significantly mitigated past times a sharply-weaker Pound, equally has already been the instance to date.

In short, I don't come across much justified motion for pervasive doom too gloom, allow lone believing the outlook is equally bad equally it was inward Nov 2008 (a non bad fourth dimension to purchase stocks, incidentally). This does non hateful in that location are non of import risks - in that location ever are inward markets. The U.S. could seriously overheat, resulting inward galloping inflation too the demand for the Fed to tighten drastically. That would live a disaster for many economies too property prices (although far from all - high electrical flow delineate concern human relationship surplus countries should nonetheless exercise good - Europe should live fairly good insulated, equally would live economies similar Russian Federation too China). However, in that location are also many to a greater extent than benign scenarios, i of which would live a repeat of the huge 2016-17 relief rally postal service the 2015-early 2016 sell-off on global growth fears, equally merchandise state of war fears ease too investors react to evidence the global economic scheme is truly speeding up.

Time volition tell. Definitive predictions are impossible, too risks sure exist. But inward my opinion, people are letting their emotions coloring what should live a to a greater extent than rational assessment of the probabilities of various outcomes, too the thought that the outlook is similar a shot fifty-fifty remotely equally bad equally it was inward Nov 2008 is completely ludicrous. This, inward turn, suggests that in that location is similar a shot a pregnant gap betwixt sentiment too reality, which suggests that similar a shot is probable a reasonably skilful fourth dimension to buy. To live sure, property prices mightiness underperform economical growth if involvement rates drib dead along to ascension - especially inward markets such equally the U.S. that are relatively expensive, but that's a unlike issue, too in that location are also large parts of global markets (such equally HK/China, too Russia) which are startlingly cheap. It's a skilful fourth dimension to live investing, too a global, opportunistic value-oriented stock picker, inward my opinion.


*I highly recommend Platinum Asset Management's 3Q18 investor commentary, for a farther give-and-take of this number (see CIO Andrew Clifford's letter). I receive got long considered all of Platinum's investment literature a 'must read'. 

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