
Update How To Disable Copy Paste on Blogger

If you wanted to prevent your blog posts from unauthorized use, you must disable Copy and Paste option. Here is a simple script that will disable copy and paste text words from your blog.

Step 1 : Login to your blog and select the blog which you wanted to disable copy and paste.
Step 2 : Go to Layout 
Step 3 : Select Add a Gadget from any gadget

Step 4 : Select HTML/Java Script gadget from the list

Step 5 : Download or Copy Script  and Paste to the Content space

Step 5 : Save. Steps Finished.

If you enable Mobile View; it is better to disable copy and paste from mobile browser also

How to Disable Copy and Paste on Mobile Browser

Step 1 : In Step 5 look at end of the URL for Widget ID. (eg. HTML1)

Step 2 : Go to Template and select Edit HTML

Step 3 : Click Jump to widget and select the widget ID (eg. HTML1)

Step 4 : Type mobile='yes' and Save template

Step 5 : Finish. Now copy and paste is disables on your entire blog.

Sumber http://keralacitizendiary.blogspot.com

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