
Motivated Reasoning As Well As The Origin Displace Of Intellectual Intolerance

To anyone who has been paying attending to issues of gratis vocalisation communication too radical liberalism inwards places such equally the USA (and increasingly inwards most Western countries) - specially on USA college campuses - an intriguing too troubling tendency has locomote increasingly evident inwards recent years, to an extent I conduct keep hitherto struggled to fully understand. Acrimonious too often fierce opposition (particularly at the hands of the ironically-named ANTIFA - an 'anti-fascist' activist grouping happy to exercise fascist agency to back upwardly their cause) to many conservative viewpoints seeking to counter the liberal consensus, has institute expression, with speakers often beingness forcibly de-platformed.

It has also resulted inwards many of these speakers, whose ranks include Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan Peterson; Ben Shapiro; Charles Murray; Steve Pinker; too James Damore (who was fired past times Google because of his views - something I conduct keep blogged about inwards the past), to advert but a few, beingness oft labelled 'alt-right' or fifty-fifty neo-Nazi (something Ben Shapiro has lately been called, despite the fact that he is Jewish).

Proponents of gratis vocalisation communication debate that various or dissenting views should last tolerated, if non encouraged. However, opponents debate that gratis vocalisation communication does non extend to 'hate speech', too they debate that these speakers are doing footling to a greater extent than than stirring upwardly hate, prejudice, too racism. Because these speakers are believed to last mostly merchants of hate, opponents experience non solely entitled to forcibly de-platform them - fifty-fifty through fierce agency - but also experience noble inwards doing so.

To the extent they were right inwards their premise that these speakers are engaging inwards neo-Nazi 'hate speech', that seat would last somewhat understandable; I'm a fervent supporter of gratis speech, but fifty-fifty I'm non sure enough I would last comfortable with something similar a convention denying the holocaust beingness allowed to convey place; gratis vocalisation communication arguably does conduct keep some limits. However, I conduct keep listened to/read the plant of the putative alt-right neo-Nazis listed above, too although I produce non uniformally concur with everything they say, they are real very far from pushing whatever alt-right or intend ideology, inwards my interpretation.

Indeed, inwards most cases, they are doing footling to a greater extent than than presenting data-driven viewpoints that are often accepted equally well-supported perspectives inwards the hard scientific discipline departments (especially biology, genetics, too evopsyche), so I conduct keep been somewhat bemused past times the vitriol many conduct keep received, too felt grave injustices were beingness done to these folks' reputations (Peterson, on concern human relationship of his eloquence too charisma, has managed to prevail over a lot of the rebuke; other folks such equally Murray too Damore conduct keep been less fortunate). You may disagree with them, but calling them Nazis? And why does no 1 ever answer to their actual arguments? I simply couldn't empathize it.

However, a penny lately dropped close the origins of this visceral opposition when I was listening to a Sam Harris podcast (I highly recommend Sam Harris' 'Waking Up' podcast) with a sometime (and reformed) white supremacist Christian Picciolini, who forthwith campaigns against the movement. The epiphany came when Christian started labeling many of the to a higher house folk - including James Damore - equally alt-right equally good - a seat that is fairly clearly simulated from what I conduct keep read/seen of Damore. When I realised why he was making this mistake, the source of the left's intolerance became a lot clearer.

It seems to me that the telephone substitution number is this: The vast bulk of the footing engages inwards what is perchance best described equally 'motivated reasoning'. With motivated reasoning, people pick a decision outset - mostly 1 they would similar to last true; 1 that is emotionally gratifying; and/or 1 that is intuitively appealing, too so later observe reasons to justify that comfortable conclusion. Conclusions are similar 'teams' - you lot pick your team, based on what you lot would similar to last truthful too what you lot would similar to believe, too so you lot locomote to bat for that team. It's a flake similar advocacy inwards a courtroom room - you lot travail to win your instance for your client, rather than create upwardly one's withdraw heed what is objectively true. This procedure is to a large extent subconscious, too occurs because most people are unable or unwilling to engage inwards 'meta-cognition', where they empathize too right for their ain cognitive biases/fallibility.

This approach is also encouraged past times various post-modernist too social constructionist ideas that are forthwith rampant inwards liberal academic circles, that claim that truth is mostly relative too a affair of opinion, rather than based on whatever split upwardly of objective truth, too that outcomes inwards our guild are mostly dictated past times social construction/culture rather than biological scientific discipline (e.g. the fact that women soundless play a larger run inwards caring for infants is a societal alternative rather than biological). Because naught is objectively truthful too nosotros tin john chose to cook our guild withal nosotros desire to gratis of whatever biological constraints, 1 is thence justified inwards picking conclusions close how the footing is too ought to last that are inwards conformance with one's ideals (and personal interests).

One of the outcomes of this way of thinking is that it is natural to assume that everyone else you lot debate with is also engaging inwards motivated reasoning: i.e. that they conduct keep also picked their conclusions too 'team' outset because they desire those conclusions to last true, too are finding reasons to justify those conclusions for their ain ends. To this way of thinking, if you lot are advocating an thought rooted inwards biology, such equally James Damore's declaration that telephone substitution biological differences inwards sex preferences may partly concern human relationship for the over/under-representation of women inwards sure enough fields (such equally coding), so what you lot are genuinely heard to last maxim is the following: 'I desire it to last truthful that to a greater extent than men are skilful coders because I am a man, too I'm going to observe a bunch of arguments to justify my prejudice'. People don't hear (or care) close the arguments themselves. All they hear or run across is (putatively) veiled prejudice. They focus solely on the decision (ignoring the reasoning), too assume it is chosen out of convenience rather than equally an emergent trial of objective analysis.

Another instance would last if someone argued that the 'black lives matter' narrative is contradicted past times the information (black cops are genuinely statistically to a greater extent than probable to kill blacks than white cops; too constabulary killings of blacks are below what models would predict based on other inputs vs. other ethnicities), what the activist left hears is non the essence of the declaration itself, but the following: 'I don't believe inwards dark lives affair because I'm white too I don't attention close dark deaths; too I'm just going to throw upwardly some numbers to back upwardly that see because I desire it to last true'.

One of the reasons the waters acquire so muddy is that at that spot are also genuine alt-right/neo-Nazis out at that spot that do engage inwards motivated reasoning inwards just the same way that ANTIFA too other left fly activists produce (as noted, the bulk of the footing does - that's what the bulk of human beings look hard-wired to do). Genuine alt-right/neo-Nazi's also exercise motivated reasoning too are liable to also selectively select handgrip of - when too solely when convenient - whatever arguments they tin john observe to justify their racist ideologies, too those arguments sometimes include data-driven arguments made inwards skilful organized religious belief past times academics such equally Charles Murray for well-meaning reasons. When this happens, the views of these academics acquire misrepresented, politicised, too unfairly associated with alt-right perspectives, too these gratis thinkers' reputations too motivations are unjustly defamed. 

Christian (unwittingly) helped me to empathize these dynamics on the podcast when he (falsely) defendant people such equally James Damore of beingness 'alt-right'. He came from a footing where equally a white supremacist, they would select handgrip of whatever arguments suited their agenda - whether it last arguments around globalisation, immigration, or racial differences, with others. They didn't attention close whether these arguments were truthful - they solely cared close corralling whatever half-baked arguments they could observe that supported their intend ideology. To Christian's electrical flow mind, therefore, anyone making conservative arguments close limiting immigration/globalisation/trade, or pointing to gender/race differences must conduct keep an alt-right agenda, because to his mind, that is the solely plausible ground why such arguments would last made. (It also became clear that the pregnant of words such equally 'globalisation' carry/trigger real unlike connotations inwards the minds of some people to others, which tin john also produce footling other than promote important misunderstanding).

Unfortunately, what Christian is doing hither - which is symptomatic of the broader phenomenon of de-platforming referenced to a higher house - is egregiously conflating 2 unlike things: genuine data-driven insights that yield uncomfortable/counter-intuitive truths that counter liberal narratives, too the selective misuse of sure enough of these arguments for a motivated/politicised alt-right agenda.

Contrary to what Christian seems to believe, at that spot is genuinely some other real of import ground why people such equally Damore powerfulness seek to debate that genuine biological sex differences be - there may inwards fact last a potent declaration to last made borne of objective empirical information that they are true.

Some people (a much misunderstood minority, of which I count myself equally one) attention to a greater extent than close truth than what is pop or inwards their ain best interests, too some of those folk are brave plenty to last prepared to limited it. In other words, at that spot are a minority of people that do non engage inwards motivated reasoning. But because they are a minority, they are often misunderstood too conduct keep unsavory ulterior motives imputed to them that simply produce non exist, too this, I believe, is the root get of a lot of the unjustified criticism people such equally Damore conduct keep been suffering from. Ironically, it is genuinely people such equally Damore that conduct keep been the victims of genuine oppression, intolerance, too bigotry - the exact reverse of what is claimed.

The people most caught inwards the cross-fire at introduce are independent thinkers that engage inwards a scientific method of thinking (namely, where 1 sets aside preconceived notions; questions assumptions too beliefs constantly; collects too analyses representative data; too so lets the information betoken to the conclusion, which is accepted irrespective of what is wanted, needed, convenient, or intuitive), too who are also operating inwards fields of written report where outcomes/truths are sometimes uncomfortable too non inwards conformance with prevailing SJW (social judge warrior) political narratives. I am fortunate to operate inwards an surface area - stock marketplace investing - where beingness a contrarian, independent thinker pays, but others such equally Damore too Murray are non so fortunate. In the politicised domains inwards which they reside, beingness a contrarian - fifty-fifty if you're right - tin john acquire you lot fired too defamed.

The scientific method of thinking is hard too unnatural to most people. It requires a high storey of abstract too data-driven thinking (to uncover too admit counter-intuitive truths), rather than the narrative- too anecdote-driven thinking that comes to a greater extent than naturally to people; too it requires 1 to set aside preconceived notions too one's ain personal involvement inwards the higher pursuit of truth.

These are people of high integrity, too their views too opinions should last accorded the highest storey of honor too appreciation inwards guild when they beak of their findings. Instead, these people are increasingly beingness unfairly maligned because it is beingness assumed that the arguments they are making derive purely from an ideology/agenda, rather than objective data. And because a cherry-picking of some of their findings is sometimes misused past times the alt-right to advance their ideology/agenda, their motivations too personhood are beingness badly misrepresented.

This is non solely a existent injustice to people similar Peterson, Damore, Shapiro, too Charles Murray, but it also reflects a growing erosion of the primacy of science, reason, too evidence-based empiricism inwards our policymaking too populace dialogue. This is a existent problem. As a society, nosotros involve to acquire to conduct keep too assimilate inconvenient too uncomfortable truths if nosotros are to solve problems too brand the footing improve instead of worse. In monastic enjoin to solve a problem, you lot conduct keep to properly empathize it, too ideologically-driven rather than data-driven dialogue is a major obstruction to both.

What needs to change

In my opinion, 2 things involve to alter if nosotros are to improve our populace discourse. The outset is, nosotros involve to halt assuming that someone who is advocating a detail declaration is doing so just because they desire that decision to last true. What needs to last critiqued is not the motivation of the advocate, but the essence of the arguments themselves. Even if the the advocate is engaging inwards motivated reasoning, a debunking of that person's declaration needs to critique the essence of the arguments themselves, non the person. Motivations are irrelevant to truth. Fact-based discourse too debate is needed. Reasonable people tin john disagree on complex issues. That's fine. People involve non all handgrip the same view. But arguments need to last debated, non putative motivations, too nosotros involve to start habitually calling people out for attacking the individual rather than the argument.

The minute thing that needs to alter is at that spot needs to last a much broader recognition of the fact that many truths are deeply counter-intuitive. The fact that something feels true to you lot does non intend it is genuinely true. Once upon a time, it was intuitive that the footing was apartment - it seemed self-evidently so. The scientific method has been developed equally a counter to human beings' often-flawed intuitions: it demands to a greater extent than than mere belief/intuition, too instead insists on empirically testable information too falsifiable predictions. And it requires mental flexibility; a willingness to revise views inwards response to novel findings/data; too a recognition that reality is non ever equally nosotros would prefer it or inwards conformance with our ideals. Uncomfortable truths exist, too nosotros involve to last prepared to conduct keep them.

It is sometimes piece of cake to despair inwards the confront of the storey of folly nosotros witness inwards the world. However, surprising equally it may look inwards the confront of humanity's widespread psychological frailties too propensity for irrationality, the footing has genuinely been getting improve over time, too the forces of ground too empirical-based scientific discipline conduct keep mostly been winning (albeit piece of cake too painfully). Kuhn's "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions" spoke of how widespread denial too fierce opposition commonly precedes something beingness accepted equally self-evident truth. Human beings/societies, it seems, alter their minds slowly, but inwards gratis societies at least, they produce eventually alter their minds.

This legacy of progress cannot too should non last taken for granted, but it does render a counter to the despair 1 powerfulness otherwise succumb to. Bad ideas conduct keep been with humanity for fourth dimension immemorial, too yet courageous too intelligent people conduct keep successfully fought vested interests too the forces of motivated reasoning too irrationally for many centuries, too the footing is a improve house because of it. It is essential, however, that the establishment of gratis vocalisation communication last preserved. It behooves us to locomote along to this tradition, too acquire by for truth, justice, too the sustenance of hard-won civil liberties - most importantly of all liberty of vocalisation communication - the solely non-violent way to crunch bad ideas. The radical left has been winning many battles of late, but I am optimistic they volition eventually lose the war.


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